Aubrey Alfred Brown (16 Aug 1926 - 1 Jan 2017)

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Seventh Day Adventist Church 215, Brickklin Street Wolverhampton WV3 0PN
24th Jan 2017
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Bushbury Cemetery Underhill Lane Wolverhampton WV10 7JG
24th Jan 2017


In loving memory of Aubrey Alfred Brown who sadly passed away on 1st January 2017

Aubrey’s Story

Aubrey Alfred Brown was born August 16th, 1926 in Portland, Jamaica. He played an important role in the family helping to look after his brothers and sisters while tending crops growing around the house. As was normal in those days, he left school at a young age to earn money. Eventually he became a stone mason and he was part of the team that built the sea wall at Port Antonio. The wall is still standing today and family members proudly point it out to visitors.

He and wife Myrtle emigrated to England in 1954 leaving 2 children taking the hard decision to leave the children to be cared for by their grandparents until they had work and a home. He came to Birmingham where he found work in a metalwork factory. Here three children, Eileen, Darral and Alfred were born and in 1961 Dennis and Corriene came to England to join the rest of the family. In 1966 they moved because Aubrey wanted to have more space for the children and better surroundings. He would spend his summer holidays maintaining the house, it was a labour of love. He took great care and many hours to strip paint and prepare surfaces before repainting or varnishing. The skills developed here was to serve him well in later life.

Although Aubrey often did not finish his school education he recognised the importance of learning and made every effort to ensure his family made the best of school in England. He set an example by reading the newspapers and encyclopaedias to gain a better understanding of the world. In fact, he was ahead of his time, reducing fat in his diet and preferring to have lots of fruit, vegetables and salad back in the 70s. Although he did love apple pie and ice cream.

Challenging circumstances in the late 1980s led him to leave the UK for the US. There he married his second wife, Leanora Albertina. In his 60s he went to work in building maintenance for a property management company using the skills developed from working on his own home. One night near home he was robbed of his wallet and despite being shaken up, he got on with life so as not to let othrs down. When it came time for him to retire the property management company did not want him to leave because he was such a conscientious and trustworthy worker.

Aubrey gave his heart to the Lord in 1987 and quickly became an integral part of Vision Worship Center. He went on to become a deacon/elder, a member of the finance committee, an usher, an active member of the men’s fellowship and a surrogate grandfather to young and old alike. He took his responsibilities at the church very seriously and performed his duties with love and grace.

Aubrey Brown was a very special man. His stately, humble, and respectful demeanour as well as his ability to engage others allowed him to fit seamlessly into life anywhere. When his wife Leanora became ill, Aubrey did not hesitate to become her primary care giver, often refusing help in order to care for her himself. His love and devotion became a landmark and an example to many couples. He was loved and respected by all of the family. His love, knowledge and wise counsel has been and will be greatly missed.

After 23 years in the USA and the death of Leanora, Aubrey returned to the UK in 2011. All who met and spent time with Aubrey are left with a clear sense of his dignity, integrity along with a care for others.

Left to mourn in the UK are children; Corriene, Dennis, Eileen, Darral and Alfred, 8 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren and 4 great great grandchildren.

In the USA daughter Norma, step daughter Pam, 3 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild and the Vision Worship Center family.

In the Jamaica, USA and UK brothers and sisters and their families.

We loved him greatly, but God loved him best. He is now resting in the arms of Jesus.

Alf Brown wrote

Dad was like no other. He gave us life, nurtured us, taught us, dressed us, fought for us, held us, shouted at us, kissed us, but most importantly he loved us unconditionally.

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Sylvia Williams wrote

Rest in peace grandad you will always be in our thoughts. God bless xx

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Sylvia, Draydynn, Cheryl, Ayshea and great great grandchildren Williams lit a candle
Corriene Williams wrote

Rest in peace with all of god blessing. Hope we will meet again one day love from Corriene. xx

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Corriene Williams lit a candle
Joy Williams wrote

Rest in peace granddad. The world has lost yet another kind, caring & honest person. You are now in the arms of the lord who bought peace into your life. Love Joy x

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Joy Williams lit a candle
Anonymous donated £20 in memory of Aubrey
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Steven Brown is attending the funeral
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Eileen McKen posted a picture
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Eileen McKen posted a picture
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Eileen McKen lit a candle
Eileen McKen wrote

Hey Aunt Eileen,
I just wanted to send my love and support to you and the rest of the family in England during this difficult time for all of us. Mommy has been keeping us informed of everything that's going on. Unfortunately because of the kids I won't be able to come but my heart will be there. Grandpa has greatly impacted all of our lives in different ways and he will be missed very much. His life and example was a great influence in my life and a big part of why I am the man I am today. His love, wisdom, patience, humor, humility, diligence, style and smile will never be forgotten. But most of all his unwavering faith in God to the end. I will forever cherish the time I had the pleasure of knowing him and especially my unforgettable trip to England, which gave me a chance to better know him and you. I hope and pray that everything goes well and without much fuss for that's the way I believe Grandpa would have wanted it. To God be the glory for His gift of Aubrey Brown. Thank You again for opening your home and heart to me on my birthday I will never for get it. I love you and all my family in England please send my love, prayers and sympathy.

David Thompson

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  • Message provided by David, grandson living in the USA.

    Posted by Eileen on 18/01/2017 Report abuse
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Eileen McKen posted a picture
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