Jean McDevitt (10 Jul 1943 - 26 Apr 2024)

Craigton Crematorium Berryknowes Road Glasgow G52 2DB
23rd May 2024
Open map

Crookston Hotel 90 Crookston Road Glasgow G52 3ND
23rd May 2024


In loving memory of Jean McDevitt who sadly passed away on 26th April 2024 after a short battle with cancer .
A much-loved wife, daughter, mum, gran, sister, cousin, friend, colleague and neighbour, she was looked after in her final weeks by the wonderful team at the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice.

Donations to Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice
We've set up a JustGiving page, if you were able to support this tremendous place, any donation would help. Please use the link 'JustGiving Fundraising Page in Jean's Memory' posted on this page if you wish to donate online.

Robert and Shirley Wylie is attending the funeral
Jim and Elaine Henderson is attending the funeral
Fiona Haddow is attending the funeral
Myra & J Porter is attending the funeral
Ian & Audrey Airdrie is attending the funeral and the reception
Anne and John Maguire and Crawford is attending the funeral and the reception
Grant Airdrie is attending the funeral and the reception
Sally McAnkrah is attending the funeral
Gordon and fiona Turrent is attending the funeral and the reception
Myra Brownlie is attending the funeral and the reception
Jim and Janey Turrent is attending the funeral and the reception
Marie Hamilton is attending the funeral and the reception
Marie Hamilton lit a candle
Dean Marriott is attending the funeral
Sparklesparkle June Hawthorne lit a candle
June Hawthorne is attending the funeral and the reception
John Kerr is attending the funeral
Carol, David and Joe McShane lit a candle
Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture


  • Love this photo

    Posted by Jane on 19/05/2024 Report abuse
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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Robert McDevitt posted a picture
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