Carol Elizabeth White (30 Oct 1944 - 31 Aug 2024)

For Charitable
Donations To

Dementia First

Funeral Director

Surrey & Sussex Crematorium Balcombe Road Crawley RH10 3NQ
10th Oct 2024
Open map

Reigate Hill Golf Club Gatton Bottom Redhill RH2 0TU
10th Oct 2024


Peter, Paul, Matthew and Susie are saddened to share the news that Carol Elizabeth White passed away peacefully on 31st August 2024. She was an amazing wife, mother and grandmother to those she has left behind and will be sorely missed.

As you will all know, Carol loved to live life to the full and in recognition of her fun and caring nature we would be honoured if you could join us to celebrate her life and share in not only the memories we cherish of her but also the memories you hold for her.

The service will be held on Thursday 10th October at 12pm. St Richard’s Chapel, Surrey & Sussex Crematorium, Balcombe Road, RH10 3NQ. This will be followed by refreshments at Reigate Hill Golf Club, Gatton Bottom, RH2 0TU. We ask if you can confirm your attendance via the link below.

For those who are unable to attend in person, there will be a live stream to Carol’s service and this will be available until 16th October.

If you would like to live stream Carol's funeral service please click on the following link

Use the PIN number below to access the webcast 197-1450

As this will be a celebration of Carol’s life, we ask that you dress accordingly and we would love to see a splash of colour. We also request no flowers but donations can be made to Dementia First which is our chosen charity. Dementia First is a local charity that provides daycare and respite for those suffering with dementia and Alzheimer’s and is somewhere that Carol visited regularly whilst she was still living at home.

This is the link to Dementia First website to make a donation-

Alternatively, there will be a QR code available on the day or you can send cash or cheques to Stoneman Funeral Service.

As a family, we look forward to seeing you there xx

Judith Gonsalves is attending the funeral and the reception
Gordon Elsey posted a picture
La Thuile 2003. By this year the ski group had increased to 10. Many happy times together.

La Thuile 2003. By this year the ski group had increased to 10. Many happy times together.

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Jeremy and Penny Thornewill wrote

We send our deep condolences Peter over the loss of dear Carol.
We are in England and will be attending the funeral and it will be very special to catch up with you and your family.

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  • Margaret and Gordon Elsey plan to attend the funeral but unable to be at the reception

    Posted by Gordon on 25/09/2024 Report abuse
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Sue Kerbegian is attending the funeral and the reception
Jane Cooper is attending the funeral and the reception
Cled Fursland is attending the funeral and the reception
Irene and Andrew Laing wrote

Hi Peter, Paul, Matthew and Susie

Thank you for sending us the link to the funeral arrangements for Carol. We’ve made a note in the calendar.

We have lots of happy memories of being with Carol. She was my ‘surrogate Australian’ mother when Ruth and Robert were babies. She always, happily offered to look after Ruth especially so I could have some much needed time. I hardly ever had to ask for her help, she was always there. Carol was always cheerful and funny, we had lots of laughs together including when Paul and Matthew came to tea one day and cried when I dished up fish pie. I have forever after been called the ‘fish pie lady’. Wonder if you have forgiven me.

Susie, you and Ruth were ‘frenemies’, very different personalities, even so you spent many happy times together when babies and toddlers. I was freaked out at first when Carol used to mix up your main meal with dessert and spoon it to you. It didn’t do you any harm and saved Carol a lot of food spooning time - a good idea.

We used to go for dinner at your place and I was amazed to see how organised Carol always was including having the table laid out with full silver service before mid-day - she declared mornings were the best time to get things done.

Peter I’m glad you both came out to see us shortly after Carol was diagnosed with Dementia. Wonderful that we could have time together in Melbourne and at the olives and Peter you could have some time out and some fun with us.

It’s been a tough decade for you all. Hopefully you still have some energy in you to get back on with life.

Do come and visit, you know you will always be welcome.



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pauline french is attending the funeral and the reception
Yvonne Culverhouse is attending the reception
Theresa Jordan is attending the funeral and the reception
Tony & Chris Burcher is attending the funeral and the reception
Erika Savidge is attending the funeral and the reception
Keith Savidge is attending the funeral and the reception
Freya Savidge-Conway is attending the funeral and the reception
Melissa Richardson is attending the funeral and the reception
Elaine Fursland is attending the funeral and the reception
Ian Fursland is attending the funeral and the reception
Anna Kirby is attending the funeral and the reception
Katherine Sach is attending the funeral and the reception
Grace Moody posted a picture
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Grace Moody posted a picture
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Grace Moody posted a picture
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Grace Moody posted a picture
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