Elizabeth Williams (28 Dec 1936 - 8 Sep 2024)

Donate in memory of
ElizabethThe Smile Train

£91.86 + Gift Aid of £12.50
In partnership with

For Charitable
Donations To

Smile Train UK

Funeral Director

St James Porchester Church Marshall Hill Drive Mapperley NG3 6FY
17th Sep 2024
Open map

Chilwell Cemetery Field Lane Chilwell NG9 5FF
17th Sep 2024


In loving memory of Elizabeth Florence Williams who sadly passed away on 8th September 2024.

If you are able to join us for the funeral at St James Porchester or the burial at Chilwell Cemetery mum wanted people to wear something pink or colourful.

She always wanted children to have the opportunity to smile and the charity ‘Smile Train UK’ was especially close to her heart. So instead of flowers, we invite you to donate so that a child with an untreated cleft has an opportunity to smile.

I am attending: The Funeral Neither
Jon & Jackie Norris donated £25 in memory of Elizabeth

In memory of Auntie Liz (or Betty as she was known to us). We have such fond memories of you. With our sincere condolences, love and best wishes to Phil, David, Mark and families x

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Jane Henson donated £10 in memory of Elizabeth
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Lilian Stamatiou lit a candle
Muriel Weisz donated £20 in memory of Elizabeth

Given in loving memory of Elizabeth

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Lilian & Panagiotis Stamatiou donated in memory of Elizabeth

Our sincere condolences. Thinking of all of you. xxx

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Sharon Naylor donated £10 in memory of Elizabeth

Sincerest condolences

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Jo Leech donated £10 in memory of Elizabeth

Thinking of you all. Xxx

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Rosie Morgan wrote

So loved being with Liz and John and the family at Christchurch Chilwell. Remember their 21st so clearly. Both showed us such love and greatly encouraged us in our faith. Special times.Great rejoicing in heaven with Liz home.Love and comfort and prayers for the family.

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  • Will never forget you Liz. Presenting courses together in the Den for the members of St James. Blessings and love. RIP

    Posted by Helen on 10/09/2024 Report abuse
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Phil Williams posted a picture
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