Paul Keirnan (1 Jan 1962 - 5 Nov 2016)

Funeral Director

Bramcote Crematorium 'Reflection Chapel' Coventry Lane Nottingham NG9 3GJ
21st Nov 2016
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Where to start with the Biography for Paul Keirnan. Now that is the question.

For now, I offer this page as an opportunity to build his Biography with your kind words and stories. I have no doubt that books could be written, a fact I am positive he would take pride in!

Dad, our family, our friend, husband, colleague, council; lives on in your memories. Please share them to remember the greatest man I will ever know.

Ian Wrathall wrote

I have only just heard that Paul passed away last year and I am shocked to say the least.

My memories of Paul go back to our days as new medical reps at Boots Pharma working in the same regional team, Paul in South Manchester and me in North Manchester . We were the same age but thats where our similarities stopped, in fact I would say we were polar opposites. I was the dour Yorkshireman vs Pauls flamboyant personality, but some how we clicked.

As everyone has said Paul was a great guy generous, amusing, talented. In fact one of the exciting things about conferences at that time were what would Paul be wearing, and will he be wearing one glove or two ! We worked together well but also socialised at the time, he even helped me and my wife get together. After I left Boots I have seen Paul on occasions at functions and in a work capacity,he had not changed, but it was always great to see him. Some how I expected those occasional meetings to continue until we retired, sadly that will not happen as he has been taken far too young.

Sleep well Paul you will somebody I will never forget.

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David Impey wrote

I worked with Paul both at Eisai when he was the Account Director at Thomson Acumed and when we both worked on The Dose. It is rare to find anyone who could have such zeal for any project that he felt would potentially make a difference to the lives of people. He wanted to democratise medicine and how it was communicated and he saw that this was the best way of shining a light on people's misunderstanding and fears.

He was also a great bloke to work with and to know. I have some fab memories of being with him in a number of exotic locations - Paris, Cannes, Miami, Santa Monica. They were special times then, and so they will remain.

Paul, mate, you're gone too soon. Your soul, the memory of your zest for life lives on! My condolences to Kim, Alison and all of his family and friends; you're in my prayers.

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Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Paul
David Connolly wrote

Paul was, quite literally, the first other fresher that I met at university. As a few of us sat timidly in our new environment, in burst Paul, white clogs, skinny jeans and bags of self-confidence! We started chatting immediately and despite our obvious differences (well let's face it, there was no-one else like him) we became best mates.
We did have a few things in common like our taste in music and our sense of humour and we always had a great laugh together. There was rarely a time when you would see one of us without the other one nearby.
Having introduced him to Bethan during our first year (at his insistence) the three of us shared a flat the following year. I can assure you that his cooking back then was nothing to write home about! Always looking for ways to save our grant money for better things (Wards bitter) we took up smoking pipes and making our own footwear, amongst other things and it was definitely worth it!
After university I was as pleased as punch when Paul asked me to be Best Man at his wedding and afterwards we continued to stay in touch, not often but regularly, until I moved abroad. Neither of us were great correspondents and we gradually lost contact. How I now wish that I had made more of an effort.
Sleep peacefully my good friend, I will always remember the great times we had together.

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Barry Gowers wrote

27 years ago a young man introduced himself with the unforgettable words “I’m gonna have your job!”. We shared so many values that we became firm friends and worked productively together at Boots and Knoll. Great ideas, adventurous ideas, outrageous ideas, he had them all. Some of them we even managed to make happen. And Paul’s unbelievable grasp of the science and creative communications and conceptual thinking were all essential to make a success of all he touched. We had crazy times, this list means so much to me:
Flossy, Alien Organism, Kreb’s cycle, Nobby and Bobby, competitive Flashback (computer game, PK vs Lee vs me) British Heart Foundation cycle rides Manchester to Blackpool and the Vale of Belvoir (Paul enjoyed that phonetically that’s beaver) Guiness World Record Juggling, Laguna nights, Mem Saab nights, the Baltimore Diner, Formula 1, Purple Pen Ink (inc), piggy back races, Prince, Freddie Mercury, daily critique of Alison’s dress sense, Reductil, fasting, self-discipline, alcohol dehydrogenase, hats, collecting blue glass, whatever you do don’t think of a blue elephant, Beth, James and Helen and Kim
I could go on for days, how can you sum up a rich life in just a few events? Paul was so much more than a few actions, he was a complex, secretive, open, passionate and generous, focused, free-thinking, deep, vain, confident, modest, shameless, musically talented individual. And did he ever get my job? Well yes he did by being master of his own destiny and his own business. He was a rare gem and will be deeply missed

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Alison Thorpe wrote

I knew Paul from our joint daily commute to London from Newark. We became friends and I enjoyed chatting with him during our travelling time. He also gave my daughter some valuable advice when she started her career in PR. It was a pleasure knowing you my friend and I am so sorry I could not make it to see you on your way to a better place today. Lots of love Ali x

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Barbara Cathcart wrote

I am very saddened to hear about Paul leaving us and will remember him fondly through his work at Nottingham Hospitals Charity. and would like to express deep sympathy to his family.

We are grateful for the time that Paul gave to our charity, while the communications plans and strategy were at their formative stages of development.

I will remember Paul for his gaiety, willingness to help and for his constant and ongoing support.

