Pat M Gray (25 Oct 1951 - 26 Jan 2025)
Funeral Director
In loving memory of Pat Gray, who sadly passed away on 26th January 2025. A massive hole has been left in all of our hearts.
Pat was diagnosed with leukemia in February 2024. From the start she wanted everyone to remain positive, no 'doom or gloom' as she put it.
Throughout her chemo Pat remained positive and fought so hard to get to the crucial transplant stage. Pat had her struggles, always in and out of Southend hospital, but nothing could beat her spirit. She simply kept her head down and just got on with things.
At the end of October the time had come for Pat to have her stem cell transplant, even spending her birthday at Barts hospital so as not to cause a delay. She sailed through this as the strong woman she was. But sadly that's when her battle really started. At the beginning of December Pat started to become ill. We were expecting a fight on our hands due to the complications of Pat having the transplant and the knowledge that it had manifested as Graft vs Host disease.
This was sadly a battle Pat was never going to win. After giving it her all and fighting courageously, she sadly gained her angel wings.
We couldn't have been more proud of Pat for the way she faced everything she had gone through. She was the glue that held the family together and, even though she isn't here, that glue will never come unstuck.
Pat's funeral will be held on Wednesday 5th March, 12.30pm at Basildon / Pitsea crematorium, with drinks after at the Rayleigh Club.
Pat always said as she is being cremated there wasn't a need for flowers. Instead, we have set up two charities that were close to her heart. If you would like to make a donation, which can be shared to the charities, it is greatly appreciated.
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is attending the funeral
lit a candle
is attending the funeral
is attending the funeral
is attending the funeral

Pat, you will be missed, but our memories will live on x

Old friends, god bless you Pat ❤️

Auntie Pat, your strength your smile your laugh your humour I will truly miss, our lunch dates our spa weekend I will cherish, your courage and support and your love I will take with me, love you so very much Auntie,forever and always xxx

You are 2 peas in a pod, mum will be lost without you ❤️

What a great holiday this was, full of so much laughter! ❤️