Hi Peter,
It's been a while but I think of you almost everyday.
I've been wanting to talk to you lately. More than ever.
The other week I organised a session on the Passenger Experience. I could have chosen to get the consultants to organise and speak but this time I decided I was rewatds. You alway offered me the opportunity to talk and I always told you I would when I was ready. And I did! 100 people! I really think you would have been proud. I wish you were there to see it. I'd like to think you were there anyway.
I also wanted to tell you that I've actually joined the dots between all my various careers choices. And guess what connects them?? People. that's what interests me and excites me. I suppose I just didn't realise there was a career in it. But now I've figured it out I'm going to explore it.
I miss you so much and wish you were here to guide me. I so appreciate you taking me under you wing.
All my love
Peter Raymond Nock (18 Feb 1953 - 22 Jun 2014)
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In loving memory of the late Peter Raymond Nock who sadly passed away on 22nd June 2014