Jean Scott (5 Dec 1933 - 5 Mar 2016)

Funeral Director

Medway Crematorium Robin Hood Lane (Upper) Chatham, Kent. ME5 9QU
29th Mar 2016
Open map


In loving memory of Jean Claire Scott who sadly passed away on 5th March 2016

Floral tributes may be sent c/o John Weir Funeral Directors, 127 Watling Street, Gillingham, Kent ME7 2YY by 10:00 am on the day. Tel: 01634 855558

Danielle Scott wrote

Merry Christmas nanny. Wish you was here to meet your two new great grand babies Evie and Archie, they would have loved you as I’m sure you would love and adore them. I will make sure Evie knows all about her amazing, beautiful nanny Jean, We named her after you and she is beautiful just like you our little Evie Jean. Miss you so much, wish you was here more than ever!
Love you loads my angel forever and always xxxxxx

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Danielle Scott lit a candle
theresa clasper wrote

Hi Mum, its mummy's day tomorrow and Kevin's birthday, think he went to cashpoint last night, you know the usual ritual. Sad news Lee Scotts son Danny died in Goa recently only 31, so sad, and a sad loss of life, so young. We will attend the funeral when we know when it is. We are all sort of ok, without going into personal details. You know getting on with life in general, health wise we are not bad. Life in Cornwall is going better than expected, still trying to get mick more motivated. Anyway happy Mothers day, hope dads behaving, love and miss you loads, I think I have come to terms with what life has dealt, and know I must move on. Will never forget. Love and miss you so much, in our hearts forever. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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theresa clasper wrote

Hi Mum here we are in Cornwall, better than expected, lovely locals and the area is nice, if a bit damp.
House coming on great, and should look nice when finished.
Mum, what to do Mick, he is worse than ever, I don't know what to do, don't want him to get old before his time, but he is not helping, he just wants to sit in his chair, watch TV when he wants,when I say anything he just says don't start, I know you and others would say leave him, but he may as well be in a home. the few things I ask him to do are not strenuous, some just phone calls that would take up a lot of my time, when I could be doing more constructive physical work, like painting or cleaning. What do I do, live a life like you did, looking after dad, I know he would not have any one else to look after him, you were trapped, but this is what we do for our husbands, but what if the rolls were reversed, who knows, I know mick could feed me and maybe keep a reasonable home, but the dogs I worry about, mick does not drive so he is a bit stranded.
If only he would go on line as this is the easiest way and find out about what we have in area, and make sure that himself could get to the doctors if he needs to, sort out his medication, either collection or delivery, find out about vets, and if they collect for appointments. I do say to him i will sort it, this is because most of time he cannot hear me, or I have to explain to him how to do to go about dealing with anything.
You used to say ask mick, yes Mum he had a brilliant mind and could deal with a lot of issues.

Mum what to do with Mick !
I love you with all my heart, and want to love Mick the same, but he is shutting down and pushing me out.
I am strong I can deal, I will make sure he is ok.
Sorry for such sadness, life is short, I don't want much from life, but to share would be good.
Mum love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu xxxxx

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  • Mum would say stay strong N always look on the bright side of life N you can only do what you can do.. Its really sad read bout mick N guess he's just in his own little world N yes for you it's hard deal with. I no your mum was always there to advise you N talk things over, So maybe ask yourself this, What would my mum say to me.. She may be gone hunni but she's there in spirit and around somehow xx I truly believe that myself and I miss my mum no 2 immensely every friggin day N all I have is wonderful memories N they make me smile N mum want us all stay strong N fight the bad days.. I come on here regular and read this page.. I just wish I could click my fingers and mum becomes real N speaks xx I'm always here theresa if your feeling sad and want talk, just message me xx

    Posted by AMANDA on 28/01/2018 Report abuse
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Theresa Clasper wrote

Hi mum.
What to say, and where to start.
Been having dreams with you in them, some good ones, some well a bit crazy, some funny.
Moving on now to Cornwall, not doing flat living, being a bit rebellious, well what do exspect, I'm a Scott !
Miss speaking to you so much, want to tell you so much.
Tony and I are very close, we look out for each other. But all of your kids are very close. We look after each other.
I know jax looks out for Peter, and Michelle for Kevin. Diane well what a love, secretly she does look out for Tony, xxx
You have a new great grandson Stacy and Aaron had a beautiful boy Jacob Sidney Scott, what about that mum, wow.
Mick's ok but slow these days, would walk your pace.
Night for now, love you xxxx

