Eileen Muriel Gills (13 Nov 1934 - 18 Feb 2016)

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In loving memory of Eileen Muriel Gills who sadly passed away on 18th February 2016

Linda Hobbs wrote

Dear Mum,
It's been 8 years today that you left a huge hole in all of our hearts, I cannot believe where the time has gone.

So much has happened in those 8 years but today I will mostly focus on the good ones.

Chelsey and Ed had a beautiful baby boy called Harrison Mark on the 17th September 2022, he is a real little darling, you'd absolutely love him, he is just so cute.

We were lucky enough to visit Chelsey Ed and Harrison last year and spend three wonderful months with them, they at that time lived in a beautiful house, which they have since sold and are now in the process of building their own property in a place called Bannockburn. It was so hard for Mark and I saying our goodbyes, but we hope to go back again this year and help with the build.

Spencer and Kat got married on September 14th 2022, what a fabulous day that was in Wales, they have since produced our lovely little granddaughter Elsie May who is now 9 months old, she has bright red hair and such a cute little laugh, you'd love her too.

Hayley and Josh finally got married in Dalyan Turkey last may 27th With Pixie as Bridesmaid and Dexter as best man it was a fabulous wedding and a total surprise to the bride and groom (not the wedding) all that happened on the day as Mark and I had planned it down to the finest detail. Everyone said what an amazing time they had all had.

Dad is struggling more and more now with his walking, he shuffles along and no longer goes out anywhere.

We learnt on Thursday evening that Simon had very sadly passed away on 23rd January 2024 it came as a huge shock to both Dad and the family, a letter was just put through the letter box from Pinchbeck explaining.

I hope now that Simon is at peace and back to his old self, free of Mitochondrial disease and having a lovely time with You, Susan and David.

Until we meet again Mum, I will love and miss you always.

Sending you all, all my love Linda XXXXX

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Linda Hobbs lit a candle
Linda Hobbs wrote

Dear Mum,
Wishing you a Happy 88th Heavenly Birthday. I hope you are having a good knee's up with Susan and David.
I will love and miss you all.
Until we meet again I'm sending you all my love forever Linda XXXXX

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Linda Hobbs lit a candle
Linda Hobbs wrote

Dear Mum, As another year passes things don't get any easier. We all miss you so much and wish you were still here with us. I have just sent you a long email all about what has been happening and its disappeared!! David was struck down with Covid and was admitted to Peterborough City Hospital on 2nd February once he got admitted to the ward A9 bed 18 Mark and I visited the following day, David was very restless, agitated and struggling to breath he kept removing his oxygen mask and had already ripped his cannula out that were administering his drugs to help with the Covid. Doctor came and put a cannula in his foot. David was moved to a side room
(31) where he continued to struggle with the oxygen and got extremely agitated trying to sit up and get out of bed tearing his oxygen mask off it was awful for me to sit and watch and be helpless. All this continued each time I visited I talked to David and told him how much everyone loved him until Sunday 6th February a palliative nurse called me into the nurses seating area where she explained that things were not going to plan for David and that without his co operation they were between a rock and a hard place, I expressed my concerns that David had no quality of life before he got Covid and what would be the effects of lack of oxygen since the Covid took over his body he had no life in his eyes, they were rolled to the back of his head. It was decided that they would put him on an end of life plan, I was absolutely devastated but totally agreed with their decision and plan of action. I spent two hours with David that day and then came home and broke the news to Dad and the rest of the family. On Monday I went back to the hospital and sat with David from 10am while Mark drove to Luton Airport to pick up Peter, they arrived at the hospital at 5.30pm Mark said his final goodbyes to David while Peter and I stayed at the hospital holding David's hands and telling him how much everyone loved him and talking about anything and everything, just so that David knew he wasn't alone. David after putting up a tremendous fight, finally lost his battle at 00.25am on the 8th February. I am really hoping that he is now at peace and resting with you and Susan until he has the strength to go out partying with you both. David was dealt a very poor hand and his life was cut short with Mitochondrial Disease and then Covid I really hope he will make the most of his life wherever he is now and most of all be happy and free from pain and suffering. Now for the good news Chelsey and Ed are expecting a baby, we are over the moon with excitement for them both, we are going to New Zealand in November a trip that we had already planned before they made their baby announcement. Pixie and Dexter continue to grow far too fast they are both adorable and a right handful for Hayley and Josh. Please look after David and take good care of him, he has had a really terrible 19 year's which he truly didn't deserve Susan and you I know will take good care of him. Until we all meet again. I will love and miss you all always until we meet again I am sending you all my love now and always Linda XXXXX

