Heather Purdy (11 Dec 1960 - 5 Feb 2016)

Swanick Crematorium Derby Road Swanick Alfreton DE55 1BH
27th Feb 2016
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Ilkeston Rugby Club The Stute, Hallam Fields Road Ilkeston DE7 4AZ
27th Feb 2016


In loving memory of Heather Purdy who sadly passed away on 5th February 2016 at 3.20am from a ruptured adominable aortic aneursym.

Her funeral will be on Saturday 27th Feb at 1.00pm at Amber Valley Crematorium, followed by her wake at Ilkeston Rugby Club.

She suffered from MS for well over 24 years but only diagnosed in the last 4 where she was increasingly deterioting.
She never let anything stop her though. Throughout the past few years she has had great days out at Waddington Air Show, she loved watching the planes fly over, particular the Vulcan, the plane with the mushroom on it (Sentry) and ofc the Red Arrows. As a family we have had days out to Skegness and Mabelthorpe, eating lots of fish n chips, hot fresh doughnuts and lots of ice cream! We've enjoyed other days out to Marwell Zoo, Bournemouth, Matlock and Chesterfield.

Her main job she has had through her life is being a mum, and 'by heck' as our Simon would say she was the best mum we could've asked for. Her parenting style was either laid back or perhaps a little extreme but when your little girls is hardly eating and your getting frustrated wouldnt you tip a plate of beans on toast on her head lol. Its little memories like these that we now laugh about now.

My mum has never had loads of really close friends, but the few she has had have been amazing, ofc each friends have tend to overlap different points in her life. Either way she has always been there for her friends as best as she could be and likewise they have for her.

She has always loved her pooches too, and has never been long without having her own dog, i think the two who stuck in her heart most were Sabre and Missy, dont get me wrong she loved them all, but she had these the longest.

And as Queen was her favourite band I will quote from 'Gimme the Prize' "It's better to burn out, than to fade away"

My mum will always burn bright in the nights sky, she was surely one of a kind.

Simon Purdy wrote

Here's a poem I wrote, in your memory:


Roses are red and so is your heart
though every rose has its thorn,
I'm happy you're stuck in my side.
Like the tree in the garden, your roots grow deep,
like the rising sun, forever you'll shine
over morning's horizon, forever to chase
into tomorrow, never eclipsed, day or night -
sun or moon, never to fade from the skies;
like the tide: ebbs and flows forever;
like the crash of a wave over a beach,
it invigorates and reinvigorates,
comes and goes, ebbs and flows.
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside,
and the walks that we used to take,
the ice creams and donuts -
the fish and chips,
A memory shared is a holiday home -
I can visit any time I want.

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Simon Purdy wrote

Well, I've done it - booked the first holiday since the one we went on, together, in Mablethorpe. It'll be weird; it's one thing to go on holiday without you - not generally a problem, the problem is that when I come back - you won't be there to greet me and ask how my holiday was. I won't be able to share the memories with you... but most of all, it'll be through the first new years eve and new years day - without you. As it is, I'm not looking forward to Christmas, or your birthday this year. But whatever I do, or do with family - is in memory of you, and the love for you which will last longer than words can say.

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  • You will havemany of those first moments Simon and each one will evoke its own sadness and memories, but you'll not be alone for our own days will also have those first times

    Posted by Gail on 21/09/2016 Report abuse
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Emma Foster posted a picture
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Jayne wrote

Mum, I made a wedding cake, a 4 teir wedding cake, it was amazing. You would've loved it. It hurts so much to not be able to share these firsts with you and its just not the same telling other ppl, but its all I've got now. There are going to be moments like that in the future, I just hope with time it doesn't hurt so much and I can just picture what you would say. Like I know If I had shown you the cake you prob would've asked if there was any left :) I miss you soo much xxx Love you Always xxx

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Manda Watson wrote

***Aunty H***

Empty spaces - what are we living for
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for...
Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore
The show must go on,
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on.
Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache, another failed romance
On and on, does anybody know what we are living for?
I guess I'm learning, I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning, round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly - my friends
The show must go on
The show must go on
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On - with the show -
I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the -
On with the show -
The show must go on...

