Isaac Michael Okpako Aganozor (8 Mar 1972 - 4 Oct 2016)

Funeral Director

Ridgeway Evangelical Church The Ridgeway, Chingford, London E4 6PU
27th Oct 2016
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Chingford Mount Cemetery 121 Old Church Road, Chingford London E4 6ST
27th Oct 2016

Ridgeway Evangelical Church The Ridgeway, Chingford, London E4 6PU
27th Oct 2016


In loving memory of Isaac Michael Okpako Aganozor who sadly passed away on 4th October 2016

Viviane JUSOT lit a candle
Viviane Jusot wrote

My brother Michael, several years have passed since you left us and it is like yesterday. You sure should be at peace with our Lord and Saviour in the heavenly realm. We have lost complete contact with your son and pray that God brings him to us someday. Continue resting my younger brother. We miss you and will always have you in our hearts.
Viviane and Jean-François

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Gina Iyaseref lit a candle
Jean-François and Viviane Jusot posted a picture
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Jean-François and Viviane Jusot posted a picture
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Jean-François and Viviane Jusot posted a picture
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Jean-François and Viviane Jusot posted a picture
During our stay t London. What's a wonderful day ! January 2016

During our stay t London. What's a wonderful day ! January 2016

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Jean-François and Viviane Jusot posted a picture
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  • MICHEAL your son miss you RIP

    Posted by Gina on 26/10/2016 Report abuse
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Viviane JUSOT lit a candle
Viviane JUSOT wrote

We knew you in France, at Lyon Anglican Church. As your friends you were far from yours and you faight to live better your new life and you had overcome many obstacles. Your perseverance allowed you to live as everyone. We very much admired that force in you.
Then, you decided to change your life's project to meet your professionnal wishes. You went to London and again you had face to new trials, still with the same courage and will. You could not achieve this project with the disease. Nevertheless, you continued your fight to the end of your strength. We are terribly saddened.
Michael, we think to your son, your family so far from us and your friends. We trust that God has welcomed you with him as you have always welcomed us.

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  • Death oh Death, why did you do this to my son? He is too young to loose his father to Death, MICHEAL is just a young man, hoping to have more for himself in life. Yes were not best of friends, but Death was one thing i never wished you, i know we had our differences, i also was hoping you will come for apology that also will never happen anymore, how I will wish I can change things but will not be possible anymore too. My pain is that your son wasn't allowed be pay his respect to you even in death what a wicked world. RIP MICHEAL YOUR SON OTEGA LOVES MORE.

    Posted by Gina on 26/10/2016 Report abuse
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Jean-Francois Jusot wrote

Michael, nous t'avons connu en France, à la Lyon Anglican Church. Comme tes amis, tu étais loin des tiens et tu luttais pour t'adapter à la vie quotidienne occidentale. Tu as surmonté beaucoup d'obstacles. Ta persévérance t'a permis de vivre comme tout un chacun. Nous étions admiratifs de cette réussite.
Puis tu as décidé de changer ton projet de vie pour l'adapter à tes souhaits, tes projets professionnels. Tu es parti à Londres et de nouveau tu as fait face à de nouvelles épreuves, toujours avec le même courage et la même volonté. Tu n'as pu mener ce projet à terme car la maladie s'est interposée. Tu as néanmoins poursuivi ton combat jusqu'au bout de tes forces. C'est une bien cruelle injustice. Nous ne pouvons qu'en souffrir et être terriblement attristé.
Michael, nous pensons aussi à ton fils, tes proches si loin de nous et tes amis.
Que Dieu t'accueille auprès de lui comme tu as toujours su nous accueillir.

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