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Linda Hobbs lit a candle
Linda Hobbs wrote

Dear Mum, Today it is 6 years since you left us all. Dad has lit a candle for you and cut you two roses from the garden, he says they are not up to his normal standard, but they were the best of the bunch. I have been thinking a lot about you today, it's so sad here at the moment. David was admitted to hospital on the 2nd February with Covid, he really struggled to breath and wouldn't keep his oxygen mask on nor would he keep his cannula's in, he ripped them out of his arm and foot. The Palliative nurse asked me into the the wards rest room for a chat on the 6th February as David was very distressed and struggling to breath, it was decided that David should be put on an end of life plan, because he wasn't getting any better and wasn't coping well with his treatment, I was also very concerned as to how much more brain damage he would of sustained being starved of oxygen. I sat with him for a couple of hours on the 6th absolutely heartbroken. I returned on the 7th at 10am and sat with David holding his hand and telling him that we all loved him, while Mark went and collected Peter from Luton Airport. Peter and Mark arrived at about 5.30pm, Mark said his goodbyes to David while Peter and I sat talking to David and holding his hands, David finally passed away the following morning at 00.25am the 8th February. He put up such an amazing fight, life has been so bloody cruel to him, he deserved so much more living, but Mitochondrial disease robbed him of that and once he got Covid he didn't stand a chance. We are all hoping that he is now at peace with You and Susan, partying and having the fun that he was robbed of here. I am doing all the arrangements for the funeral as Dad is struggling with his walking and hearing now. Now for the good news Chelsey and Ed are expecting a baby what fantastic news that is. Mark and I had already booked to go and see them in November this year so that will be an absolutely fantastic bonus, meeting our little grandchild. Will break the trip gently to Dad nearer the time. We love and miss you so much please send all our love to Susan and David and look after Susan and David until we all meet again. Sending you all my love now and always Linda XXXXXXXXXX

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Dear Mum, Another year has passed tomorrow without you being here with all of us, we cannot believe it has been 5 years. A lot has happened in that time. Hayley and Josh have produced two amazing little children Pixie and Dexter, they light up everyones life. Spencer and his partner Kat are buying their first home after being locked out of New Zealand and returning to the UK, they are buying a lovely little bungalow in Wales in a place called Bagillt, we are yet to see it, but are hoping to go and help them do it up. Chelsey and Ed have moved into their second home together, from the photographs it looks fantastic, Ed proposed to Chelsey last August 22nd and they plan on marrying in New Zealand in 2023. Covid is still on going and poor Dad is still stuck at home, but at least he has Lulu for company, he misses you terribly as do we all, but you would never of survived this dreadful virus. I am pleased to say that Dad got his first vaccination against Covid a few weeks ago, so we feel he is one step closer to getting his life back. Mark and I are still waiting for our jab's and hope they are in the not too distant future. We will continue to take good care of Dad for as long as he needs us. Enjoy catching up with Susan and all your family and friends, where ever you are and most of all remember that we all love and miss you. Until we meet again I will love you alway's. All my love Linda XXXXX

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linda hobbs wrote

Hi Mum, So much has happened since I last wrote to you, which is some time ago now. Don't think because I don't write that I don't think of you often, I do. Things are shocking in the world right now there is a dreadful virus called Covid 19 which has stopped the world in its tracks and killed so many people worldwide and its not over yet. We are all in lockdown for the second time now, poor Dad has not been able to go out since the first lockdown which was back in March he is getting really fed up and bored with it all now, but he cannot take the chance and go out and mix amongst people, as this virus is deadly especially in the elderly and vulnerable, people just like Dad. He misses you so much but knows that you too would have been in extreme danger of getting the virus had you still been here and in the nursing home, as the nursing homes have been hit extremely hard by all this, as hard as it is for all of us we really hope that you are in a better place surrounded by people that you love and have missed seeing for many years now, especially Susan, please send her all my love and tell her I miss her terribly and wish I could see her just for another day, we have so much catching up to do. Its your birthday tomorrow Mum you will be 86, just think how all those candles will look on your cake. Not a day goes by when I don't think of you and wish we could just have another few minutes together. I will always love and miss you Mum, you were the Best. Sending all my love always Linda XXXXXXXXXX