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Amanda Watson wrote

5th July 4.01pm
Hi my beautiful mum no 2 xxx
I've not written to you in a while ,but that's ok as every single day your in my heart and I'm always thinking bout you ????
Things happen around me and I just feel it's a sign uv sent me ,you was and still are a big inspiration to us all and I just feel even thou your not here in person,I just believe your there somewhere in all our lives ,I was having a really bad week last week and just out the blue ,The 2 birds appeared on house roof opposite my house,was it a sign as 2 more came and where kissing each other,was beautiful to watch and it made me smile a lot ????xxxx I guess you think I'm crazy but I just want say thanks as it brought bk one of our many beautiful memories,Well you keep sending us all them signs from over the rainbow and I promise you every day your in my heart ,God woman I love you so much and miss you like crazy ,well my mum NO2 I will close for now and il be bk when I'm ready as it does hurt a lot to visit you on here,but I do as it's nice @ the same time ,love you ??????xxxx

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theresa clasper wrote

Hi Ma as Tony would say, been a bit of a rockie road for him ,loads of serious health issues, I am not by his side but his siblings and especially Diane is looking after him. Hopefully he is getting the best help. I am watching this space as they say ! Peter and Kev are ok think they are struggling.
Unfortunately Felix had to be rehomed through cats protection.
And me, well ok , lot going on, Mick, Brothers, getting strength and great support from somewhere.
Nan used to say where there's a will there's a way. Hay Ho.
11 of us going to Majorca Sat week looking forward to that, you would love it.
Had a few glasses of wine feeling tired and no ump.
Ill catch up soon. love you loads, finding it hard to greave, sorry, thought I was going under a few days ago, got a bit scared. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Theresa Clasper wrote

Well mum a year has gone by, 19 of our family members went to the watering bury today for a meal.
We took you and Tom whom we lost recently, usual family stuff but not our fault, meals late or cold food, something we would have dreaded when we were waitressing.
Still they made good with the bill.
We went to the pond at the mill, is that where you want to end up or stay with one of your children, sure you will let me know somehow.
We are all well in our own ways, getting along really well.
I felt very proud today Tony in the middle as the head of the family. He did not know that.
Having a glass of wine now in the hotel with Mick down at the docks in Chatham watching call the midwife that is filmed just down the road .
Anyway keep this line open, will need to speak again, love you loads Mum xxxx

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Amanda Watson wrote

Its saturday 2.09am on 27th jans ..xx
Hi my shining star ? xx
Just because i havent written anything to you lately ,I wanted come here 2night and say ,I may not have written out but every single day from your passing ,your always in my thoughts and heart?❤?
Theres not one single day goes by that i dont think of you ,Little things pop up and it reminds me of you and some things make me smile ?? Well my beautiful soul its time for me sleep ,Love you very much xxxxxxxxxx
il be back to say hello to you but for now i hold you close in my heart,I kiss your photo all time and read your poem i have on my kitchen shelf ,love you always ?❤?❤xxxxxx

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Theresa Clasper wrote

Hi mum, me again, I am off to Gillingham next weekend to see brothers family and friends, we will celebrate you 83 rd birthday sadley without you,at your home,Peter suggests a Chinese, I guess we will have to share the, oh is it prawn, or chicken, don't think its pork balls in sweet and sour sauce. There is a few fly's on my walls,has been for a couple of weeks, maybe it's been you.
Hey ho as you would say you never know.
We are all ok, sleep well our angle xxxxxxxxxxx

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Theresa Clasper wrote

Hi mum, well it's been many months since we were together, life's has had its laughs, sadness, amusement's, Benidorm was a hit, you would have loved the balcony, the view, the ashtray, and the coffee with carnation milk. Between you and I, I think Peter was speechless when he saw the view, we had a good time, Kevin felt a bit lost at times, looked like he was waiting to push you in the wheelchair and show you the sights.
Hope the plans you left for us, are going as you expected.we are very united as a family and looking out for each other.
Let me know if there is anything I can do.
Love you loads, try not to think of you too much as it breaks my heart, and I need to be strong,just had an advertisement on about Mrs Browns boys, that would have made this smile.
Love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx your beautiful family not just blood.

