Philip Ecob (25 Nov 1946 - 30 Dec 2015)

Funeral Director

Bramcote Crematorium Serenity Chapel Coventry Lane Bramcote Nottingham NG9 3GJ
20th Jan 2016
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In loving memory of Philip Ecob who sadly passed away on 30th December 2015

Janet Ecob posted a picture
Charlie,  Philips favourite boy!

Charlie, Philips favourite boy!

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Tim Garratt wrote

Reading by Tim Garratt | Wed 20th Jan 2016

My Memories of Phil......
I never had a brother - the closest I got was Phil
He was 16 years older than me - making him an ideal candidate for someone to look up to.
Someone to provide some guidance and direction. A role model.

Someone asked me a few weeks ago what my job was - and I suggested it was as Head of Disruption. A Troublemaker.

I'm not for one moment suggesting that Phil was a troublemaker - but some of his exploits were probably to blame for my disruptive tendencies.

I do know that he nearly set my house on fire when he sprayed one of the many cars he owned in mum and dads garage about a mile from here. Missing a plug from the stray-gun he just stuck the bare wires in the socket.

There was the rope swing across the River Leen - I suspect Roy still bears the scars from where he landed on some glass.

When I saw Phil on Christmas Eve we were laughing at some of these exploits. I think he was secretly hoping I might have forgotten them.

Don't tell my mum - but he also took me to the pub. The Deep Cellar in Wollaton. A half of beer was a real treat back in 1971...I was nine!

A ride in his car was a highlight. I remember the car of the day was a Vauxhall VX4/90. It was royal blue after a re-stray and had a red leather bench seat at the front. 17mpg, 0-60 in 12 seconds and a top speed of 104mph put the car in the seriously cool category!

He loved his cars and we spoke about his new Lexus just a few weeks ago. I'll blame Phil for my love of cars.

But there was another side to Phil that I'm sure we will all never forget.

It was that laugh. That twinkle in his eye and that sharp wit. There are very few people in this world who are naturally funny - he was a very funny man.

One of his ideas for a Christmas present one year was a model of the Eiffel Tower. Not just any model - a full scale model.

He made people laugh and this is an endearing and enduring quality in anyone.

It makes me laugh now - and I can't help but think that this is exactly what he would want....laughing at a funeral.

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Graham Houldsworth wrote

Service Reading Conducted by Graham Houldsworth on Wednesday 20th January 2016 at 12:30

Tribute to Philip Ecob 1946-2015

Phil was born on the 25th November 1946. Born in the Hyson Green area of Nottingham and later moved to Radford.

If we look back across Phil's life, beyond the illness he suffered with great courage and the sadness of losing him, we uncover and find a special and unique individual with a strong and amazing presence about him and a good attitude to life.

He was schooled locally and hated school, so much so that his dad paid for him to leave early.

Phil worked as a window dresser at Jackson the Taylor, then at Cheatles and then as a receptionist for the NHS. Whilst working at Jacksons, Phil met the love of his life, Janet. She was cashier there. They were married on the 21st September 1974 at Christ Church and they had many happy times together. They enjoyed celebrating their Ruby wedding anniversary for 40th years together, 2 years ago. Philip and Janet were a devoted couple and went everywhere together.

Phil had a lovely warm sense of humour. He had a sparkle in his eyes and his presence would light up a room in a quiet sort of way. He was a generous man, who would give you his last rolo, bless him! He always saved up his loose change to give to his nieces and nephews, he'd say "look what I've got". He was a good friend to all. Everyone liked him.

He loved his cousins and his family dearly and they loved him. Phil was a very relaxed and laid back type of person, everything was "manana".
He was a social man and used to look forward to meeting up with his friend of 60 years, Roy, friend Stan and Horace for a cheese and tomato cob with a few pints on a Saturday lunch time. He looked forward to his holidays too in Mablethorpe when he was younger with the family. He was well travelled and went to New York, Majorca, he loved staying at the Cristina Apartments in Cala Millor and went there 2 years on the trot. He liked Southwold in Suffolk with Janet and Charlie the dog. Phil loved animals and as well as Charlie, he used to keep cats years ago.

He liked to sit in the garden on a nice day with a beer and he enjoyed reading his American Car magazine. He loved American cars and used to go to car shows with Steve. He also liked history and going to places like Wollaton Hall and Rufford Abbey. Phil had an awesome imagination too and loved telling bedtime stories to the children. He also liked to watch old films on TV and cowboy films. He liked music by Elvis, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Rat Pack, Country and Western and Monty Python.

Phil was a very caring man, who enjoyed cooking a big breakfast for Janet or cheese on toast.
He was indeed one in a million, Simply the best!
He'll be missed and remembered by you all, I know with sincere love and affection. By Janet, by Charlie, by his nieces and nephews, Cheryl & Pete, Tracey & Ben, David & Emilie, Great nephews & nieces, Ben, Abbie, Lateisha, Sharntay, Max, Toby & Jenny. Sister in law, Brenda, Aunt Margaret and Uncle Horace. Phil will also be missed by his many cousins and good friends. Thanks are expressed to you all for coming here today to pay your respects to this lovely man. Thanks also to Cheryl, Brenda & Michelle for all your care, kindness and support given and to neighbours and friends who have sent kind messages and condolences. You are all invited back to the Hemlock Stone after the service for refreshments in Phil's memory.
You will all have your own personal stories to tell and special memories of Phil for he touched the lives of you all.

