Ruth Beverley Gollick (1 Apr 1956 - 22 Sep 2017)

Donate in memory of
RuthBreast Cancer Now

£1,114.11 + Gift Aid of £131.25
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium (Main Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
9th Oct 2017
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In loving memory of Ruth Beverley Gollick who sadly passed away on 22nd September 2017.

Deborah Booth wrote

Kelly & Jack your Mum was exceptional in how she coped with her illness, raising money for breast cancer and never giving up to the disease. You both did so well organising the funeral you are a credit to her and the family xxx

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Richard Booth donated £30 in memory of Ruth
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Heather Guile donated £20 in memory of Ruth
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Offline donation: A Booth donated in memory of Ruth
Offline donation: Mr R T & Mrs P Booth donated in memory of Ruth
Offline donation: Laura Whalin donated in memory of Ruth
Offline donation: Catherine Read donated in memory of Ruth
Offline donation: Paul Holmes donated in memory of Ruth
Offline donation: Angie Donaldson donated in memory of Ruth
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Ruth
Offline donation: K & Mrs J Jones donated in memory of Ruth
Sue Loades donated in memory of Ruth
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Ian Perry is attending the funeral and the reception
Ian Perry wrote

I am proud to say that I gave Ruth probably her biggest work laugh ever with my 'Toulouse Lautrec' moment. We've often reminisced about it and I'm glad that I could give her that joyful moment a few years ago despite everything she was going through.

I'm also proud to have been able to be Ruth's on-call DJ for her many charity gigs, for a recent birthday do and to be able to do my bit for her in her memory. A brave, courageous lady who will forever in my thoughts. RIP Ruth. x

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Gemma Williams donated £10 in memory of Ruth

What a top women! Party on where ever you are xxxx lots of love to Her family xxx

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Carole Martin donated £10 in memory of Ruth
Lizzie Mayfield wrote

Will really miss you. So sorry we never got that girlie holiday. Rest in peace my dear friend

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Lizzie Mayfield donated £20 in memory of Ruth
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Offline donation: May donated in memory of Ruth
Michelle Melrose donated £40 in memory of Ruth

Rest In Peace RB x

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Hannah Moore donated £20 in memory of Ruth
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John Mitcheson donated £30 in memory of Ruth

I will always remember you as a beautiful person, inside and out. What a wonderful and brave woman you were!!

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John Mitcheson wrote

I will always remember you as a beautiful person, inside and out. What a wonderful and brave woman you were!!

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Susan Robinson wrote

In memory of Ruth Beverley Gollicka brave and strong lady fly now with the Angels xx

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Susan Robinson wrote

In memory of Ruth Beverley Gollicka brave and strong lady fly now with the Angels xx

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Geoffrey Page donated £20 in memory of Ruth

Ruth - Truly an inspiration to us all. You met your illness head on with dignity, bravery and humour. A big part of our girly nights out, you will be missed so very much. Love and thoughts to your wonderful supportive family. Geoff xx

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Geoffrey Page wrote

Ruth - always great fun on our girly nights out, you will be missed so very much. You met your illness head on with dignity, bravery and humour. Truly an inspiration to us all. Love and thoughts to your wonderful supportive family.

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Andrew Booth donated £20 in memory of Ruth

You are the bravest & most inspiring person I have know, you will be missed by all your family and friends, RIP Ruth
Andy, Wendy and family xxx

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Gill Storey donated £20 in memory of Ruth

I will treasure the memories of the fun times I had with you, Ruth Beverley, my former work colleague and very dear friend. A lovely, brave and truly inspirational lady. xx

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S Mayfield donated £20 in memory of Ruth
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