Helen Michelle Whittaker (3 Jan 1966 - 26 Jul 2017)

Donate in memory of
Helen MichelleScope

£43.80 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Congregation of Yahweh 27a Carlton Road Nottingham NG3 2DG
23rd Aug 2017
Open map

Redhill Cemetery Mansfield Road Redhill Nottingham NG5 8LS
23rd Aug 2017


In loving memory of Helen Michelle Whittaker who sadly passed away on 26th July 2017

Offline donation: From Helens Family donated in memory of Helen
Offline donation: From Helens Family donated in memory of Helen
Offline donation: Janice Thacker donated in memory of Helen
Offline donation: From Helens Family donated in memory of Helen
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Helen
Carmen Sherin wrote

A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in the hearts and minds of loved ones. May your memory live on dearest Helen, you will never be forgotten, Rest in Peace ?

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Carmen Sherin lit a candle
Sarah and Virgilio Timbol is attending the funeral and the reception
Jackie Tattersall lit a candle
Meg Turney lit a candle
Jane Hart is attending the funeral and the reception
Jane Hart lit a candle
Terry Boardman wrote

Fond memories of Helen during happier times. She was a lovely happy truly nice person, too young to be taken, may she rest in peace. Sending my thoughts to her family.
Terry X

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Ruth Swaby lit a candle
Sue Crossland lit a candle
Sue Crossland posted a picture
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Suzanne Thomson wrote

To my freind Helen 'H'. There are many peices of poetry and verses from the bible I could quote, and that would be fine, but I have the memories, the smile, the laughter. You had a wonderful laugh dear. I was suprised how much I will miss you as we hadn't seen each other for a while, I am just very sad 'H'....... 'many God hold you in his everlasting arms ( very tightly ) until we meet again. Hugs and kisses to Sandra, kirsty, Trevor,Mark and the rest of the family. All my love, always, suzannexxxx

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Gillian Hammond lit a candle
Gill Hammond wrote

Helen my beautiful friend, i cant begin to put into words how it feels knowing you have gone..i have been blessed to have known you....we started out on our nightshifts together 17 years ago we have gone through happy and sad times we have spoken for hours and put the world to rights on so many shifts... the times we have laughed and sang together will always have a special place in my heart .... You were a great friend caring and loyal and I will miss you always..rest in peace my beautiful friend, With love gill xx

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Sarah Timbol wrote

Meeting Helen changed my life, she introduced me to her friends and family, our families grew together, i went on to have Stephanie and later Helen had Mark..we travelled together through lifes ups and downs, mainly we chatted over a brew..each others therapy, we all need a friend like that. When my mum died I called Helen and cried down the phone..she came straight round with flowers and a shoulder to cry on. Helen offered us her hospitality one Christmas when we were moving house..fondly known as the hostess with the mostest. I miss knowing you are there even though years go by without seeing much of each other..you were always someone I could turn to. Rest in peace Helen..with love Sarah xx

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Hannah Boden posted a picture
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Hannah Boden wrote

Helen was in my life for 28 years, she was there for life's big moments, my hen do, my wedding, Olivers christening. I also worked with Helen at Scope. She was great with the clients, she always made them smile. Helen had a big heart and had a lot of love for everyone of her friends and family. She was generous and kind. R.I.P Helen. You will be missed. Condolences to your family. I'm sorry I can't attend the funeral. Xxx

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Hannah Boden lit a candle
Kerry Herculson wrote

Your laugh was always able to lighten the darkest of rooms. I will remember your smile and the kindness of your heart. I will miss you dear sweet lady. Till we see each other again kx

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  • Helen I will always have fond memories of you as a child You will always be in my heart Heaven has gained a beautiful angel R I P cousin

    Posted by Susan on 9/08/2017 Report abuse
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Hannah Boden wrote

I knew Helen for 28 years. She was friends with my mum from Arnold Methodist church originally. Helen had a big heart, and was generous and kind. She was the sort of friend you could call in a Crisis. She was in my life for life's big moments, my hen do, wedding and the christening of my Son Oliver. I had the pleasure of going to her baptism and her wedding to Trevor. We also worked together for 5 years at scope, she was brilliant with the clients and always put a smile on their faces with her singing. R.I.P Helen you will be missed. Condolences to Her family x

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sara tuckwood lit a candle
Kirsty Tuckwood posted a picture
My Beautiful Mum xXx

My Beautiful Mum xXx

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Kerry Herculson lit a candle
Kirsty Tuckwood lit a candle