Ian Young (12 Aug 1961 - 30 Apr 2017)

Donate in memory of
IanCancer Research UK, Brain Cancer Research

£312.72 + Gift Aid of £3.75
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium (Main Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
19th May 2017
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In loving memory of Ian Young who sadly passed away on 30th April 2017

Julian Hogan wrote

Gutted your no longer here mate, Great times we had in Morocco on and off the Golf course.
Too many to recall eh pal,

Henlegs xx

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David Reay wrote

Ian, saddens me to find out you have passed away.

So many happy memories of our time in Morocco the great golf and the fun times we had. Your "fry ups" were a legend and the only way to start a Saturday golf Day.

Always the joker of the Mackem lads out there with us, your sense of humour lit up many weekends and you always found the funny side of what people might of thought not the best place to be.

I will fondly remember your love of coming round to our place and eating Tracy and I out of house and home over a few beers and us all wishing our Sunderland team was doing better.

Thoughts go out to your family "Youngy" good night and God bless.

David and Tracy.

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John Fowler wrote

Ian , I can't believe you've gone! You were such a friend and what a character. Our first meeting is something I'll never forget in Morocco. You followed me and David in our car until we reached the golf course and quickly jumped out to ask to join us for golf. You then decided to tell us which game to play and how much money to play for. It was the start of a unique friendship with myself , David, JULIEN and of course you. What a foursome! We all miss you mate! Love to all your family.❤️❤️❤️

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Offline donation: Retiring collection donated in memory of Ian
Kelly H. lit a candle
Wendy Young lit a candle
Wendy Young wrote

Uncle ian
You always made me laugh i will remember with giggles the time you took me for a walk when i was in a wheel chair and you decided to turn my wheel chair into a race machine and ran with me that fast it flipped folding me inside it omg it was so funny and you just stood there laughing and after about 20 mins you helped me out. You gave me a nickname if skinribs as i was a skinny kid back then lol x and food wow you could put some scran away. Everyone's takeaway left overs on one plate for breakfast the next day urghhhh x
Im pleased to of got a message from you to tell your brother pete you loved him at the end of his life knowing you did ment the world to him and now your up there together with dad kiss him for me one for you too xxx until we meet again unc
Love you ? ❤️

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Kelly Hoare is attending the funeral and the reception
Kelly Hoare lit a candle
Kelly Hoare donated £15 in memory of Ian
Chris Toole lit a candle
Chris Toole wrote

Youngy........I will never forget the laughs we had overseas even when it seemed everything was hitting the fan you always found a way to see the humour in the situation! We had many laughs setting up Paxar morocco and also many challenges not least you appearing on CNN news when the hotel got bombed! Once a Mackem always a Mackem, I will miss the banter we had with the football mate.....I Know "You'll never walk alone you canny fella" RIP Youngy

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Denise Hoare lit a candle
Patti Jarvis posted a picture

"Happy times!

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Michelle Marrin wrote

I remember being a little girl & we had all gone to the beach for the day..you and my dad messed about and teased us. When I was growing up your mam (Chris) used to get the photo albums out and we would look at you in your uniform..she was so proud of you. Please take my love & a big kiss with you Ian and when you meet my boy tell him I send them to him..you are all in my thoughts xx

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Moji Akingbade wrote

Rest In Peace dear Ian. Thanks for being a fun colleague and room mate. Short time but you left your mark.

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  • Thank you for your message x

    Posted by Kayleigh on 3/05/2017 Report abuse
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Moji Akingbade donated in memory of Ian
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Moji Akingbade lit a candle