Elizabeth Cunnington (10 Nov 1949 - 22 Jul 2014)

All Souls Chapel,Loughborough Cematorium Loughborough LE!! 2AF
4th Aug 2014
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The Harboro Hotel Burton Street Melton Mowbray LE13 1AF
4th Aug 2014


In loving memory of the late Elizabeth Cunnington who sadly passed away on 22nd July 2014

Rebecca Barrett lit a candle
Elizabeth Halls lit a candle
Gill Clater wrote

Our dear friend Elizabeth, so many memories from motor bike day's to our children as babies and growing up. Laughter and tears. Alway's remember with love ,never for gotten.love gIllx and loux

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Gill Clater lit a candle
Mark Hall lit a candle
Emma Stevenson lit a candle
christopher heaver lit a candle
Jess Seddon lit a candle
Amanda Ingham lit a candle
Tina Poultney lit a candle
louise brown wrote

I remember liz as a funny,loving and stand no nonsense person,when i was about six it was my grandads funeral, ut was january and i remember coming out of school and liz was there to meet me and we had had so much snow over a very short tine i struggled to walk to her house as she was looking after me and my younger brother,but she took good care of me, we also loved going round to her house to play with shaune and Maria, whilst looking after their poodle chalky i think whilst they were away,liz often cut mine and my brothers hair, i know she was very proud of her children and grandchildren, i will always hold a special place ib ny heart for her, may yiu forever rest in peace xxx

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Lorraine Seddon lit a candle
louise brown lit a candle
Elizabeth Peters lit a candle
Brian Cunnington lit a candle
Wendy Francis lit a candle
Barnes Funeral Directors lit a candle
Neil Wynn wrote

A much loved cousin who will be remembered for her cheerful personality and positive outlook even to the end. Fond memories of childhood times.

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