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Amanda Watson wrote

???Hello my shining star,its Friday 22nd july 11.10am xx I just came here to say i think of you every single day more than once N miss you zillionsxx
I just feel so numb and very sad your no longer with us N silly little things just pop up N it reminds me of you ,or other things happen that make me smile N cry @ the same time xx
I just wanted come to say hello to you N put few my thoughts on here N let you no that your in my heart N thoughts every single day N there you shall stay foreverxx I was thinking 2days go it was a rosting hot day in kent ,over the 90,s and thought myself my mum no2 would have that written down in her diary ,I no your dairies where your whole life ,but it was just that one thought came in my head xx Well my shining star the sun is shining in kent 2day ,lovely blue skys N bit cloud N your in my heart N thoughts always bye for now ???

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Theresa Clasper wrote

Hi mum going to Kent this Monday to sort things out with brothers, again if I may ask send a sign if we do something wrong or if you planned things in a different way.
I have talked to one of my lady's who will foster Felix, not sure if this is the right thing to do, sure you will let me know.
The days are getting easier,i try not to think about you too much as it would break my heart, I have to advert my much to sort out, people to care for and look after, your son in-law for one had a mini t I a yes he is ok.
Well I wait for our fate and destiny, in a positive way.
Thank you our beautiful mum.
With all our love your kids and

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Amanda Watson wrote

?❣?Hi mum no2 ?❣?
Its sunday 22nd may
12.07am...Well thought id pop by and have a chat with you,So lately iv been trying deal with your passing ,Its really not easy as i loved you so much and still do and always will ☺❤ xx
So other day was just having an off day and just looking out my window watching the sky and clouds moving,Then all of a sudden a bird appeared on roof and then another came,It was so beautiful to watch as they making friends and then walking away from each other,I was watching them for ages and then they where kissing,It was one of our conversations we had little while bfore you passed away,It made me smile remembering that day xx
Iv been spending a lot time with aaron and finley and we talk bout you all the time ,Yesterday saturday i was with aaron and finley @ my mums and was a nice day spending time with them both ,It was 1 of the nicest days i had since you passed ,Aaron then brought me home and then ray said me babe theres a rainbow in the sky,It was so wonderful to see as iv been waiting on that rainbow ,As i no how much you loved them ,I watch it feeling really emontional and i thought wonder if mum no2 can see it as i looked up to the sky with a smile and said i love you ,It was an end to a perfect day ...Well our beautiful soul i just wanted come on here and write to you ,your in my heart and thoughts 24/7 xxx And theres only one other person who is always and thats my dad ..well its time say goodnight and il come chat you soon ,Love you or as you would put lol ...I close now with a smile and a beautiful soul in my memories xxxxx

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Theresa Clasper wrote

Hi mum talking to pete now he did some pitch and put today and bumped into Jethro,he had a good 10 mins conversation with him, and he asked a lot about you, he is performing at central hall tonight that you and Peter talked about. What about that

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Theresa Clasper wrote

Hi mum, well last week we went to Butlins Minehead,kev, pete, Michelle amey barb & a bit rubbish. Ok break should have been there for lively conversation and a go on the penny machines.went to see carol while in north Devon. Lovely to meet her again.
I am in Kent end of the month helping to sort things out with brothers.send a sign if anything pacific you want doing. Alls well we are looking out for each other. Love you loads xxx

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Amanda Watson posted a picture


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Stacey Barnes wrote

????❤️ miss you nanny and wanted to send you flowers as they always bought a smile. Xxx

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Amanda Watson wrote

Hi mum no2 ???
Its Wednesday 20th april
I dont no what to write or say ,I miss you so much and its so hard i cant see or hear your beautiful voice any longer xxx I just wanted come here to say something to you ,Im not really dealing with your passing as it hurts a lot to lose a lady i truly adored and loved so much ,I have go now as no words will bring you back to us all xxx Im waiting to see a rainbow in the sky ????...xxxx

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Theresa Clasper wrote

Mum I miss you so much.
We went on holiday Friday I usually ring from the airport and text when we arrive.
I cannot do that anymore so sad you are not with us.
I love you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Amanda Watson wrote

