Joan Elvera Taylor (29 Jun 1924 - 5 Mar 2017)
Donate in memory of
JoanAlzheimer's Society
Funeral Director
In loving memory of Joan Elvera Taylor who sadly passed away on 5th March 2017
Born in 1924, from an early age Joan loved books and the theatre. Her first job was working as a librarian in Lewisham, and then in Mansfield library when the family moved out of London to avoid the bombing.
During the war Joan served as a Wren driving lorries in the blackout and would never hear a word against the navy.
Married John Taylor in 1950 and was devoted mother to Alison (1951), Nigel (1954) and Patrick (1959)
In ~1970 Joan started working at Bromley House Library, Angel Row and later became head librarian. She was one of the few honorary members of the library after her retirement.
An enthusiastic attender of WEA classes and then as a member of its area committee.
Joan became a magistrate, work which she took very seriously.
Even in her 80's Joan's love of books persisted and she ran a local book group for the U3A.
After periods at Westdale Nursing Home in West Bridgford and latterly Gracewell Court in London Joan suffered increasingly from Alzheimer's. She passed away peacefully on Sunday 5th March 2017.