Tony Vernall (21 Feb 1940 - 18 Jul 2024)

Donate in memory of
TonyLast Chance Animal Rescue

£530.00 + Gift Aid of £132.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Barham Crematorium Canterbury Barham CT4 6QU
23rd Aug 2024
Open map

Barham Crematorium Canterbury Road Barham CT4 6QU
23rd Aug 2024


In loving memory of Tony Vernall who sadly passed away on 18th July 2024

Jacqueline Hartwell wrote

A great man, who will never be forgotten. Thank you for having been an important part of my family’s story and for the wonderful friendship you had with my dad; he spoke about you often and with so much fondness. Rest in peace, Claude. Sending love to Teresa and all the family. With love from Jackie and June (now in Monmouth, where you grew up) x

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  • Thanks for your kind works Jackie and look forward to catching up with you and your mum when you next come up this way or we come to Wales xx

    Posted by Carol on 4/09/2024 Report abuse
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Wendy Nuttall donated £30 in memory of Tony
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Rebecca Hull wrote

Our last goodbye today.. Beautiful service for a great man! We love you lots ❤️

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  • 🥰😘❤️❤️❤️ was s beautiful service xx a tribute fit for a soldier xxx

    Posted by Carol on 24/08/2024 Report abuse
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Wendy Nuttall wrote

Thinking of you all on this very sad day and sending love and hugs from caerphilly. I have very fond memories of Tony over the last 45 years , with time spent as a teenager visiting you all in Germany & dover, as well as having the pleasure of joining many family occasions in Tony’s company over the last 4 decades. These memories are at the forefront of my mind, and will be especially so today 😥 RIP Tony, we will raise a glass to you later today xxx

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  • Thank you Wendy.. lots of love to you all ❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 23/08/2024 Report abuse
  • Thanks Wendy and dad had many happy memories of you and everyone in Wales too x he would always ask how you were doing xx we will see you in Wales when we find that old oak tree 🌳 again xx

    Posted by Carol on 24/08/2024 Report abuse
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Wendy Nuttall lit a candle
Rebecca Hull posted a picture
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  • 😄🍀♥️ nice picture

    Posted by Sabrina on 23/08/2024 Report abuse
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Rebecca Hull posted a picture


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  • 🥰😘🥰😘❤️ xx

    Posted by Carol on 24/08/2024 Report abuse
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Rebecca Hull lit a candle
Darren Fletcher lit a candle
Carol Hull lit a candle
Veronika Asbeck wrote

Wenn die Sonne des
Lebens untergeht,
leuchten die Sterne
der Erinnerung

Unsere Gedanken begleiten euch in diesen schweren Stunden.

Willi Geishauser,Christa Scherbaum und Helmut Thurnhuber mit Familien

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  • ❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 22/08/2024 Report abuse
  • 😍🥰😍💙 xxx

    Posted by Carol on 23/08/2024 Report abuse
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Markus Saxinger posted a picture
Danke daß ich Dich kennenlernen durfte. Es hat so Spaß gemacht und war so lustig🍻 Leider zu kurz. Machs gut Tony

Danke daß ich Dich kennenlernen durfte. Es hat so Spaß gemacht und war so lustig🍻 Leider zu kurz. Machs gut Tony

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  • ❤️❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 22/08/2024 Report abuse
  • 🥰😍😘💙 xx

    Posted by Carol on 23/08/2024 Report abuse
  • ♥️

    Posted by Sabrina on 23/08/2024 Report abuse
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Rebecca Hull posted a picture
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  • ❤️💙❤️💙 xx

    Posted by Carol on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Veronika Asbeck wrote

Das Leben lehrt,dass Menschen für Menschen nur Zwischenhäfen sind,ein Anlegeplatz auf Zeit,wie schön er auch sein mag.

Menschen suchen bewusst oder unbewusst den großen Strom,der sie hinträgt ans andere Ufer,in den endgültigen Hafen,wo sie für immer geborgen sind.

In den Hafen voller Licht und Liebe,den ich Gott nenne.

Lieber Onkel Tony,
mögest du nun die Geborgenheit finden im endgültigen Hafen Gottes.

Deine Nichten mit Familien aus Reisbach

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  • ♥️

    Posted by Sabrina on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
  • ❤️❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
  • ❤️💙❤️💙❤️

    Posted by Carol on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Carol Hull posted a picture
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  • Crazy Tony🙃I will never forget thst evening

    Posted by Sabrina on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • Lots of shots and schnapps with Marcus, his new best friend 🧡 💙

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • This was only a few months ago 😢 He was so funny this night and was one of the last ones to leave the party! 🤣❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Sabrina und Marcus Aus Bayern posted a picture
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  • 🥰♥️😍😘

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • 🍀♥️

    Posted by Sabrina on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • A lovely photo! ❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Denise Locke posted a picture
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  • Even tricky to pick a single picture from this one day in 2016 when we went on an outing.

    Posted by Denise on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • ❤️😍❤️

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • 🥰

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Anthony Vernall posted a picture
So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture so here is 6 of 6 ♥

So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture so here is 6 of 6 ♥

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  • ❤️😍♥️

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • ❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Anthony Vernall posted a picture
So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture so here is 5 of 6 ♥

So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture so here is 5 of 6 ♥

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  • ❤️😍♥️🥰

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • ❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Anthony Vernall posted a picture
So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture so here is 4 of 6 ♥

So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture so here is 4 of 6 ♥

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  • 😍♥️🥰

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • ❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Anthony Vernall posted a picture
So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture so here is 3 of 6

So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture so here is 3 of 6

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  • 😍😍😘😘

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • 😍 x

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Anthony Vernall posted a picture
So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture so here is 2 of 6 ♥

So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture so here is 2 of 6 ♥

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  • ♥️

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • Lovely picture 🥰

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Anthony Vernall posted a picture
So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture, so here is 1 of 6 ♥

So many found memories its hard to pick just one picture, so here is 1 of 6 ♥

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  • ♥️♥️😍😘

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • ❤️❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Carol Hull posted a picture
Dad on our last trip to Bavaria xxx

Dad on our last trip to Bavaria xxx

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  • We had the best time on this trip! ❤️ Some great memories made! Xx

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Denise Locke donated in memory of Tony
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Anthony Vernall donated in memory of Tony

Always in our thoughts ♥

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  • 😍😍❤️😘

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
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Sabrina Asbeck wrote

Liebe Resi mit Familie❤️,

Wir möchten uns auf diesem Wege für die geteilten Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen, die wir mit Tony und euch machen durften, bedanken.

"Es gibt ein Leid, das fremden Trost nicht duldet und einen Schmerz, den sanft nur heilt die Zeit"

Deshalb wünschen wir euch an dieser Stelle für die bevorstehende Zeit ganz viel Kraft.

Liebe Grüße
Sabrina und Markus

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  • Danke schoen - viele Liebe 😍🥰😍🥰🤩😘

    Posted by Carol on 20/08/2024 Report abuse
  • ❤️❤️

    Posted by Rebecca on 21/08/2024 Report abuse
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Jasmine Vernall-Downes posted a picture
All of his favourites ❤️

All of his favourites ❤️

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Sepp Zech lit a candle
Sepp Zech donated £40 in memory of Tony

Ich Denk an Euch xx 😘 ❤️ ♥️ xx

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  • 💙💙💙😘😘♥️ xxx

    Posted by Carol on 8/08/2024 Report abuse
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