John Ferguson was an enormously important figure in the pioneering of environmental improvements in the handling of wastes in London in his senior positions in the Public Health Engineering Department of the former Greater London Council. Under his leadership, the capture of landfill gas to provide energy was introduced along with a strategy for the complete containerisation of wastes for interchangeable transport by road, rail and river. The strategy incorporated a variety of state-of-the-art transfer stations located around Greater London. There was also the transformation of the old civic amenity sites into modern waste handling and recycling facilities and the gradual transformation away from the reliance on landfill. When the abolition of the GLC became inevitable, John realised the importance of keeping together the centre of expertise that had been developed in the Public Health Engineering Department and he led the negotiations with government to pass the necessary legislation to introduce the Waste Regulation Authorities. As Director designate of the newly formed London Waste Regulation Authority, he fought tooth and nail to secure positions for all his former staff that had not otherwise been accommodated in other local authority positions. There are many of us, at the time with young families and mortgages, who will forever be grateful for the way in which he safeguarded our future careers.