Elaine Webb (6 Dec 1940 - 15 Aug 2024)

Funeral Director

The Most Holy Trinity Dockhead London SE1 2BS
16th Sep 2024
Open map

Greenwich Cemetery Well Hall Rd London SE9 6UA
16th Sep 2024

Salt Quay 163 Rotherhithe Street London SE16 5QU
16th Sep 2024


In loving memory of Elaine Webb who sadly passed away on 15th August 2024
Mum was born in Guys hospital in 1940. She grew up in Lynton road where she lived with her mum, dad, (a butcher working in Tower Bridge Road), and her brother who was at least 10 years older than her. She suffered the loss of her father at the age of 11 years of age and spent almost 2 years in hospital suffering from diphtheria as a young child. Despite this she had a happy childhood and often joined her mum when she played the piano to earn money for the family in local pubs. She lived next door to her childhood friend Pam Draper until they both met and married 2 brothers, my dad Michael and my Uncle Jimmy Webb. Meaning Pam and my mum have been a close part of each others life the whole of their lives.
She married my dad when she was 20 years of age. they initially lived with my nan in Lynton Road in 2 rooms but got their first home a prefab near Rotherhithe Street, shortly after my brother Michael was born in 1963. Her family was complete when I came along in 1968. We lived in various places along Lynton Road until she settled in Hambley House in 1978.
My mum had many jobs mostly working as a telephonist for various companies starting at the age of 15. She loved this job and would be known for how she could switch out of her Bermondsey twang into he posh telephone voice.
She suffered the tragic loss of my father at the age of 50, when he was only 54, one week short of their 30th wedding anniversary. This period of time was really difficult for her as shortly after she lost her dear mum , aged 92 followed by her close cousin, brother and sister-in-law. Despite this she tried to remain positive and took on the lead for guiding our family over the next few years. She gave me away and did a speech at my wedding to my husband Joe in 1993. The joy really came back into her life when her first grandchild Joel was born in 1995 followed by Eleni in 1999. She was a fun nan and loved spending the school holidays taking her grandchildren on days out with their school friend Sam and his mum Vera. She was so proud of her grandchildren and their academic achievements telling anyone and everyone she knew about how clever they were.
My mum's main focus was always her family. She was a worrier and always , always, wanted to know where you were, what time you got there and that you were safe. She lived with my brother, who she loved to care for. I spoke to my mum everyday, she always had a listening ear for me, and would be a soundboard and a shoulder to cry on in times of trouble. Her advice was invaluable and I can honestly say we have never had an argument. i will truly miss our daily conversations.
Her last job was at St. Joseph's School, Gomm Road as a school cleaner. She loved being part of the school community and from what I've been told they have fond memories of her time there. She worked way beyond retirement age and was often responsible for opening up the school even on snow days!
Her Catholic faith was important to her, she converted when she was in her 50's, and went on to become a eucharistic minister serving at Dockhead Church. She always took this responsibility very seriously. She prayed every day. If you were in trouble she would always say " I'll pray for you". At times I thought she had a direct line as she often made her prayers come true.
My mum didn't ever want to go to the doctors. I think this fear came from the loss of loved ones throughout her life. She would say that she preferred not to know what was wrong with her. This was the case right up until her last few days. My mum mostly had good health. Over the last few months she seemed to be getting a little frail but she would just brush it off. The week before she passed I joined her on a visit to my Aunt Patsy. It was a lovely visit where we shared many memories and lots of laughter. We left together and off she went with her trolley to Iceland to get something for her tea, She made sure Luna my dog (whom she loved) gave her a kiss and off she went. We spoke everyday following that and she was still so full of life and celebrating that her prayers had been answered as her granddaughter, Eleni ,had finally secured a new house to live in. We couldn't get through to her Wednesday morning before she passed so my brother and I went to her house where we found her unconscious, Michael had only left for work an hour before. She never regained consciousness and passed away the following day, Thursday 15th at 3.15pm.
We thank all the staff at St. Thomas's who ensured her last few hours were dignified. Thank you also to Canon Alan for coming to the hospital to give her the last rites. My mum passed away on the Assumption of Mary, a special religious festival when Mary, the mother of Jesus died and was 'assumed' into heaven. She would've liked that.
How can I sum up the life of my mum?
She lived a full live full of love, joy, happiness and at times sorrow, but mostly laughter.
She was an amazing mum, who taught me what it takes to be a mum. If I'm considered half the mum she was then my children will be very lucky.
Many people have mentioned her lovely smile. I'm sure she's smiling on us now, dancing the jive with my dad, looked on by her lovely mum.
Using her words
" Goodnight, God bless, we love you."
Jane, Michael, Joe, Joel and Eleni (and Luna) x

