Rachel Parkin (29 Jun 1983 - 23 Jun 2017)

Funeral Director

Kingdom Hall Redcliffe Road Mansfield NG18 2QN
12th Jul 2017
Open map

Mansfield Woodhouse Cemetery Leeming Lane South Mansfield Woodhouse Notts NG19 9BB
12th Jul 2017


In loving memory of Rachel Parkin who sadly passed away on 23rd June 2017 at age of 33,
Rachel Faithfull Jehovah Witness from congregation Berry Hill in town Mansfield.
She awaits the day of resurrection. we be rejoiced to see her again

Jacqueline Petrelli lit a candle
Jacqueline Nedzivhani wrote

Hi Rachel this is Sandra.... I am thinking of you always and you are never far form my thoughts, we love you so much and always will...

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  • My dear little beauty, I am writing to you because I still think of al the nice things that we all did together as a family.... so many days have passed by since the last I spoke here and my life has changed dramatically. I am now divorced and free form the anguish that was giving me so much pain... I am so sorry that I was not there to say good bye but being here to be reminded always of you brings me close to you... No one has remembered you as I can see here or at your graveside but I will get back to you my lovely i promise you that... I am so alone now that you are gone and Oen has moved on himself, but I miss the both of you so much,, for now I leave my farewells and I will catch up with you soon..

    Posted by Jacqueline on 22/06/2021 Report abuse
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Jacqueline Nedzivhani lit a candle
Jacqueline Petrelli wrote

in loving memory of my daughter Rachel, we were talking about you baby, and you are very missed indeed. just a note to let you know that we lost auntie Margret a few days ago and now she is gone to rest. I think about you every day, what went down at your passing is very painful to me I never forgive them for not telling me. but i have love in my body to say i still love God....... Love you so much baby..

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  • My great, great, great friend, Rachel! How heartbroken I was when I finally received the news that you had gone to sleep. I still laugh all the time over the fact that you and I were friends, and I was friends with your mom, but I had no idea that you 2 knew each other. I work as a public address announcer, and I was at work one night when I saw the picture of you and your mother holding the guitars together in the same picture, and I nearly fainted. I must have gasped so hard that all the people in the building nearly fainted from lack of oxygen. I sucked all the air put if the building, and I sent you both messages asking how you knew each other. πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ I knew you had some physical challenges and you knew about mine, and I was absolutely certain that we both were going to make it. The assured expectation that we have of an indefatigable vitality in the future keeps me at peace with whatever happens here. And you know my favorite scripture: “I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: ‘Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.’ And the One seated on the throne said: ‘Look! I am making all things new.’ Also he says: ‘Write, for these words are faithful and true.’”—Revelation 21:1-5.

    Posted by Patrick on 17/09/2021 Report abuse
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Jacqueline Petrelli lit a candle
Jacqueline Nedzivhani wrote

To my darling daughter, you are so dearly missed, you left a big hole in my heart that will never be filled. No matter how it came about you deserve so much more, I miss you with all my heart. LOVE YOU LOADS ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL.

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Daniel Parkin posted a picture
I know photos can be upsetting but I believe people should see this was the very last photo ever taken of Rachel, This was a day she feeling better, remember taking this picture made me cry then even now every time I see this her last photo ever take😞

I know photos can be upsetting but I believe people should see this was the very last photo ever taken of Rachel, This was a day she feeling better, remember taking this picture made me cry then even now every time I see this her last photo ever take😞

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  • Never seen any pictures of you Rachel before or after your passing, sad how they are popping up now, not even a word to your mother, no apologies for not letting me know of your passing nothing. there was no love shown at all from any congregation just insults and badgering. Slandering should not be done in the congregation but plenty of it went on, they could talk about me but not tell me of your death, I am disgusted in them. no matter what happened they did not have the right to with hold this information, none of you did. Rachel was my daughter and I had the right to know. I miss her so much and you all stopped me getting the closure i need even down to this day.

    Posted by Jacqueline on 28/11/2019 Report abuse
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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
Rachel with her mum. and hubby, love you Rachel forever.

Rachel with her mum. and hubby, love you Rachel forever.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
Rachel's wedding day with most of her family beautiful picture.

Rachel's wedding day with most of her family beautiful picture.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
Rachel and three little angels. Rachel looks so beautiful miss her so much.

Rachel and three little angels. Rachel looks so beautiful miss her so much.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
A photo of you as a baby in Killing-Beck hospital so many long hours were spent here. Bad times and good.

A photo of you as a baby in Killing-Beck hospital so many long hours were spent here. Bad times and good.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
This was a photo I  found out of you when you and your brother were making your own collages, you had so much fun sharing time together.