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John Gills wrote

Happy 85th birthday Mum. We all love and miss you everyday. Sending you all our love as you celebrate this special day, we do wish that we could be celebrating with you. I will love and miss you forever . Sending you all my love Linda xxxxxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs lit a candle
Linda Hobbs wrote

Wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day Mum. I still miss you everyday. Please enjoy celebrating Mother’s Day with Susan today and send her all my love. With all my love now and always Mum. Linda xxxxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Wishing you a very Happy New Year Mum, wherever you may be I hope you are celebrating somewhere nice with Susan. Sending all my love Linda xxxxx I will love and miss you forever, until we meet again xxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Happy New Year Mum, wherever you are. Remember I will always love and miss you. Sending you all my love Linda xxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Happy New Year Mum, wherever you are. Remember I will always love and miss you. Sending you all my love Linda xxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Happy Birthday Mum. Sorry I am sending this in the evening, we have been out all day with Peter Hobbs, we took him to an RAF do. I wished you Happy birthday the moment I woke up this morning, today you would have been 84, can you believe it? I still cry for you often, I wish I could have been with you at the end, I am eaten up with guilt. I hope you have been celebrating today with Susan and all your friends and family up there. Until we meet again Mum, I will love and miss you always. All my love Linda xxxxxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Hi Mum, I have been thinking of you an awful lot lately and missing you loads. I should have written to you sooner, but somehow we always seem busy. Hayley and Josh had their beautiful son Dexter on 12th June this year, I was lucky enough to be there through most of Hayley's labor when they finally discovered that Dexter was actually breech, they rushed Hayley down for an emergency C section with Josh, I got to meet our little grandson about 15 minutes after he was born, a very magical moment. Chelsey flew over as a surprise to Hayley, all the way from Australia (where she has temporarily moved to) to be with Hayley for the birth, unfortunately things did not work out as the hospital did not pick on Dexter being breech, therefore he was overdue and Chelsey flew back and missed the birth. Spencer is still very happy and content in New Zealand with his partner Kat, we miss both Chelsey and Spencer very much but we think that they have made the correct decision in moving to the other side of the world. England has nothing to offer them, Spalding is an awful place to live now, so Mark and I have decided to sell up, we are hoping to find a buyer soon and move away. Dad still talks about you often and misses you so much, he found a wallet of yours recently which was full of notes, photo's and a letter to your Mum, it really upset us both. Peter, Tania and family are all coming over for Christmas this year they will be staying with Dad to keep him company, Ayshia will be 13 on Thursday, can you believe it? Where has that time gone? Take care Mum where ever you are. I will love and miss you always. All my love Linda xxxxxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Wishing you a very Happy Mother's day Mum. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing today enjoy yourself. Today is our second Mother's day without you. We all love and miss you everyday. Take care of yourself and look after Susan today as she will be missing her girls. With all my love forever and always Linda xxxxx

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Chelsey Hobbs wrote

Happy new year nan, miss you lots xxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Happy New Year to you Mum. Wherever you are, We all hope you enjoyed ringing in 2018 and celebrating with Susan, family and friends. We all miss you so much. Take care Mum. I will love you always and forever Linda xxxxxxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Happy New Year to you Mum. Wherever you are, We all hope you enjoyed ringing in 2018 and celebrating with Susan, family and friends. We all miss you so much. Take care Mum. I will love you always and forever Linda xxxxxxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Sorry Mum, I should also have said that Chelsey and Spencer are still having a ball in New Zealand, Chelsey now has her residency and hopefully Spencer will soon apply for his, they have a fantastic live out there and we can only be proud that they have made the move for a better life. They both have lovely partners and are very happy. xxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Hi Mum, Today would have been your 83rd Birthday and we are all here to wish you a very Happy Birthday and hope that you are somewhere nice with Susan and friends celebrating. Mark and I have just travelled back from Cornwall, we have been to collect a caravan and spent a few days there, the weather was shocking (windy) so we had to stay for 4 nights instead of 2 it was too risky travelling back in the high winds. Dad is doing OK he still misses you terribly as we all do and is always reminiscing about your lives together, Holly is really good company for him. He has been doing really well at bowls lately. Pixie is absolutely adorable and its so very sad that you never got to meet her. Hayley is expecting her second child you are amongst the first to know, Dad does not know yet. Peter and family are really good coming over again for Christmas and staying with Dad to keep him company. I went to see David again recently, its so sad that he has lost any conversation and just sits all day. I hope to take Dad to see Simon soon, he would love to see him but cannot manage the drive. Sending so much love from us all MUM love you forever and always take care and speak again soon. Happy Birthday once again. All my Love Linda xxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Hi Mum,
Been thinking about you lots these last few days, always with happy memories but tears in my eye's.

