Dear Mary,
We love you!
It’s still hard to believe that you’re not here anymore. I’m still expecting to plan a trip for us to go and see Granny Mary. We so loved the last trip we did back in July, where Victor and you really had such a lovely time together. How you lit up and got a spring in your step as soon as you saw your wee boy. Oh how he loved that red robin of yours on your step, the singing dog and books you bought him and riding your tartan terror. He loves you so much!
Remember all the times we used to Face Time? How frustrated you got with technology yet I was always so impressed that you managed to do it. Those were special moments for us all. We will tell Victor stories of his Granny Mary so he will remember you. He knows you in the photos and videos and we won't let him forget you. He has his Sgian-Dubh that you gave him, that he will cherish forever. And I’m so proud to see that Victor has some of your traits already.
I’m so glad he got to spend his first almost two years with you and I’m happy for the twelve years we had together.
I remember the first time we met, back in 2004. I got to know you and saw the strong, independent, amazing woman and mother that you were. I’ll miss your stories of when you were younger and of when Al grew up. I'll miss your love and caring and your sharp wit. Thank you for being you and for being such an amazing mother, mother in law and granny. We couldn't have asked for anyone better!
We love you and miss you forever and will remember your always!
Lots of love, Emma and your wee boy Victor