This was a photo I found out of you when you and your brother were making your own collages, you had so much fun sharing time together.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani wrote

I was looking through some photo's and I came a cross a few that should be added to your small collection, maybe at some point I can order the album but I want to make sure we have something to to be remembered, I very much doubt that your Hubby looks here anymore but what does it matter, you are my daughter and i miss you so much. So many images come in to my mind which are very painful to me. not being able to say my good byes when it mattered the most was very disturbing, and i have so many nightmares about what happened, I still struggle to sleep at night, this not getting closure is a real heartache. But babes I love you so much, always did no matter what they said about me. The only wrong I did in my life was to move on. Crazy right being condemned for loving someone. Anyway the first picture I am posting is one of you which you collage yourself along with your brother when he was doing his own, you had lots of fun together, many laughs too. one is of you as a baby when you were in Killing-beck hospital in Leeds not great moment but everyone was so nice at the time. Your illness still rattles me though from the start to the end. The next two are of your wedding the first when three little angels carried your vale. lovely photo. and the other is of your with all your family well most of them. your real family that is. you looked so beautiful I was so proud of you. And the last was of me you and Arthur, My new life began that day and you was great with it, You encouraged me to move on and i did and i will never regret it. Again I miss you so much, I also talk to your brother he is doing good but he struggles with a lot of things losing you was a big hole in his heart too. We live in a dangerous society, and things will get worse before they get better but you have to have to right people to make those changes. Are there any well I have yet to meet them. Long live my memories of you my sweet darling love you forever your ever loving mum Jacqueline Petrelli. Just some heads up we changed our name because some could never pronounce it right lol and it made a lot of sense really. MISS YOU SO MUCH.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
This was rachel dressed up as one of the tweenies. She is the one with the blue head. We made the costumes and had some fun wearing them lol. We were at the seaside when this was taken, entertaining the little ones. We had so much fun that day.

This was rachel dressed up as one of the tweenies. She is the one with the blue head. We made the costumes and had some fun wearing them lol. We were at the seaside when this was taken, entertaining the little ones. We had so much fun that day.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
These were long tiring  days we spent at the conventions. rachel loved the atmosphere although these meetings left her very exausted. She was my world...

These were long tiring days we spent at the conventions. rachel loved the atmosphere although these meetings left her very exausted. She was my world...

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
I will never forget the things we did together, she was always smiling.

I will never forget the things we did together, she was always smiling.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani wrote

I missed your funeral which i am very sorry for, if i had known i would have been by your side babe, everyone else assumed otherwise but what do they know, they never even told me, other than that i have been at your grave side a few times now and left some flowers, mostly bulbs , but where you are situated it is very hard for them to grow as the gardener cuts everything down and leaves nothing. My heart aches at the fact that you are now in a place where only a tree stands above your head. I made a little memorial patch in the garden and the neighbors little girl keeps giving me little gifts to put in it. I think about you each and every day. although two years have passed by, you are froever in our hearts. we all miss you so much. I will never forget you.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
Rachel with her brother enjoying a day out in the woods.

Rachel with her brother enjoying a day out in the woods.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani wrote

Hi Rachel wish i could have been there by your side for the last time, as it is now i am still grieving, and i cannot find closure. not being notified of your departure really hurt me, i still had a right to know being your mother. I do miss you so much. so so sorry honey you are forever in my heart. Oen your brother would have been there too if he had known. sad state of affairs i guess when you cannot rely on those that should have love in their veins for others. Forgiveness is hard to give to those that don't care about other peoples feeling. I will come find you babes and we will have our little chat again. loads and loads of love from your ever loving mom Jacqueline. I HAVE TO CRY NOW....

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  • Hi babes my family misses you so much, Dorothey and her family,Carol and her family, Kelly and her family, Freddie, Sandra and her family, Jacqueline and her family, Kevin and his family, Malcolm and his family, David was devastated. They were all dissappointed that they never got to say goodbye. They all loved you very much. you are in there prayers babes.

    Posted by Jacqueline on 22/06/2018 Report abuse
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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
We had so much fun doing your hair, miss you girl. love you loads.

We had so much fun doing your hair, miss you girl. love you loads.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani posted a picture
Rachel when she was 3 years old. miss you so much honey. love you with all my heart always.

Rachel when she was 3 years old. miss you so much honey. love you with all my heart always.

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Jacqueline Nedzivhani lit a candle
Daniel Jamie Parkin posted a picture
we love you

we love you

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Daniel Jamie Parkin posted a picture
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Daniel Jamie Parkin wrote

Thank you for visiting. i noticed google picked wrong cemetery on map drop pin, address is correct on the A60. hope you all manage to attend but if you for what ever season cant don't despair please at any time, feel free to walk round cemetery in woodhouse Mansfield and think about Rachel & in your prayers. also please add a massage any one at any time.

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Daniel Jamie Parkin posted a picture
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