Dorothy Beardsall (23 Feb 1930 - 22 Jun 2024)

Donate in memory of
Dorothy RNIB - Royal National Institute of Blind People

£0.00 + Gift Aid of £0.00
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Funeral Director

Bramcote Crematorium Reflection Chapel Coventry Lane Bramcote NG9 3GJ
12th Jul 2024
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In loving memory of Dorothy Beardsall who sadly passed away on 22nd June 2024

I am attending: The Funeral Neither
Amanda Cook lit a candle
Amanda Cook is attending the funeral
Vikki Cook posted a picture
One of the photos taken when I first met you back in 2009. I wish I could have seen you once more so you could see the woman I have grown into. You’ll remain in my heart forever. Sweet dreams to my Great Great Auntie Dorothy.

One of the photos taken when I first met you back in 2009. I wish I could have seen you once more so you could see the woman I have grown into. You’ll remain in my heart forever. Sweet dreams to my Great Great Auntie Dorothy.

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Amanda Cook wrote

Totally heart broken by your sudden passing you will be sadly missed. Reunited with Uncle Arthur and Robert. We will be with your nearest and dearest celebrating your life and wonderful stories. Good night til we meet again Rest in Peace

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