Our Mother. A friend to everyone she met. A selfless soul who would do anything for anyone and always put others before herself. She bought joy, humour and her beautiful smile with her everywhere she went. We were so privileged to have Christine as our Mother. Because she was so special, it makes it all the harder to lose her and to cope with the un fillable void she has left in our lives. I know she will never truly leave us as she loved us far too much. It’s so hard not to be able to see you and hug you and speak to you again Mom 💔. I am the only woman left, so rest assured I will do my best to follow in your footsteps. I’ll make sure the lads are OK ❤️. They can’t write on here as it’s too painful. Only Owen and Me have found it to be a comfort to leave messages. You saw Aunty Wen and Nan before you died and you were taken from us on Pop’s birthday which is all the proof we need that you are safe with the angels now. Night God Bless Mom, thank you for all that you have done. It’s your time now. Love you loads ❤️❤️❤️