Eric Lane (2 Jan 1926 - 25 Aug 2017)

Donate in memory of
EricBritish Heart Foundation

£445.20 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Main Street Methodist Church Carlton Road Nottingham NG4 1EE
18th Sep 2017
Open map


In loving memory of Eric Lane who sadly passed away on 25th August 2017

Offline donation: KP Beddoes donated in memory of Eric
Offline donation: Mrs B Cross donated in memory of Eric
Offline donation: AA & MF Beastall donated in memory of Eric
Offline donation: Mrs J C Scott donated in memory of Eric
Offline donation: Grenville and Margaret Astill donated in memory of Eric
Offline donation: Mrs Margaret Bowler donated in memory of Eric
Offline donation: Eleanor donated in memory of Eric
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Eric