Memories are what helps and sustains us in times of sadness and sorrow and be comforting to us. I pray now that Phil's life may be thought of as like a gift with loads of fond memories. Memories that create the bridge that unites us together in love.

Thanks be to God for Phil, AMEN

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Cheryl Upton posted a picture
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Cheryl Upton posted a picture
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Cheryl Upton posted a picture
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Cheryl Upton wrote

Poem read at the scattering of Philip's ashes

I'm there inside your heart
Right now I'm in a different place
And though we seem apart
I'm closer than I ever was
I'm there inside your heart
I'm with you when you greet each day and while the sun shines bright
I'm there to share the sunsets too
I'm with you every night
I'm with you when the times are good
To share a laugh or two
And if a tear should start to fall
I'll still be there for you
And when that day arrives
That we no longer are apart
I'll smile and hold you close to me
Forever in my heart

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Julie Critchlow wrote

Great bloke R.I.P Phil X

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Linda Franklin wrote

Very sad news indeed, never a dull moment when Phil was around, a ray of sunshine and a breath of fresh air when he used to visit us at the Long Eaton branch! RIP Phil, gone but will never be forgotten! xx

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Allan Day wrote

Never a dull moment when he visited the shop, loved his cuppa

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Tina Bryan wrote

He taught me how to iron & we used to have swearing competitions & he made me the best Robin Hood outfit out of window felt ever. Always had clit written on his hand X R.I.P Phil x

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Martin Weselby wrote

A very sad start to 2016 having just learned of the passing of the mad and totally bonkers Phil Ecob, who used to be a quality window dresser when I worked at 'John Justin's' all them years ago.....he was a laugh a minute and the job was never a dull whenever Ecob was round. He was 69 years of age and passed away 30th December, R.I.P Phil - gone but will never be forgotten...MW

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Shirley O'Hagan wrote

So shocked to hear about Phil , such a lovely genuine man. Lots of love to Janet. R.I.P Phil all our love Shirley, Emma, Carla & Nicola xxx

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Shirley O'Hagan lit a candle
Shirley O'Hagan posted a picture
Phil with us on Emma's Holy Communion day

Phil with us on Emma's Holy Communion day

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David O'Neill wrote

Our Uncle Phil is the best role model you could wish for. Loved my Auntie Janet more than life and always made everyone he met smile. I'll try and pass your humility onto Max, Toby & Jenny. See you one day soon on the big table for a few beers.

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Margaret Marsh wrote

Lots of memories of Phil, especially on Saturday mornings when he came to "me Mam's" with cakes for us to eat from the shop on Denman Street. All of the parties we had at Palin Street with Frank singing "Here's to the health of Cardinal Puff" for at least half an hour! Lots of laughs. HAPPY DAYS. Rest in Peace.

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Roy Westerby posted a picture
Phil and friends.   Over 50 years have past since this photograph was taken. Phil with Mick top right and myself standing. We had great times together since we all met at junior school. At the time of the photo we were all about 16 or 17.

Phil and friends. Over 50 years have past since this photograph was taken. Phil with Mick top right and myself standing. We had great times together since we all met at junior school. At the time of the photo we were all about 16 or 17.

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George O'Neill wrote

What a bloke, one of my favourites. God bless!

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Julie Mills lit a candle
Julie Mills wrote

Phil was one of the loveliest men you could ever wish to meet. Loving, caring, genuine and extremely funny. As kids he would have me and my sister laughing our socks off. I've such fond memories of our day trips out and trips to Skegness. Phil, you will be very much missed. Sending love to Janet and family. Goodnight and God bless. Julie and Andrew xxxxx

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Wendy Alfrey lit a candle
Wendy Alfrey wrote

Phil I remember all those years ago 27 to be precise when you met my son Tom who instantly took a shine to you and was quite happy to sit on your knee babbling and giggling to you and Janet he obviously sensed your warmth and fun loving nature. I remember a casino party at Ozzie ‘s restaurant when you first met the casino crew and you fit right in making us laugh and joining in the fun. I know you were Jan‘s soul mate, her rock, her sounding board! her confident the love of her life she will miss you desperately . You were taken far too soon. We will still be 'ladies who lunch' and will have a few glasses or bottles of cava in your memory as I know you would want us too. God
bless and RIPx

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Trevor & Yvonne Townsend wrote

Phil a good neighbour who will be sadly missed we will miss our chats & your cheerful smile rest in peace from Trevor Yvonne & family

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Tim Garratt posted a picture
That laugh, that smile, that twinkle in the eye. Naturally funny people don't come along that often, Phil was one and will be sadly missed. Love from Tim, Lesley, Jade, Adam and Jak xx

That laugh, that smile, that twinkle in the eye. Naturally funny people don't come along that often, Phil was one and will be sadly missed. Love from Tim, Lesley, Jade, Adam and Jak xx

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Louise, Jason & Jenson Herrick lit a candle
Linda Middleton lit a candle
Rod and Marilyn Bettle lit a candle
Fiona Cunningham wrote

So sad to be traveling up to your funeral now. Taken far too soon. With loads of happy memories of my funniest relative from breaking your sofa as a teenager from laughing so much, you driving us all the way to Derby to visit the first McDonalds in the area right up to the last time we met and laughed all evening on Janet's birthday. Hope you're enjoying a few pints with lost friends and relatives at that bar you've told me about in your heaven. Rest in Peace Philip until we meet again - With love from Fiona, Mat, Georgia, Fin & Izzy xxx

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Cheryl Upton lit a candle