Tina O'Neill (22 Feb 1963 - 29 Jul 2024)

Donate in memory of
TinaThe Royal Marsden Cancer Charity

£1,223.12 + Gift Aid of £233.75
In partnership with

Donate in memory of
TinaHavens Hospices

£1,179.71 + Gift Aid of £236.25
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Southend Crematorium 654 Sutton Road Southend on Sea SS2 5PX
22nd Aug 2024
Open map


In loving memory of Tina O'Neill who sadly passed away on 29th July 2024

I wanted to take the opportunity to write a personal reply to everyone who posted a message, uploaded a photo, or made a very kind donation to the two charities that Tina chose for donations in lieu of flowers.
I want to tell you that Tina would have been extremely pleased, surprised, and probably slightly embarrassed, that so many of you gave up your time and energy, and gave such a huge sum of money to two very important charities. Your generosity means a great deal to me, and will mean that others will benefit from your act of kindness.
I miss Tina every single second of every day that passes, and don’t know how I will ever adjust to life without her, but one thing is for sure, and that is that this difficult situation has been made so much easier knowing that you were all there to support me and the family, and the huge numbers in attendance at the funeral and at the celebration of Tina’s life was testament to how much she was loved by so many of you.
Thank you, once again, from me, Jade, Joshua and the rest of the family.


Carolyn Bailey donated in memory of Tina

In loving memory of happy times spent with Tina

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Mike Bromfield donated £30 in memory of Tina
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Judith Webster donated £30 in memory of Tina
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Matthew Long donated in memory of Tina
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Benjamin Aldridge donated in memory of Tina

Tina was incredibly kind and supportive to so many - rest in peace

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Jo-Anne Hall posted a picture
In Covid when we couldn’t do the usual Race for Life we found a way!

In Covid when we couldn’t do the usual Race for Life we found a way!

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Jo-Anne Hall donated £10 in memory of Tina

Remembering Tina, beautiful inside and out. xx

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Pat West donated £50 in memory of Tina
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Julia Wheeler donated £30 in memory of Tina

In loving memory of my wonderful friend Tina xxx

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John O'Neill donated £100 in memory of Tina
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Toni donated in memory of Tina

Love you always love the courtneys

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Brian O'Neill donated £25 in memory of Tina
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Brian O'Neill donated £25 in memory of Tina
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Jack Ford donated £30 in memory of Tina

Rest in peace Tina x

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Laura McNally donated £10 in memory of Tina
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Laura McNally donated £10 in memory of Tina


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David Tuttlebee donated £20 in memory of Tina

Thinking of you all at this time. Tina will be greatly missed. Dave Sally and Harry

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Louise Letley donated £50 in memory of Tina

A donation in memory of happy times with our wonderful Tina. You are so missed

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Cheryl Nevin is attending the funeral
Cheryl Nevin donated £50 in memory of Tina

Our lovely friend Tina, who bought light & cheer. Such a graceful lady, bringing smiles to our memories. Love & support to Dave & family xxx

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Jo Baker lit a candle
Jo Baker donated in memory of Tina
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Dave Edney donated £40 in memory of Tina

God needed another angel

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John Ryan is attending the funeral
Jacqueline McGrady posted a picture
McGrady wedding Oct 2019

McGrady wedding Oct 2019

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  • Beautiful xxxdave

    Posted by Dave on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Jacqueline McGrady donated £50 in memory of Tina

Will be forever thankful to have spent time with Tina! Thinking of you all! Love Jacqueline and Allen X

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Lisa and Ben Poole is attending the funeral
Lisa Cornish donated £40 in memory of Tina

Thank you for caring for our beautiful friend xx

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Lisa Poole posted a picture
Beautiful inside and out ….rest in peace our dearest Tina ♥️

Beautiful inside and out ….rest in peace our dearest Tina ♥️

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Kim & Mike Mitchell donated in memory of Tina

Taken from your friends and family far too early, rest in peace now xx

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