Although our lives are going on and moving forward we will always carry you with us in our hearts.

Know you are loved and missed every single day, know that we think of you and cherish all the memories shared.

Love you Aunty H sleep well xxx

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Gail Wigley wrote

It's just has hard now as it was 2 month ago, if I don't have time to think then it's okay, but if I do then it hurts like a bastard, one question we can't get a answer to is why you xxx

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Simon Purdy wrote

It's been two months since you left us, there isn't a day I don't think of you but I just keep reminding myself of what you'd say - "shit happens" is so true, but there's one word I could change in that phrase that describes you as a person and as a mother - you were "shit hot", and we always have and always will love you. Missing you, but I'll make you proud of me mum - I promise.

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Gail Wigley wrote

Nearly 2 months can smile wen I think of you can curse you for Levine us xx

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Simon Purdy wrote

Red Nova
Red Nova

Mother, our super nova –
Wearing, showing red all over,
With her red clothes or her red hair –
She wouldn’t care if anyone stared.
Her red lips folded in a smile
‘cause she was laughing all the while.
The suns show as stars at night
And this one shone with all her might,
Lending ears or shoulders to her friends,
She’d send a love that never ends.
Never subtle or softly spoken,
Her smile was truly love’s sweet token –
Mother, daughter, sibling or friend:
Her arms forever she would bend
To hug or heal a sorry heart
And though for now we are apart –
From here to there, our love transcends,
In our hearts and in our memories, forever you will spend.

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Rmma Foster posted a picture
You with my boy in the earlier days of meeting you xxx

You with my boy in the earlier days of meeting you xxx

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Emma Foster wrote

Well H, what can I say; I’m heartbroken that you have left me. You were the light and soul of my life and sometimes a burden (because you were always a stubborn git), but I wouldn’t have had you any other way.
I’ve known you around 13 years and in all those years you have always been the best friend anyone could ask for. Even if you did pinch my fags, but we always had a laugh about it you cheeky sod.
You were always had a smile for me and a joke.
You were the best adopted mama, Heather the rabbit fartarse and not forgetting Heavy Trott for my son. Who I know you loved with all your heart. Even though he drove you insane at times. And my son loved you back just as much.
You would always call my dog Patch a she or a girl to. Even though he’s a boy but it didn’t matter how many times I told you that, you would still call him a she lol.
My earliest memories of you are sitting in your garden with you while you tended to your plants and of course drinking your tea (you never did go without a cuppa). And then of course your fag in your hand.
I used to love sitting in the garden with you having chats about anything and everything. Also playing ball with the dogs, which you certainly loved those dogs, they were your life.
Another early memory of you is the times we used to paint your house together, problem was more paint ended up on us and the dogs, instead of the walls. And of course every half hour you had to have a break, with a cuppa and fag. I think we spent more time drinking tea, than we did painting in the end lol.
We also had many days out in the earlier days, when we could both walk with no problems, going to the shops, b and q, etc. And everywhere we went there was always plenty of colourful language coming from your mouth. I know everyone would laugh at us, because you would be swearing and I would always be saying to you “Heather stop it. Your reply was always the same “What”, and then you would carry on swearing lol. I always did chuckle about it behind your back but kept a straight serious face to you.
There was also some odd shopping trips, where you picked the odd bit up and you always sneaked it on to the end of my shopping. But you always forgot to give me the money back for it. I still laugh about that now. There is loads of other memories we shared too.
I know at one point in my life I was going through a pretty tough time and I know I said thank you to you loads and loads, but I can never thank you enough for what you did for me.
You also had a bad time when you were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and I know it hit you hard and I really hope I was there enough for you to help you. As you did for me.
But even though you were given bad news you still kept smiling and you fought it the best you could and knew how to.