Morning mum no2,Its weds 6th april @ 7.41am,It was a month yesterday since your beautiful soul left all our family N friends .The sun was shining bright yesterday and it was a warm day ,The birds where singing ,I went for a little walk with ray and we walking along hand in hand talking bout you ,Ididnt get far with my walking as in so much pain with my hips N legs N back ,So had 7 pit stops there N back ,I came home in so much pain and then i walk in ktchen N have your little poem card on my kitchen glass shelf N read it N it made me smile N my mood swing lifted ❤?❤ I cannot tell you anymore from my voice i love you so much ,So now i have type it .You will always be in my heart N thoughts N mum no2 the sun is starting come out and im just bout get up as got work ...Love you xxxxx

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Stacey Barnes wrote

Thinking of you nanny as I'm sitting in the garden looking at the trees starting to bloom and the flowers coming out. Wish you were here to see them. Xx

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  • Bless you stacy it's a month today. Nan would loved the new growth on the trees and the weather being

    Posted by Theresa on 5/04/2016 Report abuse
  • She would have loved sitting in my garden with a fag and hot chocolate from my coffee machine, she came over at the end of last summer for an hour and left 6 hours later lol bless her xx

    Posted by Stacey on 7/04/2016 Report abuse
  • You know how to hold an audience, I could do the same but with a bottle of wine. Bless you xxxx

    Posted by Theresa on 7/04/2016 Report abuse
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Stacey Barnes lit a candle
Stacey Barnes lit a candle
Amanda Watson wrote

Hi my mum no2
Its 30th March 3.52pm
Iv tryed to be so strong since you left us ,Yesterday you was sent on your final journey,Where_ever that may be ..2day has hit me hard as its the realisation that you,ve truly gone ,My tears have not stopped 2day,I no our whole family is feeling same way as me ,Im just so heart broken and cant write anymore 2day as feel so alone in a big wide world,But im not alone as all family feeling same with so many sad mixed emontions,I miss you beyond words and love you beyond words ❤?❤ xxxx

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  • Hi amanda,although we miss mum,we can all share in the love we have for her and remember all our memories of her. Mum would not want sadness,she loved us all,the celerbration of life that we had for her on her special day,she would have loved, her colourful nature and outlook on life. Thank you for your kindness and looking out for your mum number 2 xxx

    Posted by Theresa on 2/04/2016 Report abuse
  • Thank you theresa ,your words are true ..In all honesty how can we all not be sad ,I no your mum N my mum no2 wouldnt want us have sadness..She just was a massive impact in everyones lives N its so so hard shes gone , Im just taking 1 day @ a time N trying accept the realisation of it all ,but when we all loved a lady with all our hearts and 1 minute in all our lives full of joy ,laughs N happiness and nxt minute our mum gone ..Life is cruel ,They say life takes the best ,My mum no2 was simply the best ???xxx

    Posted by AMANDA on 4/04/2016 Report abuse
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Amanda Watson lit a candle
Barnes Stacey wrote

Beautiful nanny, today we said goodbye and sent you on your journey to the flower garden in the sky. It was a beautiful celebration of your life and the only person missing was you!!!! I've cried silent tears and couldn't hold them well today, but I tried nanny as I know you wouldn't want anyone sad. I just so wish for one last conversation, one last look at your beautiful smiling face and just one more fag with the most precious nanny I was very lucky to have in my life. Fly high nanny, smile and be at peace precious lady xxxxx

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  • Thank you stacy, nan would have enjoyed today,she would have spent all afternoon in the garden with whoever wanted a fag with her.bless you,stacy you beautiful neice. With love auntie Theresa xxx

    Posted by Theresa on 29/03/2016 Report abuse
  • I miss her, I think the realisation has hit today that my special moments with her aren't going to happen again ? Xx

    Posted by Stacey on 29/03/2016 Report abuse
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Diane Cox wrote

Hi Jean . Today we say goodbye to my wonderful and caring friend. Thank you for always been there for me . You was the mum I never had. Take care . I miss you so much and feel so sad that I will not see or speak to you again. ! Take care . Love you loads. Xx

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  • Beautiful Diane,Mum knew how wonderful you are,thank you for being her friend and a daughter in law,and looking out for Tony. I quite love yeh as well, Theresa xxxx

    Posted by Theresa on 29/03/2016 Report abuse
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Diane Cox lit a candle
Theresa Clasper lit a candle