Bernard Thomas SHEERAN (3 Mar 1953 - 5 Jul 2017)

Funeral Director

Church of The Holy Spirit Victoria Road West Bridgford NG2 7NT
11th Jul 2017
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County Mayo Ireland


In loving memory of Bernard Thomas SHEERAN who sadly passed away on 5th July 2017
The wake will be held at Healys Undertakers, Barnatra Post Office Ballina Co.Mayo on Wednesday 11th July from 6-8pm
Thursday 12th July 1.00pm at Kilcommon Erris Parish, Aughoose, Pollatomais, Ballina, Co Mayo. F26 FV48

Catherine Shaw wrote

I was privileged to meet Bernie some years ago while he lived Nottingham. Over the years my sister Helen and I would see him in his room at Holme lodge When we visited Bernie he never failed to lift our hearts and make us laugh. Our trips to the pub in Lady Bay with strict instructions not to let him have more than two glasses of white wine will forever be engraved in my memory. " More wine?" Bernie would ask hopefully after that second glass was finished and usually we kept the rules and bought him a large bar of dairy milk on the way home instead!
Bernie, I know you are up there making God laugh. When my daughter Katie was born you bought me a book called " 100 ways to make a baby laugh", well Bernie you had more than 100 ways to make us laugh!
God bless you.Thank you for enhancing our life in Nottingham, love and kisses Catherine x

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Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Bernard
Peggy Coyle lit a candle
Ann O'Malley lit a candle
Assumpta King lit a candle
Annie McDonnell lit a candle
Paula King lit a candle
Sheila Sheeran lit a candle
Helen Carrick wrote

So sad to hear the news about Bernie. Feel very privileged to have known him and have many happy and fun memories of trips to the pub to watch Manchester United and of listening to Irish music in Cheshire Homes! Will miss your cheeky smile! X

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Kathleen Conway lit a candle
Ann Divilly lit a candle
Gerard Mc Donnell lit a candle
Shannon Sheeran lit a candle
Emily Corrigan lit a candle