Noel Wildsmith (25 Dec 1925 - 23 Feb 2017)

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NoelBreast Cancer Care

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St Peter's Church Navenby Lincs LN5 0EG
28th Mar 2017
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In loving memory of Noel Wildsmith who sadly passed away on 23rd February 2017. Noel was a devoted husband to his beloved wife Ena and a loving father and grandfather and great grandfather. Noel passed away peacefully in his sleep in his own bed within his family home. Noel had a long life living to 91 years old and having seen action in WWII with the Royal Navy on the Arctic Convoys, after the war he transferred to the RAF where he rose to the rank of Flight Sargeant, as children we travelled the globe and had a very interesting childhood. Married three times, he seperated from his first wife and took custody of three children as a single dad in the early 1960's, he worked in the Post Office, Police Force (civilian radio operator) and latterly until he retired as a Prison Officer at Lincoln Prison. He re-married in 1967 to Alice and our family welcomed her grown children to ours, sadly Alice passed away in 1969 and Noel was a single dad again but he just did whatever had to be done to keep the family together and safe. In 1970 he re-married for the third time to Ena who survives Noel but sadly in a nursing home with Alzhiemers. Noel above all things should be remembered as a heroic Family Man, a truly dedicated father who just got on with it with grace and humour. He was loved beyond words because of this and he will leave a massive hole in our hearts.

Karen Graham wrote

My sincere condolences to a lovely family, on the loss of their patriarch xx

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Ann Gregory wrote

Never met Noel but heard all about his exploits from Ade x

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David Cox lit a candle
Tom Fraser posted a picture
Noel with Telegraphist crewmates aboard HMS Redmill, 1944-5

Noel with Telegraphist crewmates aboard HMS Redmill, 1944-5

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Tom Fraser posted a picture
Noel winning prize at Captain Class reunion 2012

Noel winning prize at Captain Class reunion 2012

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Andrew Wildsmith donated £59.97 in memory of Noel

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die ...
a time to mourn and a time to dance.

For far too long, Uncle Noel was one of the unknown Wildsmiths in the UK. When we finally met him, it was clear that our Dad and Noel were long separated brothers. So many similar mannerisms and expressions, but one speaking with a Canadian accent, and the other in an English accent! We didn’t see Noel and the UK Wildsmiths nearly enough, and we wish it could have been otherwise. It is a time to mourn and we mourn with you, even though we cannot be there to mourn together.

May you encounter God’s love and peace, even in the midst of grief and loss.

Andy and Janet Wildsmith

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Mike Jackson donated £10 in memory of Noel

I am proud to have known you Noel it was always fun meeting you. Not only a wonderful family man you also had the most immaculate lawn I ever saw. Sleep in peace you earned your place in heaven.

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Tom Fraser is attending the funeral and the reception
Tracy Lyon posted a picture
Lincoln castle Poppy wave

Lincoln castle Poppy wave

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Julie Burgin posted a picture
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Julie Burgin posted a picture
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Julie Burgin posted a picture
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Julie Burgin posted a picture
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Julie Burgin posted a picture
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Julie Burgin posted a picture
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