While writing this message I have just had a large moth land on my arm, was this a sign from you I wonder!

Peter, Tania and the family are going to be at Lake Ross again for 10 days this summer keeping Dad busy and out of mischief they will go fishing and have some lovely time together, I am sure.

Spencer and his girlfriend Kat came to visit us from New Zealand a couple of months ago, they had the real pleasure of meeting Pixie for the first time and enjoying family times together with Hayley, Josh Pixie and us, we all went around a few times to see Dad and keep him company it was lovely to see them both and nice to finally meet Kat, she is lovely. It was so difficult saying our goodbyes at the airport, Mark and I cried for at least 30 minutes once we had dropped them off at Heathrow.

Chelsey and Ed are still madly in love, Chelsey has just put in for her residency to stay in New Zealand, fingers crossed that she gets it, as the UK is worse than ever now.

I am still struggling with the fact that I can no longer pick up the phone here and have a chat with you.

Love and miss you always Mum, sending all our love from us all Linda xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Dear Mum,

Today is mother's day and I am sending you all my love. Thank you for being the most kind and caring Mum, you made everyday special. I will love and miss you always. All my love Linda xxxxx 26/3/2017

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Dear Mum, We cannot believe that you left us all one year ago today. They say that times a healer, not sure who said it, but they are talking nonsense. We all still miss you terribly. Today I am going down to the crematorium where I scattered your ashes I will leave you some flowers and send you a balloon with a message. We will spend most of the day with Dad today keeping him company, he should have gone bowling today, but says he wants to have a quite day, its not a day for celebration. We may go out for a meal together later on we will have to wait and see how the day pans out, as we will all be feeling very low and upset. Hayley and Pixie were here yesterday for the day with Mark and I, she is a real beautiful little girl, always smiling, always happy, you would have absolutely fallen in love with her, just like we all have. Wherever you are Mum please take care until we meet again we will all love and miss you forever. Rest now and enjoy being free from pain and suffering. With all my love Linda xxxxxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Hi Mum, Its me again. Today has been our first Christmas without you, its not been easy, but we have all kept ourselves busy. Peter, Tania, Ajay & Ayshia have flown over to spend time with Dad. Spencer and Chelsey are spending their time with their partners in New Zealand where they have both continued to stay. Hayley, Josh and Pixie have spent their first Christmas celebrating at home in Spalding in their new home. Mark and I have spent our Christmas in Turkey, we went for a walk today along the coast, you were never very far from my mind. We all miss you so much Mum, Dad is finding it especially hard, it seems to be getting harder for him, he is even blaming his bad bowling on you not being there to encourage him and giving him one of your little winks of encouragement. Perhaps you could help improve his game somehow, that would give him a big boost. Pixie is growing fast and is so beautiful, you would have adored her, cannot believe that you never got to meet her, but then I really do believe that you will always look down on us all. Please leave a sign Mum that you are still around as its so hard being without you. Merry Christmas Mum. We will all love you forever. Linda xxxxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Mum. Today is your birthday and you would have been celebrating your 82nd birthday. I have nowhere to send a card to anymore, no present to buy to give you, but please remember this one thing, not a day goes by when I don't think about you, I am glad that you are no longer suffering, but wish selfishly that you were still here so that I could hug you for one more time and tell you that I Love You. Happy a Lovely birthday Mum celebrating with the Angels. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Linda Hobbs wrote

It's almost six months since you passed away Mum, it does not seem to get any easier. I popped down to where I scattered your ashes recently, was it you that had left all the white feathers? I came to tell you that Hayley had given birth to our beautiful granddaughter, making you a great grandma. Her name is Pixie and she is absolutely beautiful, I was there at the birth, a moment I will treasure forever, I am sure that you were there too. I cannot describe how much I love and miss you sleep well Mum all my love Linda xxxx

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Linda hobbs wrote

4 months today Mum since you fell asleep, things don't seem to be getting any easier, in fact we all miss you more than ever. We have you are having fun with all the angels. RIP Mum and don't forget we all love and miss you. Sleep well xxxxx

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