Graham ,
My Big brother in the Airforce.
I am so lucky to have shared such colourful and happy times with you. Times and conversations that shaped my life and gave me insight into my Dads life and who he was and what made me the person I am.
I am so lucky to have shared my life with such an interesting and fun group of people who I call my family. The laughs, the trips, the parties,the tears, the love.
You were so many times the centre of the good times, fun, humour and laughter in your visits to us.
Sarcasm & whit delivered with a smile and a wink.
I will always feel inextricably linked to you and Dad in so many ways and I so wish I'd have grown up with you and Mal and Biddy.
As we discussed many times,
the departed live on in our hearts and minds forever.
You will never leave my heart or mind and I will always know you are in both ..