Sheila Clarke (15 Feb 1940 - 19 Sep 2024)

Funeral Director

Wilford Hill Cemetery (Main Chapel) Loughborough Road West Bridgford NG2 7FE
10th Oct 2024
Open map

Southern Cemetery Wilford Hill Loughborough Road Nottingham NG2 7FE
10th Oct 2024


In loving memory of Sheila Clarke who sadly passed away on 19th September 2024

I am attending: The Funeral Neither
Juli Dmuchowski lit a candle
Juli Dmuchowski posted a picture
Mum and Bailey reunited

Mum and Bailey reunited

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Juli Dmuchowsi wrote

How can i live on without you mum
I never had the chance to say goodbye
I will never say goodbye
My hearts broken more than i can explain
Some folk will heal
But me mum im broken
Mum when i saw you last you was drinking strawberry milkshake
Chatting alone in your own way
Told you i loved you
You stroked my hair
Then held the doll i got you previously
You called the doll bailey
After your dog ....
Said its not bailey
Then you started yarning you waa tired i never knew that would be the last time i see you on lynnes pass over day ...
Mum told you i see you thursday night after id finished work ....
Mum i never got the chance
You went to the angels while i was at work
Mum i just want to see you again give you a kiss tell you i love you mum
How am i to live without you
Mum im so broken and nobody to turn too

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Tanya Gadsby lit a candle
Ian Goldsworthy lit a candle
Susan Hannon lit a candle
Susan Hannon lit a candle
Kayleigh Mckenzie posted a picture
The most recent perfect moment, you remembered me and wouldn’t let go of my hair. Oh I love and miss you so much nana ♥️♥️♥️

The most recent perfect moment, you remembered me and wouldn’t let go of my hair. Oh I love and miss you so much nana ♥️♥️♥️

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Kayleigh Mckenzie lit a candle
Dawn Pigott lit a candle
Connor Butler lit a candle
Donna Clarke lit a candle
Jamie Stewart lit a candle
Malcolm Clarke lit a candle
Daniel James lit a candle
Daniel James posted a picture
Forever treasured, forever loved, forever remembered. I love you, Nana. xxx

Forever treasured, forever loved, forever remembered. I love you, Nana. xxx

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Claire Edwards wrote

RIP Sheila I’ll miss our chats about Nottingham Forest and Christmas may your soul rest easy my friend 💔💔💔

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Claire Edwards lit a candle
Shelley Clarke lit a candle
Nikki Clarke lit a candle
jess richards lit a candle
Kaitlyn McKenzie lit a candle
Sharna Hanson wrote

Thinking of you all. Sending love and strength ❤️

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Ashleigh Westwick wrote

Thinking of you always, sending all my love💖

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Susan Green wrote

Thinking of you all ♥️

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  • ♥️

    Posted by Dawn on 26/09/2024 Report abuse
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Susan Green lit a candle
Frank D wrote

Heavan gained a beautiful angel. My thoughts & prayers go out to Dawn & the entire family.

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Keanne Mckenzie wrote

I love you nanna there's not enough words in the world to describe how much I miss and love you 💔♥️

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Frank D lit a candle
Keanne Mckenzie lit a candle