Sally Essex lit a candle
Peter Cosgrove wrote

We were colleagues at St Joseph’s for almost ten years. Elaine was the first person I’d see each morning and always had time for a chat. There’s no one I’ve had more laughs with at seven in the morning. She was a dear friend who I was very fond of. God bless Elaine

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Clare Garofalo wrote

I first met Elaine in 2005 at St Joseph's. From that time until her retirement, she never failed to bring a smile to my face. Elaine always had time for a chat, and I loved hearing all the news about her grandchildren, Joel and Eleni, and their many academic successes. My heart goes out to Jane and the entire family during this difficult time. Please accept my deepest condolences.

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Chris Wilcocks wrote

I was saddened to hear of Elaine's passing. Elaine worked at St Joseph's School for the whole time I was there. I still recall how welcoming she was to me when I arrived. We soon discovered our shared East End heritage . We shared many early morning laughs and jokes, Elaine with mop in hand. Sadly I cant attend funeral as I will be away. Please be assured the family, especially her two wonderful gran children will be in my thoughts. I wish you all many blessings during this dificult time. God bless.

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Chris Wilcocks wrote

I was saddened to hear of Elaine's passing. Elaine worked at St Joseph's School for the whole time I was there. I still recall how welcoming she was to me when I arrived. We soon discovered our shared East End heritage . We shared many early morning laughs and jokes, Elaine with mop in hand. Sadly I cant attend funeral as I will be away. Please be assured the family, especially her two wonderful gran children will be in my thoughts. I wish you all many blessings during this dificult time. God bless.

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Clare Garofalo lit a candle
Emily Webb lit a candle
Summer Webb lit a candle
Wendy Webb lit a candle
Michael Webb wrote

My mum was My best friend and and a wonderful mother I have wonderful memories of my mum I love her so very
Much I will miss mum every day may she rest in peace lots of love from from your loving son Michael xxx

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Pam Webb posted a picture
Singing in the rain in Venice

Singing in the rain in Venice

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Pam and Jim Webb posted a picture
Fun in the sun

Fun in the sun

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Wendy Webb wrote

Darling Elaine so sad that u have been taken from our lives but we will always have our wonderful memories may God bless you love you always from Pam and Jim xxx

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Wendy Webb posted a picture
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Wendy Webb posted a picture
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Wendy Webb posted a picture
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Wendy Webb posted a picture
Pam's 60th Grange pub

Pam's 60th Grange pub

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Pam and Jim Webb posted a picture
Mud baths Turkey

Mud baths Turkey

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Pam and Jim Webb lit a candle
Jacqui Keevil wrote

I am still struggling with the thought that I won’t see you again Auntie Elaine
I am so sorry I won’t be there on 16th , I will be thinking of you & all the family
Sending much Love to you Jane, Michael, Joe, Joel & Eleni
I have so many fond & fun memories of times gone by
God Bless Elaine - love you xxxx

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Jacqui Keevil lit a candle
Saphron Prince lit a candle
Jean Power lit a candle
Clare Pascoe posted a picture
With Jean and Sam

With Jean and Sam

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Clare Pascoe posted a picture
With the St Joseph’s crew at a party

With the St Joseph’s crew at a party

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Clare Pascoe posted a picture
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Clare Pascoe posted a picture
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Clare Pascoe posted a picture
St Joseph’s Christmas Party 2008 - at The Hilton Rotherhithe

St Joseph’s Christmas Party 2008 - at The Hilton Rotherhithe

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  • Great times. Tears in my eyes looking at these photos.cw

    Posted by Chris on 31/08/2024 Report abuse
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Clare Johnson lit a candle
Claudia Garcia lit a candle