Alice Furminger (26 Jan 1937 - 8 Aug 2024)

Funeral Director

Honor Oak Crematorium Brockley Way London SE23 3RD
28th Aug 2024
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In loving memory of Alice Furminger who sadly passed away on 8th August 2024

Mandy Larking posted a picture
was looking for a poem for you mum and thought this was perfect for you,I wish I could of stood up and read it but I just couldn't 😔💔

was looking for a poem for you mum and thought this was perfect for you,I wish I could of stood up and read it but I just couldn't 😔💔

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Mandy Roberts posted a picture
Love this photo of you mum ❤️

Love this photo of you mum ❤️

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Debbie Foster posted a picture


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Jess Furminger posted a picture
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Debbie Foster posted a picture
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Debbie Foster posted a picture
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Debbie Foster posted a picture
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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
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Sue De'Ath wrote

Alice, I will always remember our caravan holidays, they were the best, we've had so many laughs and so many memories made. The hours and £'s spent on the 2p machines only to come out there with a 25p toy that no-one wants 😄. I remember a time I picked you up to go away and chatting away in the car on way to pick up my mum, when I realised I went straight on the motorway and forgot poor mum ha ha 😂 I did go back for her though.
What about all the parties you had, they too were the best, seeing aunts, uncles and cousins I am so glad we had the best family we were a close knit family.
I'm going to miss our days out to wetherspoons and us putting the world to rights, our little text chats, talking about hopping (hop picking), Whipsnade, keeping each other up to date with the family.
Al please look after my Mum from up there, say hello to my Dad, Nan & Pop, Sis, Jean and Bo. It's been a pleasure having you as one of my Aunts, may you now rest in peace, love you 😢

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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
Glad and Alice, stuck together like glue, went everywhere together, happy times.... xx

Glad and Alice, stuck together like glue, went everywhere together, happy times.... xx

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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
Alice attempting to play my Dad's accordion x

Alice attempting to play my Dad's accordion x

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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
Alice and Me, my drinking partner x

Alice and Me, my drinking partner x

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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
Alice on the left with Jamie and Glad with Gary x

Alice on the left with Jamie and Glad with Gary x

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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
Alice far right as a bridesmaid at Glad & Ron's wedding x

Alice far right as a bridesmaid at Glad & Ron's wedding x

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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
These two were inseparable x

These two were inseparable x

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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
Alice and Satch's wedding x

Alice and Satch's wedding x

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Debbie Foster posted a picture


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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
Alice with her Mum and sisters, only Pop and Sonny missing ❤️

Alice with her Mum and sisters, only Pop and Sonny missing ❤️

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Paul Grout lit a candle
Jess Furminger posted a picture
Miss and love you so much Nanny ❤️😢 will never forget all of the happiness you brought to my life Xxx

Miss and love you so much Nanny ❤️😢 will never forget all of the happiness you brought to my life Xxx

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Sue De'Ath posted a picture
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Tony Golborn lit a candle
Sue De'Ath posted a picture
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Ashley Tubb lit a candle
Rebecca Irish wrote

Dear Alice, you will be truly missed. You took me on as a grand daughter and treated me like family. You was always so welcoming and friendly. I adopted you as my nan 20 plus years ago. Now you are with the love of your life. Love always, Rebecca xxx

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Steve Furminger posted a picture
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