Nick was my brother in law. I’ve no other older brother than Nick. And don’t you find big brothers remind us that we are not alone? This Is why Nicks loss is so hard. I have known Nick since as long as I can remember. And, I remember he was always, well usually, or perhaps often up for what ever was going on, so long as he was up for it. But above all, he loved his family. And I am grateful he became part of mine. You know, I will always cherish Nick’s quiet patience, forever waiting for life to free him from those prison bars of life’s drudgeries to be free like the breeze, free like a river walk with his dogs, where sometimes the sunshine would come. The sun will come and shine for us again. And nick will smile upon us in that light. I know it. Good bye my dear, often very funny, and always caring brother. Goodbye Nick.