Hazel My Dearest Mother In-law/ Second Mum
I first met your family at the Albany Club Pasture Road Stapleford on the family disco night, i instantly fell head over heels in love with your youngest daughter Michelle, I new she was the one for me, Tall Slim and beautiful, my heart would honestly skip a beat when our paths crossed, i would ride past your house almost every day to catch a glimpse of my dream bird lol and often she was in the upstairs window looking out and thinking whats up with that twat, eventually i stopped and chatted to Michelle and asked her to go out with me to my surprise she agreed then began something very very special, we hugged we kissed we laughed we cried we married we moved house we had two special boys we had everything, i can remember countless times in the early days when me Michelle and you would laugh to tears with my general messing about and acting the fool, what i am trying to say Hazel is a massive THANK YOU THANK YOU for allowing me into your family and sharing a special relationship with your daughter, your sons and other daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren. You have left a massive void in our lives but you will never be forgotten sleep tight love you forever xxxx