You and Mama were a pillar of stability in my life when I had not much else, the love, knowledge and experiences you gave to me are things I will hold dear for the rest of my days.
Your spirit shines, and has always shined through everything that I do. Your positive and happy demeanour I have always tried to replicate, I told you not long before you passed that I always wanted to be like you.
In a life of chaos that a young man bears upon entering the world of adulthood, you held me when I cried, you gave me wisdom and aspiration, encouragement and advice.
I know that I will never have anyone else like you. It’s a bitter sweet truth, it’s beautiful to have memories of the things we did together but it hurts to know they will never be replaced.
Although you didn’t say it much, the feeling of true love that I knew was there, I could feel from just being in the room with you.
I never felt anything like that, I knew you were proud.
I know you know this; but you were more than a Grandad to me.
You were a Grandad, a best friend, and in many ways a Father. I will never forget your love for gardening, cars and painting.
The first time I came around to your house after you passed there was a ripe tomato hanging from your tumbling toms plant. I didn’t pick it, but I knew you would have loved it, it was just under ripe; how you always preferred them.
With love Grandad, I hope you have found some peace.