Philip Henry Holley (9 Nov 1947 - 1 Jun 2024)

Donate in memory of
Philip HenryBritish Heart Foundation

£0.00 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Donate in memory of
Philip HenryCancer Research UK

£0.00 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Barham Crematorium Canterbury Road Barham CT4 6QU
3rd Jul 2024
Open map

Barham Crematorium Canterbury Road Barham CT4 6QU
3rd Jul 2024


In loving memory of Philip Henry Holley who sadly passed away on Saturday 01st June 2024.

He passed peacefully in his sleep, in his home as he would have wanted. He had not been ill so it was a shock to us all. We are heart broken and still trying to come to terms with what the future will look like without him.
However, I am also aware that he has passed through a fair few lives over the years.
Dad will be cremated at Barham Crematorium on Wednesday 03rd July 2024 at 11:00.
You are welcome to attend, there is no dress code. Dad loved golf so if you want to come in your golf gear, feel free or something red as he was a life long supporter of Manchester United.
After the service at Barham Crematorium the wake will be held at:

The Centre Spot
Crabble Athletic Ground
Lewisham Road
CT17 0JB
(Above Dover Rugby— there is a car park at the top but plenty of parking at bottom)

Family are having flowers.

If you wish to make a donation in dad’s name, we have decided on two charities British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research. However if you have a preferred charity then please feel free to donate there.

Finally, just to say thank you to everyone for their thoughts and messages as it really does help us through.

Please upload pictures and memories of dad.

I am attending: The Funeral Neither
Ann Cattermole lit a candle
Tina Holley wrote

To me and Barrie you are our uncle pippy and always will be. We have a lot of special memories growing up , play days at your house in Astley avenue. Thank you for being a wonderful uncle we love you always 💗

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Karen Cook lit a candle