Linda Jane Mary Tynch (21 Dec 1967 - 15 Jul 2024)

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Bramcote Crematorium 'Serenity Chapel' Coventry Lane Bramcote Beeston Nottingham NG9 3GJ
16th Aug 2024
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In loving memory of Linda Jane Mary Tynch who sadly passed away on 15th July 2024

Lou & Tom De Main lit a candle
Emma & Michael Seagrave posted a picture
We miss you so much Linda & we are so grateful we were blessed to have you in our family and our lives. You are forever in our hearts until we meet you again in Heaven. Love you so much ❤️ Michael & Emma xxx

We miss you so much Linda & we are so grateful we were blessed to have you in our family and our lives. You are forever in our hearts until we meet you again in Heaven. Love you so much ❤️ Michael & Emma xxx

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Emma & Michael Seagrave lit a candle
Debi Talbot lit a candle
Lyndsey Smedley lit a candle
Lyndsey and Tim Smedley wrote

You will be forever in our hearts and always in our memories you were a true friend that put others first always held the best parties and laughed so much. You will be truly missed by everyone you ever knew . Spread your angel wings Linda and fly high ,you will always be with us thankyou for being just you our Linda xxx

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Lisa Croft lit a candle
Janet Davies lit a candle
Ray Seagrave posted a picture
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Ray Seagrave wrote

Death only comes after a good life. Today we say goodbye to a beautiful soul my Sister Linda.

To me, Sue and Penny she was Sis and I was Linda's Bro. We shared a wonderful loving family life together growing up. Linda was the 3rd born out of 4 of us kids.

Being there however, she found herself in the middle of a load of trouble. As kids we played together every day. Most days I would find Linda and Penny playing princesses, with some article of clothing on their heads representing long flowing hair. I would be the evil dragon Master, they would become my horses and we'd run around in this imaginary world. Then I would wind them up, be told to go away, and leave us alone. followed by Linda shouting Muuuum or Daaad! Which she did a lot.

As young kids up we had fun together, played games with each other, we also bickered, through darts at each other,fought with each other, loved each other.

It wasn't all fun like that growing up but I am surprised we all got through it in one piece.

We laughed and we cried together. We were all very close. We grew up in hard times, different times, but that made us who we are and the Linda we know who she was. Out of that grew a strong loving family bond that kept us all together later in life.

We grew up with song in the house all the time. Linda was always singing and dancing or annoyingly playing twinkle twinkle little star on her recorder she got from school. We would have family concerts in the front living room putting on shows and singing and dancing with mum and dad watching laughing clapping and suplirting. We listened to music on the radio and watched Top of the Pops on the telly together every week. As teenagers we all grew up with the music of the 80's and Linda loved that. She was all out for having fun.

We had a loving family upbringing. We talked our problems through with each other, we sang together, we danced together. We celebrated every success we each had. We loved and supported each other and fought for each other as a family.

To Dad and Mum Linda was a loving daughter with a pure heart of gold. They had a wonderful relationship felt supported and loved by Linda.

To Simon a wife, and a life spent in love together, always looking out for each other. Linda was Simon's soul mate, a fierce supporter, a source of guiding strength and an unshakable deep forever love. With whom in the words of one of Linda's favourite songs - they had the time of their lives.

To Shannon and Megan Linda was a timeless modern Mum who gave them limitless love, shared a thousand belly laughs, was a source of guiding common sense and unwavering support for their problems. She taught them to be strong, to have fun, live life to the full, to dance as though no one was watching. She taught them the importance of family to be there for each other, to work hard and fight for what they believe in. Just as she did. She was so very proud to see them grow into beautiful individual women of strength, and personality and who she saw as both carrying her tender loving heart.

We are truly blessed that we see Linda there behind Shannon and Megan's smiles, their laugher, their sense of humour, we see Linda's gentle footprints in the beauty of their soul, in them we still get to see Linda every day.

To Violet and Romy Linda was their mama, a Grandmother who poured love on them, laughed and played with them, spent personal time together with them, taught them to be kind, good and nice too each other and was there for them. Not a day went by without them in her thoughts. They made her smile so much every day and lifted her heart with love every moment she spent with them.

I loved Linda for who she was, the kid growing up, the life she built for herself and the wonderful woman she became. I Ioved her for how hard she fought to succeed in life, the loving relationship with Simon and the beautiful family she has left us with.

I seek some comfort today knowing that the very last thing she heard me say to her was. I love you Sis.

She was then and is now surrounded by those who love her the most. Her Mum her Dad her husband, daughters, grandadaughters and all her friends and colleagues.

Soon we will all gather to say one last thank you for who Linda was and what she leaves us with. We will say goodbye to that beautiful soul knowing that while she was around us. We all had the time of our lives.

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  • Such a beautiful message straight from your heart ❤️

    Posted by Lyndsey on 15/08/2024 Report abuse
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Simon tynch lit a candle
Ellie Collins posted a picture
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Ellie Collins wrote

Forever in my heart and thoughts linda, your missed so much by us all. I will cherish every single memory and message we shared. Truly one of a kind.
And I will miss you so much.

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Pauline Collins posted a picture
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Pauline Collins wrote

My beautiful aunty Linda and precious friend . My heart is truely broken into a thousand pieces . I have 21 years of the most special memories that will be engraved in my memory forever and deeply in my heart . You was always there as a true and honest friend and switched it to aunty Linda mode when I needed it the most . I will miss your big aunty Linda hugs and the way you will fight for me in every situation . We have had so many fantastic adventures together and laughed so hard we might pee a little. Your voice will always be in my head and will always guide me through tough times. I will have a pina colada everywhere I go for you as I know what you secretly called it. Until we meet again . I love you xx

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Diana Mcfall lit a candle
Michael Mcfall lit a candle
Samantha Rawson is attending the funeral
Samantha Rawson lit a candle
Melissa croft lit a candle
Penny Gutman lit a candle
Rachael Morrice posted a picture
Mumma Tynch, such a special woman. Linda truly came into my life when I needed her most of all, Linda made me a stronger, smarter, happier person! I will love you always always and Mazie will know her

Mumma Tynch, such a special woman. Linda truly came into my life when I needed her most of all, Linda made me a stronger, smarter, happier person! I will love you always always and Mazie will know her "Auntie Linda" fly high Tunchy ♥️

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Joy Taylor lit a candle
Suzanne Seagrave lit a candle
Suzanne Seagrave wrote

I cannot put into words how much I miss you my beautiful sister my life will never be the same I lost a part of my heart that can never be replaced when I lost you rest in peace till we meet again fly high 💔 x

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  • We might not always of got on, but you were my sister. It seems strange to have a world that you’re not in. X

    Posted by Penny on 8/08/2024 Report abuse
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Samantha Rawson posted a picture
I will always love you and I will never forget the times we shared and the love. You always showed me and kaydan xxx

I will always love you and I will never forget the times we shared and the love. You always showed me and kaydan xxx

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