Stephen Stemmer (26 Jun 1941 - 22 Jul 2024)

Donate in memory of
StephenSt Elizabeth Hospice

£110.00 + Gift Aid of £22.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Seven Hills Crematorium Ipswich IP10 0FG
7th Aug 2024
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In loving memory of Stephen (Steve) Stemmer who sadly passed away on 22nd July 2024 aged 83 Years.
As Steve was a very proud proud American and ex Vietnam War veteran, for those attending, please can you wear something blue, white or red. Thank You.

Lin Mills donated in memory of Stephen
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JANETTE A SISK lit a candle
Lin Mills lit a candle
Samantha Kett donated £20 in memory of Stephen

Thank you so much for all you did for Steve, for all the support you gave mum during Steve's final days, and for everything you do for so many others who would be lost without you. xxxxxxx

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  • That was lovely Samantha thank you. Xx

    Posted by Anette on 8/08/2024 Report abuse
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Graham Robertson donated £20 in memory of Stephen
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Jen AV-Stemmer lit a candle
Graham Robertson wrote

Lovely memories of Annette and Steve at COFEPOW events. Steve's dry but funny sense of humour, was wonderful. I used to joke about his Purple Heart Medal, and say did you find that in a box of Quality Street.he too would laugh butl know a bit about why he was awarded it, which just shows the strength of of him. I will always have the greatest of respect for you Steve and your comrades. As a friend l will miss you lots Now be at Peace forever Yours and Annette's friend Graham

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  • That is so lovely Graham. Thank you

    Posted by Anette on 7/08/2024 Report abuse
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Jenn Lunn donated in memory of Stephen
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Phil and Jenn Lunn wrote

Happy memories of time spent with Steve.
Rest in Peace

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Annette Stemmer lit a candle
Julia and Dave Church wrote

Rip Steve. You were a lovely neighbour. You will b missed.

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Julia and Dave Church lit a candle
Samantha Kett lit a candle
Samantha Kett wrote

If I don’t get to say my final farewell in person, Steve, then I promise I’m there in spirit. I will miss you. I’ll miss nicking your Reese’s Pieces and pretending I’d got away with it. I’ll miss your peaceful presence in your and mum’s house. I’ll miss opening our Christmas presents together (well, watching Cassie open them for us). At least you’ve got my little sister to keep you company, and I know you’ll look after each other. Sorry we never got to go out for a peanut butter milkshake; I’ll have one for you if I can find one! And I’ll watch the Superbowl in February on your behalf, so I can tell you who won. I’m glad you had a great life in the second half of mine, found happiness and contentment with mum and Cassie, and I’ll take comfort in that.
Sleep well, and hasta siempre xxxxxxx

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