Stephan Michael - Leigh Smith (26 Jan 2001 - 12 Jul 2024)

For Charitable
Donations To

Caudwell House, Southwell

Funeral Director

Sherwood Forest Crematorium Newark Road New Ollerton NG22 0DY
24th Aug 2024
Open map


I would like us to celebrate the life Our Stephie Boy

He had an impact on everyone who met him, Someone recently made a comment on a post I made about our awesome young man, I wont mention her name but she summed him up perfectly thank you, it goes :
"His smile I never forgot
I have always said if you sat him in a room full of people who feel darkness that
His smile would lighten up the heart of all of them x
He was a precious light and love to many."

Stephie was cheeky lad with a dark sense of humour he would belly giggle over such little things. Like someone stubbing their toe he would find that hilarious! He achieved so much in his short 23 years, we are so proud of him.

Many of times when he was being sorted for bed at night he would be full on laughing with his carers we could hear him, from his room. We would all go and say goodnight to him and give him a cuddle and a kiss and tell him we loved him and he showed his love back in his smile and facial expressions. Little did we know that the night of the 11th of July would be our last goodnight !!!

I’m now going to quote the words of a song that sums up how we feel !
It’s called Memories by Dean Lewis. " I never thought I'd see the day, That I wouldn't see your face, I wish I had known, That I'd love you then have to let go, cause you brought out the best in me, you always saw a light that no one else could see, Now I know that you're gone , but I promise I won't forget. So thank you for all the memories 'cause you'll never know what it meant to me 'cause you were the one who gave me peace when I had none left. Thanks for the memories, Here's to the memories".

Your youngest sister, wrote some amazing memories about you and made a memory jar, from time to time we will look at this and remember his life and just how much we have lost.
Her memories are in her words :
He went to the pub
He loved music
He showed loved by pulling our hair
We went to Rufford Park a lot
He loved Tv

A dedication from your sister, a couple of lines from this song Everything is borrowed by The Streets, “ I came into this world with nothing, and leave with nothing but love, everything else is just borrowed”.

Thankyou for all the joy you brought us. You will live on in our hearts and soul.
Lots of Love, Hugs & Kisses Mum, Dad & The Clan !!!

In Loving Memory of Stephan Michael-Leigh Smith

💚We are doing a closed casket viewing which anyone can attend you can have group or private time to privately say your goodbyes his casket will be sealed
This is arranged for Friday 23rd Aug between 12 and 4 at A W Lymn new Ollerton
💚The funeral is on Saturday 24th Aug at Sherwood Forest Crematorium at 1.00 we will then be going to
White Post Pub Farnsfield approx 2.30 arrival we have the private function room but also access to main pub area
💚If there is anyone who is unable to attend but wishes too please contact me as we are able to do a web live of the service💚

We understand if people cant make it but we are doing an open funeral anyone who knew him is welcome that day is about Stephie and is for him
Dress code is green his favourite colour we are doing dark green this is not essential though 💚

Offline donation: Dilys Whitehead donated in memory of Stephan
Offline donation: S J Whittle donated in memory of Stephan
Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Stephan
Shelley Thompson lit a candle
Susanne Bulpin lit a candle
Susanne Bulpin posted a picture
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Marylin Nettey posted a picture
Steph, I have a million words to say. I'm heartbroken. Your unexpected death caught me off guard. Thank you for renewing my trust in life and for allowing me to experience true friendship. Goodbyes have always been the most difficult for me, and now I'm facing my worst fear. Until we may meet again, You will always be my best friend.

Steph, I have a million words to say. I'm heartbroken. Your unexpected death caught me off guard. Thank you for renewing my trust in life and for allowing me to experience true friendship. Goodbyes have always been the most difficult for me, and now I'm facing my worst fear. Until we may meet again, You will always be my best friend.

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David and Sarah Thompson lit a candle
Abdul Wahab Adams wrote

I’m deeply sad to write this short note about my boss Steph. I had a biggest privilege of my life to be one of his careers. Even though you are gone but you will forever be my boss and hopefully one day we shall meet again.
Rest Well my boss and a friend.


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Abdul Wahab Adams lit a candle
Katie Prestage lit a candle
Pauline Borland lit a candle
Ally Bonnar lit a candle
Rob Smith lit a candle
Dilys Whitehead lit a candle
Abigail Innes lit a candle
Jayne Mawby lit a candle
Sandra Whittle lit a candle
Kirkpatrick Angela lit a candle
Bryonie Wright lit a candle
Lyssa Chambers lit a candle
Ash Dobos lit a candle
Courtney Palmer lit a candle
Julie Thompson lit a candle
Karina O'Connell lit a candle
Sarah Fullbrook lit a candle
Michaela Smith lit a candle
Kyle Smith lit a candle
Megan Jennings lit a candle
Riley F lit a candle