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Jenny Furniss wrote

All of us at Oxford Lymphoedema Practice were so shocked and saddened to hear of Paul's sudden passing away. We really looked forward to our weekly calls with him, his laugh was infectious and always made our Tuesday's less stressful. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

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Tingy Simoes posted a picture
#TeamWavelength - You'll always be a part of the family x

#TeamWavelength - You'll always be a part of the family x

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Tingy Simoes wrote

It has taken me a while to be able to admit I'm ready to write about Paul, and how much he meant to my team, and to me in particular. Paul was one of those rare creatures nowadays, a true gentleman with old school manners and a wicked glint in his eye. We've worked closely together for the past year and beyond, speaking almost everyday - propping each other up through difficult life changes, challenging projects, pitches and client work.
Above all else, Paul could make me laugh when the going got tough, and his commitment to our business made it so that I could feel that things were well taken care of - you knew everything was ok when Paul was holding the fort.
I miss him as a reliable and excellent employee, but more than anything, as a very dear, loyal and sympathetic friend. We used to talk about our dreams and passions, and despite how bittersweet, I am thrilled he got his film project started - and hope wherever he is, he knows that dream was reached.
My friend, I miss you more than words can express.

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Zulfy Muhuseen lit a candle
Hayley Emmett wrote

I was so very sad when I heard of Paul's passing. My sympathy goes to all of his family. He always spoke so highly of you all.

I Worked as Paul's PA at GCI and he was a fantastic boss and a great motivating and inspirational director.

He helped me so much and I will be forever grateful to have known him. His sense of humour, passion for healthcare, ability to lift spirits and his fab jackets will be just a few of the things I will remember fondly.

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Hayley Emmett lit a candle
Andreas Herfurt wrote

I was shocked to hear of Paul's death having only written to him via email a a few days ago and wondering why I had not gotten a reply which was so unlike Paul. Having had the priviledge to work with him through SCOTS I always found him reliable, helpful and with a great sense of humor. My thoughts and best wishes are with his family in this sad time.

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Nick Finer wrote

I am so sorry to hear of Paul's death and my thoughts go out to his family. I worked with Paul over several years first with Reductil but then more recently with ESCO - SCOTS sister group. Paul was passionate about the filed of obesity and instrumental in supporting those in the field with his enthusiasm and commitment. Nick

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Duff Bruce wrote

Liz and I are both so sad to hear of Paul's untimely death yet so grateful that he has been part of our life. Paul was the sort of wonderful friend that you could rely on calling on out of the blue when you needed inspiration, encouragement or a smile. Always, he provided these.
Personally, he helped us make some crucial decisions in our life, which we will be for ever greatful for. And yes, the man bags, purple velour suits and boundless stimulation of ideas will never be forgotten. We send our deepest condolences to his family and hope his next adventures are as stimulating as those we've shared. Duff and Liz

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Jennifer Logue wrote

I was so sad to hear of Paul's death. I knew Paul through our work on the SCOTS and ESCO charities so I do not know his family but want to send them my thoughts at what must be a horrible time for them.

Paul was always such a pleasure to work with. Smiling and welcoming, a great laugh but also a true professional. He will really be missed.

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Tim Gallimore wrote

I worked with Paul back in my Boots Pharmaceuticals days on the heart drug Manoplax. We certainly had our moments! We didn't always see eye to eye but we were both passionate about what we did and made it work, producing some great stuff together. It was always edgy and fun and that characterised Paul at his best.

We lost touch so it came as a lovely surprise when Paul got in contact with me a couple of years ago to ask if I could help with some stuff he was doing at LOROS. I'm so pleased he did. The opportunity to work with him again, along with his amazing array of hats, man-bags and suits, provide a really great memory. He was a one-off and will be sadly missed. Rest in peace Paul.

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Tim Gallimore is attending the funeral and the reception
gary hans is attending the funeral
Alison Keirnan and Jeff Brindley is attending the funeral and the reception
William Colacicchi wrote

It was a great privilege and pleasure to have you Paul on our Board of Trustees for Nottingham Hospitals Charity, and we would all like to thank you for your service, wisdom and efforts, always given with a smile. Like everyone else, we are shocked at the suddenness of your passing and send all our thoughts and sympathies to your family.

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Lisa Tidman wrote

I worked with Paul first over 20 years ago and have bumped into him on several occasions since. Meetings with him were always entertaining and often derailed by his mischievous sense of humour. A style icon and a bit of a diva, thank you for the fun times and the silly memories. The world will be a duller place without Paul. X

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Phil Randall wrote

Very, very sad indeed to learn of Paul's sudden passing. And my thoughts are with his family at this time. I worked with Paul for many years, but very closely for a year in the International Reductil team based at St Nics Court. On a daily basis, Paul really made me laugh and I valued that very much. I laughed mostly with him, sometimes at him (which he never minded and seemed to enjoy!!). I was not naturally an international traveller, but we travelled a lot together and I followed in awe as he swept through the airports and first class lounges looking every bit the international star. And on the nights out he was life and sole... always lighting up those occasions. PK... you were a star.

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Mark Baillie wrote

I was deeply shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Paul. He was always a pleasure to work with and, of course, a great professional. However, we also shared many of laughs about the occasionally topsy-turvy world of PR. My only regret about knowing Paul is that, although we spoke on the phone every week, we met in person only once. My deepest sympathies go to Paul's family, friends and colleagues.

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Aoife O'Sullivan wrote

So sorry to hear of the untimely passing of Paul. He was a pleasure to have worked closely with through the vast amount of PR he undertook for us at The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Our thoughts go out to his family, friends and colleagues, wishing you all lots of love and strength at this sad, surreal time. x

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Aoife O'Sullivan posted a picture
Taken at a Dental Dinner at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, March 2016.

Taken at a Dental Dinner at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, March 2016.

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Dominique Molloy is attending the funeral
gary hans wrote

I saw Paul a few weeks before he passed away. We always had a great time at appointments and he had a great sense of humor, and practicality. He was a brave and inspirational client and friend. He had faith in me early on in my career and we have grown together. Through thick and thin we have managed to find a smile. And he had the best smile. God Bless Paul :-)

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Diana and Trevor Holland is attending the funeral and the reception