Roland John Mayer (30 Apr 1943 - 30 May 2024)

Donate in memory of
Roland JohnBritish Heart Foundation

£50.00 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Donate in memory of
Roland JohnAlzheimer's Society

£84.91 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Rushcliffe Oaks Crematorium Main Rd, Stragglethorpe, Nottingham NG12 2PY
2nd Jul 2024
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In loving memory of Roland John Mayer who sadly passed away on 30th May 2024

I am attending: The Funeral Neither
Diarmuid Collins wrote

Our deepest sympathies to Elaine, Nick, Tim and their extended families on the sudden loss of their dear husband and father John. We have very fond memories of meeting John on numerous occasions during his visits to Ireland. We remember him as being such great company and we always enjoyed a tipple or two of whiskey together. You are all in our thoughts during this sad and difficult time.

Diarmuid and Mary Collins, Cork, Ireland.

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Janet Palmer lit a candle
Janet Palmer lit a candle
Takanori Fujita lit a candle
Klavs Hendil wrote

John was the international expert on neurological aspects of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and a highly respected scientist. Over the years we met several times at scientific conferences. They were occasions for many a good talk. Once, south of Munich, we used a long interval in lectures for a good walk in the mountains. Forgetting time, we ended up on a trail in the Wolfschlucht (~Wolve’s canyon) where I am sure we looked odd with our suits and congress badges. A group of lady mountaineers, equipped with ropes and crampons, warned us against going further without boots and proper equipment.
With his charisma, John was an excellent lecturer and revelled in it, I am sure. On one occasion, in Clermont-Ferrand, the projector refused to cooperate. Technicians came and struggled with it for some time but to no avail. So, John began to give his lecture, completely clear and structured, without being able to show the slides that had to be described. Quite a feat.
It is sad to lose a friend. But I am glad to have had the good fortune of knowing him and, later, Elaine. We will remember John’s kindness, his elan, and wonderful sense of humour.

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Catherine Clark is attending the funeral
Catherine Clark donated £50 in memory of Roland

We are saying farewell to the best neighbour anyone could wish to have. We have lived next door to John for over 30 years and his enthusiasm for life and interest in everything were an inspiration to us. His death has come as a deeply unwelcome shock; a thoroughly decent and lovely person whom it was a privilege to know. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to Elaine, Nick, Orla, Tim, Lucy and the whole family. May he rest in peace and may his family take comfort from knowing all that he achieved. Our thoughts are with you all, Catherine and Geoff.

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