Anne Davis (1 Apr 1959 - 4 Sep 2016)

Donate in memory of
AnneMaggie's Centres

In partnership with

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Crematorium Loughborough Road West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7FE
22nd Sep 2016
Open map

Fox & Crown 33 Church Street Basford, Nottingham NG6 0GA
22nd Sep 2016


In loving memory of Anne Davis who sadly passed away on 4th September 2016

Nicola Wales lit a candle
Jane Lucas wrote

My husband David knew Anne from her time at Whiteley Electronics, He was shocked and saddened to hear of her passing and remembers her as a friendly out-going lady with a smile and a good word for everyone. Our hearts go out to the family. You have wonderful memories to get you through the sad times. x x

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Sarah Vaja-davis donated £55 in memory of Anne

£45 raised by the customers at the fox and crown pub, Basford. £10 donated by ruby-Mai and Brandon for their nanna.

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Offline donation: Experience Nottinghamshire Marketing Towers Anne Davis, Tom Walters, Anna Scott, Rachel Stewart, Natalie Walsh, Gaynor Simpson & Jayne Nightingale donated in memory of Anne
Offline donation: Erin Huckle donated in memory of Anne
Offline donation: Dianne Godwin donated in memory of Anne
Offline donation: Jon & Ash donated in memory of Anne
Offline donation: Mrs J Spencer donated in memory of Anne
Offline donation: Collection at Wilford Hill Cemetery Chapel donated in memory of Anne
Joanne Johnson wrote

Anne after years as a neighbour and a great friendship I have far too many memories to write about. All I know for sure is that it was a true blessing to have you in my life always knowing you were there for a chat and advice xx and always had my back xxx forever loved xxx

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Tara Key lit a candle
Paddy&Jenny Hanrahan wrote

God bless lovely lady will be missed in our town,stay strong Bob we're all thinking of you at this sad time

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Paddy&Jenny Hanrahan lit a candle
Sarah Vaja-davis posted a picture
Love and miss you loads mum xxx

Love and miss you loads mum xxx

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James Jones posted a picture
Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady xxx

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady xxx

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James Jones wrote

RIP Anne Davis. Very lovely lady and ex-colleague who tried her hardest but couldn't win. My thoughts are with Bob and those close to Anne who will always miss her.

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Melanie Morin wrote

Bob, Sarah and Stewart.
I should have wrote something yesterday to express my condolences to you. The pain, the not understanding, the frustration for the big C, made me speechless. Then, it happened, got up, kicked myself and did what Anne always said to do in time of sadness. I bought new high-heal shoes!!! I remembered my promise to you, Anne. So today, I renew this promise... I will fight, soon be able to wear those shoes and go dance all night for you!! I will also make sure, Zoe remember her godmother as a loyal, intelligent, perseverance, loving woman who always stand and put family first. WE are family and always will be. I will miss you so much. Je t'aime xx

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Dianne Godwin wrote

It is with deep sorrow that i have had to say goodbye to my lovely friend Anne Davis. Such an amazing lady who was loved by everyone. She was one of a small number of people who could make me belly laugh. Such a loss..Many many thanks to her husband Bob Davis, daughter Sarah Vaja-Davis and son Stewart Davis for allowing me the privelage to spend some very precious time with you and Anne...RIP xxxx

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Lisa Deschambault wrote

In loving memory of my dear Freind Anne Davis. ????You sure had a big impression on my life and I'll never forget you!

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Jenny Leighton wrote

I'm so sorry for your loss. I worked with Anne at Experience Nottinghamshire. Not only was she amazing at her job, she was a truly lovely, kind and fun lady to be with. RIP wonderful Anne Davis. Thinking of you all and sending lots of love xxxx

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Sarah Vaja-davis wrote

A mother and daughter bond is so profound. How can the limitations of language ever do this relationship justice? It feels almost impossible to put words to the love I feel for my mum, but I will try.
I have tremendous gratitude for the bond that mum and I shared. She was more than just my mum, she was my best friend. We were very open with each other, sharing our feelings, laughter, tears and some bickering here and there. When my mum and I were together no one could get a word in edgeways. I often wondered aloud why my children talk so much and mum would smile and give me a knowing look. I could always count on her to fight my corner and that of the kids too. I will miss her forever.
It was an invaluable experience to be by mum’s side during her final days and nights, holding her hand and listening to stories of her childhood. Every one of you here knows that mum was a fighter and sometimes very stubborn.-she always knew what she wanted and usually achieved it through hard work and determination.
As my mum began to pass away I thought ‘maybe she doesn’t want to go’ she was a fighter even during her final hours. Even at the very end she did things her way and went when she was ready ( whilst being pampered-in true Anne style)
My mum wasn’t old enough to leave us, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye but her core motivating force was LOVE and it was her love that had a profound impact on the person that I am today. My mum lives on in my heart. She gave me the foundation on which my whole life is built and I am truly grateful for all the lessons she has taught me. People say I am my mothers’ daughter and nothing could make me prouder.
The greatest lesson my mum taught me was to be caring, affectionate, forgiving and determined, she taught me never to give up and to live life to the full. She always believed in me even, and especially, when I doubted myself. She was the best mum and Nanna anyone could ever wish for. I remember when I told her I was pregnant with Brandon, her response was ‘’I’m not old enough to be a nanna’’ I think she almost passed out but she was a great Nanna and she loved her grandchildren more than words can say. She spoiled them rotten and told me of for shouting at them, she gave them chocolate for breakfast and got Ruby-Mai obsessed with shoes. Together they built memories.
One of the things mum wanted more than anything was to see her grandchildren grow up, she won’t be here but she will watch them from Heaven and guide them in everything they do. She will never be forgotten and she will never truly be gone because every day she lives on in us, her children and grandchildren.
Mum I make you this promise; I will make you proud and speak your name every day. Brandon and Ruby-Mai will grow up with you in their lives. I love you mum, so very, very much. Thank you for being you.
Love Sarah.

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Linda New Life Church, Sosua wrote

I knew Anne briefly through work and she was always positive, fun and hardworking. I know her daughter, Sarah, and her family much better through our church in the Dominican Republic. Anne would be rightly so proud of you all and I know you will continue to make her proud in the way you bear this great sorrow. We love you all and will keep you in our prayers.

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  • Thanks

    Posted by Sarah on 25/09/2016 Report abuse
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Zara Bexon wrote

So honoured to of known Anne and spent time with her in the Dominican Republic. Love to Sarah, Bob and all the family x

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Sarah Guest lit a candle
Glyn Brooks lit a candle
Ally Probert lit a candle
Tony & Ally Probert lit a candle
Tracey Kane lit a candle
Shona Marie Fletcher lit a candle
Sarah Kirk lit a candle