Alexander Taylor (13 Feb 1929 - 1 Jul 2016)

Boston Crematorium Marian Road Boston PE21 9HA
15th Jul 2016
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In loving memory of Alexander Taylor who sadly passed away on 1st July 2016, aged 87 years.

Alistair Taylor wrote

Although this is a sad occasion I feel it I important to remember some happy memories and I would like to share a couple with you.
I remember when I was a kid my dad used to take me to work with him over the school holidays that wouldn’t be allowed nowadays H and S etc. and he used to give me various jobs to do around the park tidying the yard picking up litter. I used to join the rest of the staff at lunchtime in the bothy it used to smell of stale tobacco,swafega and fresh brewed tea. The best thing was at the end of the week I would queue up with everyone outside the office to receive my wages complete with official payslip in those days it was all cash weekly I felt so grown up.
My dad loved his garden and when we moved from a flat into a house he turned the massive garden into half garden and half vegetable garden.
I remember him growing potatos,runner beans and strawberries amongst other things and on Sunday digging up fresh veg for mum to cook they tasted great.
I have happy memories of him sat in his summer his puffing on his pipe deep in thought. I would sit with him and talk about politics, world issues Lucy and Rachel would sometimes join us and listen in oblivious as to the content of what we were talking about but would listen intently as he spoke passionately about the things he cared about.
He cared for and loved mum with a dedication that I have never seen before and is a lesson to us all.
I remember the girls loving to hear his stories about his sea faring days, gammon and chips and the huge bag of Haribos he would always give to them for the journey home.
I remember being woken every morning by the squeaking on the windows as he cleaned them at some ungodly hour!!
Dad taught us that everyone deserves to be treated the same and not to look down on anybody or feel you are in some way better than them just because of the way they look or are down on their luck. It might be you one day who need a little help.
Dad loved his garden and had a huge mower that he would cut the grass with and the neighbours and anyone within a ten mile radius if mum would have let him!!
I remember Lucy watching him digging up some potatoes once and could not believe where they were coming from and that we were going to eat them.
We are all going to miss dad for all sorts of reasons but he has influenced us all in so many ways and for that we should are be thankful.

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Alistair Taylor wrote


COURAGE, brother! do not stumble,
Though thy path is dark as night;
There’s a star to guide the humble:
“Trust in God, and do the right.”

Let the road be long and dreary,
And its ending out of sight;
Foot it bravely, strong or weary;
“Trust in God, and do the right.”

Perish “policy” and cunning,
Perish all that fears the light!
Whether losing, whether winning,
“Trust in God, and do the right.”

Trust no forms of guilty passion,
Fiends can look like angels bright;
Trust no custom, school, or fashion,
“Trust in God, and do the right.”

Trust no party, Church, or faction;
Trust no leaders in the fight;
But, in every word and action,
“Trust in God, and do the right.”

Some will hate thee, some will love thee,
Some will flatter, some will slight;
Cease from man, and look above thee;
“Trust in God, and do the right.”

Simple rule, and safest guiding;
Inward peace, and inward light;
Star upon our path abiding:
“Trust in God, and do the right.”

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Lynn Tiefenbach wrote

I was sad to hear of uncle Alex passing and so very glad I got to see him last year whilst on vacation from Canada. We had a nice chat and he told me a few stories about he and my dad when they were in the 2nd world war and randomly met in Singapore. My heartfelt sympathy to Janet and Alistair and their families.

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Rachel Taylor wrote

My grandad was the strongest and most loving man I have ever known. I will forever treasure the amazing times I spent with him, especially listening to his amazing stories about the incredible life he lived. He taught me a lot, however the most important values he taught me was how to look after and love a family as much as he did and also how to save my money to make sure I didn't run out or end up in debt- the Micawber principle!! I will always feel so lucky to have had him in my life. He loved Nannan more than anything in the world and I am happy and grateful that he is now able to be at peace with her again. I will miss and love him always.
Love from Rach, your bonny lass xxx

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Kerry Clarke wrote

My Grandad was the greatest man I've ever known, my hero. He taught me so much, while I was growing up and into my adult life. I hope that I can teach my children the lessons he taught me. He had so much love for his whole family, a real family man. Some of my favourite childhood memories are of spending time at his house and playing in his garden, especially the little golf course that he made especially for Damon, Patrick & I. He loved to see his grandchildren and often talked to mum about when little Alexander would follow him around the kitchen while he was trying to make lunch. He was the best story teller, I will always remember his stories of when he was at sea and how he met Nannan. He's left a hole that no one can fill. He was such a big presence in our family, it felt like he would live forever. Sleep tight Grandad, I feel some peace that you are with Nannan again. Skye, Alexander, Adam & I will miss you dearly xxxx

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Frances Almeida (nee Taylor) wrote

My heart is sad and heavy but my memories are vivid and happy. My uncle Alex was such a kind, loving, warm person, I always loved to be in his company and listen to his stories, especially about my dad and their younger days. He will be sorely missed by myself and no doubt all his family. My love for you is eternal xxxxxxx Frances xxxxx

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