All I can say now is thank you so much for being the best friend, anyone could ever have.
I will always miss you and love you
Love you loads H
Make sure you’re getting your cuppas up there xxxx

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  • This is so nice Emma! Made me smile, laugh & cry, hope you okay, sending you lots of hugs xxx

    Posted by Betty on 23/02/2016 Report abuse
  • She'd be calling us all soppy sods for this stuff, but it's apt. Lovely choice of words, really hits you in the heart.

    Posted by Simon on 24/02/2016 Report abuse
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Gail Wigley wrote

Can always remember Heather buying Meatloaf Bat out of Hell record when it first came out she played it for days at full blast till the house on next street shouted and asked her to turn it up as they couldn't hear it so she turned her speakers to face outside her bedroom window Class

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  • My sister was certainly special lol had a way with words some colourful too Gail xx

    Posted by Gail on 22/02/2016 Report abuse
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Carol Draper wrote

RIP Heather my thoughts are with your family x

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wendy marshall wrote

I didn't know you very well, but RIP.

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Emma Foster lit a candle
Emma Foster posted a picture
H with my boy on Jaynes wedding day. My son adored her with all his heart

H with my boy on Jaynes wedding day. My son adored her with all his heart

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Sue Derbyshire wrote

What can I say? My own words have deserted me. I cant believe, I dont want to believe you are gone, my little sister. I wish I'd visited more often. Remember Dad calling you baggy britches cos of those hideous PE knickers we had to wear? I will always remember you smiling and laughing, I think you have the nearest smile to dad's cheshire cat grin. We will look after Simon and Jayne for you, you have every right to be so proud of them. I found this online, it says more clearly what we are all feeling.


We little knew that morning,
God was going to call your name.
In life we loved your dearly,
In death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone,
For part of us went with you,
the day God called you home.

You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide
And though we cannot see you,
You are always by our side.

Our family chain is broken
And nothing seems the same
But as God calls us one by one
The chain will link again.

God bless you and keep you safe sweetheart, until we meet again. Love always, Sue xcxx

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Jessica fritchley wrote

Aunty Heather was absolutely wonderful!
I have too many great memories of her to share but here's a few: She let us put a tent up in the living room on many occasions, it was safer than the back garden.
I lived with her for a while when I had nowhere to go and she never asked for anything in return.
As soon as I met her she treated me like family. That's 20 years as part of the most loving, kind, unique and accepting family you could wish for and I always felt safe with her.
She gave amazing unbiased advice. It wasn't always what you wanted to hear but it was what you needed.
I try to live by one piece of advice she gave me which was, never go to sleep on an argument because you never know if you will get chance to apologise or make up and if you love someone tell them! I love her! Xxx

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Jessica fritchley lit a candle
donna clarke lit a candle
Alicia King wrote

I have fond memories of Heather, not known her as many of those who knew her but in the near 16 years I have known her & her family, Heather always had a smile on her face despite her health. She never let that get her down she always got on with things. Heather was a brilliant mum to her children & proud of them. It's sad to hear such an amazing lady has grown her wings at a young age, my thoughts are with her family & friends, especially jayne & Simon at such a sad time. Heather made me smile & laugh always had time for a chat in the street, I've not seen or spoken to Heather since start of 2014, but I always thought of her & what an amazing woman she is, I will cherish those little memories of her. Fly high rest in paradise Heather x x

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Alicia King lit a candle
Manda Moo lit a candle
Simon Purdy posted a picture
Me, my  amazing sister, my splendiferous grandma and my marvellous, majestic mother.

Me, my amazing sister, my splendiferous grandma and my marvellous, majestic mother.

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Simon Purdy lit a candle
Simon Purdy wrote

A more marvellous mother you'll never find, a more kindly friend or secretive a confidante you would never find - though it helped she forgot most secrets you shared. But what made her truly special is she shared everything she had to give with everyone else: she was a true saint. Was she perfect - no, but those imperfections made her all the more perfect. A true friend, a wonderful mother and a true inspiration. If I grow up to be half the person she was, I'd have made a real achievement. RIP Mum, will love you always.

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Adele Atkinson lit a candle
Danielle Fletcher wrote

Fly high heather xxx

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Danielle Wild lit a candle
Betty Our Bets lit a candle