Peggy Burnett (13 Feb 1926 - 30 Apr 2016)
In loving memory of Peggy Burnett who sadly passed away on 30th April 2016
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
posted a picture

Me and my wonderful mummy missing you so much . Thought I heard you calling at my house today while I was in garden with Pauline . We both heard it . So many memories of you in my house as well xxxxx
posted a picture

These six are going to miss you so much . They used to enjoy coming over on the trains and buses to see you . You loved them all the same no favourites they were all the same . God less you great nanny Peggy love Liam Ryan max and Alex Callum and Lola xxx missing you xxx
posted a picture

Your best friend Biggles , he loved your visits and stays . You used to love cuddling him and sharing your banana with him xxx
lit a candle

Me and mum

These six will miss there lovely great grand mother nanny Peggy .

Mum and her girls .

Me and my wonderful mummy missing you so much . Thought I heard you calling at my house today while I was in garden with Pauline . We both heard it . So many memories of you in my house as well xxxxx

These six are going to miss you so much . They used to enjoy coming over on the trains and buses to see you . You loved them all the same no favourites they were all the same . God less you great nanny Peggy love Liam Ryan max and Alex Callum and Lola xxx missing you xxx

Your best friend Biggles , he loved your visits and stays . You used to love cuddling him and sharing your banana with him xxx

Nanny meeting willow for the 1st time x

Nanny on her 90th

A heart of gold

My beautiful nanny & I. How I will miss you xxx

Me nanny Victoria Lauren and Ria one of many special Christmas'

Auntie sue nanny auntie Jane and mum

Me and nanny

Nanny Janet jane and me

Nanny Peggy with Willow, her 40th great grandchild

Just came across this and transported back in time?

A rose between two thorns

Mum and her little Boy

Mum and her Boy

Nanny Peg with Grace & Daisy

Both Mums together x

Mummy Burnett xxxx

Peggy Burnett age 15
