Joyce Mary Dobner (1 Jan 1932 - 31 Mar 2024)

Funeral Director

Honor Oak Crematorium Brockley Way Brockley SE4 2LW
2nd May 2024
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Honor Oak Crematorium Brockley Way Brockley SE4 2LW
2nd May 2024


In loving memory of Joyce Mary Dobner who sadly passed away on 31st March 2024.

Joyce was born on 1st January 1932 in Brunel Road Rotherhithe . Her parents Della and Alfred bore 11 children, she moved to 5 Emba Street Bermondsey when she was 5 years old.

She left school at 14 and started work in the box making factory with her sisters. She worked at various Bermondsey factories over the years.

On 1st August 1953 she married William Dobner (Bill) and they continued to live at 5 Emba Street.
Their first child, Carol was born May 1957 followed by Diane in April 1961.
She started working as a school cleaner at Childeric Primary School and then went to work at Riverside Primary school, the same school she had attended as a child, where she continued working for 27 years until retiring in 1991.

Joyce and Bill moved to Morriss House in 1978.

They enjoyed nights out in their local pub the Old Justice ‘The J’ , all the Bishop family would meet there at weekends and bank holiday’s, Joyce loved to sing on the mic accompanied by the piano, she had a repertoire of songs including, Second hand Rose, Who’s sorry now and Crazy, her favourite singer was Shirley Bassey.
They also went to social clubs and in later years The British Legion. They were joined by her brother Bill and his wife Anne, with whom they spent many happy holidays with, Joyce and Anne became great friends and went Bingo every Thursday, she also loved a bet on the horses.

In the early days the Bishop family would holiday together meeting at Coronation camp Hayling Island, leaving many great memories for everyone. Joyce and Bill bought a chalet at Leysdown, Joyce took great pride in making the chalet special and it provided many a happy holidays and weekends away with Carol and Diane and her son in laws Brian and Keith and the grandchildren, but in 1987 they lost it to the great storm.

She became a grandmother in 1978 to Lee followed in later years by Joanna, Dean and Michelle and enjoyed days out and playing games with them. She loved spending Christmases with them and there was always bingo on Christmas night.
Joyce was fortunate to see all her 4 grandchildren marry and was proud to become a great grandmother to Claudia, Billy, Olivia, Corey, Tommy and Bella.

Bill sadly passed away in 2016 and life changed completely for Joyce without him.

Joyce suffered with arthritis for many years which made it hard for her to go out as much as she would have liked. She was diagnosed with COPD and by 2021, she was on oxygen permanently. She enjoyed monthly visits from her nieces, and loved seeing her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Carers came into her 4 times a day, Mo was her regular carer for more than 5 years and she would have a laugh with her, she loved Donna coming at night who also shared her love of Bermondsey.

She developed pneumonia in March and spent 2 weeks in hospital, she came out but it had caused failure to other parts of her body and she sadly passed away on Easter Sunday.

Joyce was much loved by all of her family and everyone she knew, she was kind and generous and loved her family very much, she will be sadly missed 💕

Diane Baker wrote

Mum, I came to see you on my birthday and told you how grateful, proud and lucky I was to have you as my mum.
Thursday was a hard day for us all but we have now had to lay you to rest.
The service was lovely, with so many beautiful flowers, you would have been pleased how many family and friends turned out to say their goodbyes to you, I think Carol and I did the best we could for you, to make the day as special as you were.
So for now we have to say goodbye but I know we will meet again one day, until then, you will stay in my heart forever, I miss you more than you could ever know.
God bless mum, sleep peacefully
With all my love Diane 🌹❤️xx

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Carol Castle wrote

Dear Mum
So many family and friends came to say goodbye to you. It show just how loved and respected you were by so many people.
There were so many flowers and you would have loved them all.
I hope you would have been pleased with the service Diane and I arranged for you. Lee said some lovely words, so did Claudia snd Olivia. We played your favorite songs too
I feel now that you are at peace and together again with Dad.
Goodnight God bless Sweet dreams
All my love always
Carol XXXX

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Debbie Andrews wrote

I met Joyce, also Bill when Diane and I became friends at school, we were 11 years old.
Diane took me round to her house in Emba Street, where I met Joyce, I remember feeling a warmth and was made to feel so welcome. It was on these occasions I saw what a normal family life was like and I loved it.
I remember Diane and I were sitting in the kitchen, Diane had a tape recorder, Joyce was pottering about and we decided it would be funny to record her speaking, which made me and Diane laugh, Joyce too😂

I know Joyce loved all her family and she will be sadly missed.
So Joyce, it was lovely knowing you, tomorrow we say goodbye to you then you will say hello to your Bill again.

Lots of love
Debbie xxx 😘

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Emma Armstrong wrote

Rest Easy Joyce, back with your Bill and loved ones gone before. Sending love to you xxx

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Emma Armstrong lit a candle
Donna Jones lit a candle
Donna Jones wrote

My dearest Joycey, we hit it off from the first day we met and I adored you. feel incredibly honoured to have looked after you, you made it so easy, I thought you would live forever. I can't beleive I will never hear you say again "night Don, get home safely girl and don't foget your chocolate on the way out!" :)

I loved our chats about your life growing up during the war, how you met Bill and Emba Street. I loved seeing the sheer delight on your face when I would find old photos of streets in Bermondsey from the 30's, 40, and 50's which I started collecting for you and you would share your memories of days long gone by. I would ask you a hundred questions about the history of Bermondsey and you never failed to answer a single one! I will never forget the smile on your face when I found a photo of Cherry Tree Gardens from 1932 and you pointed to one of the windows and said "my brother lived there."

You would always make me smile when I would find you in your chair with the front door wide open singing beautifully and how we would laugh at the amount of times when I came to see you in the evening and you had pressed a button on the remote and had no TV and then I would press every single button to get the screen back. and you would say "oh Don what are we like girl?"

Joycey, I will forever miss you, I am a better person for knowing you, I wish I could have cared for you longer. You are at peace now with "my Bill." and the rest of your famly.

Thank you for being wonderful.

Lots of love always,


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  • Lovely words Donna

    Posted by Carol on 1/05/2024 Report abuse
  • Lovely memories for you Donna, thank you for making mum smile with your care xx

    Posted by Diane on 3/05/2024 Report abuse
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John Bradley lit a candle
Iris wrote

Aunt Joyce so many happy memories with you when I was a child to growing up.
I miss our phone chats when we would talk of those years past and chats about working up the Cali with my mum and Annie. Family Parties. So much love and laughter with you. God bless Joyce you will always be in my thoughts. Xxxx

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Iris Bradley lit a candle
Karen St.Ledger lit a candle
Corey Baker wrote

To Nanny Joyce,
I will always remember your voice
When I think of you I’m filled with joy
I was only a boy
When you departed
When you left I was broken hearted

Love you forever
Corey xx

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  • Lovely message Corey, well done sweetheart xx

    Posted by Diane on 28/04/2024 Report abuse
  • Lovely words Corey x

    Posted by Madeliene on 29/04/2024 Report abuse
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Steve & Tandy Luscombe lit a candle
Philip Nedwell lit a candle
Jan Halpin wrote

Dearest Joycie
I’ve known you and Bill since a young child living next door to you in good old Emba St. Such great times they were. I remember joining Carol , Di and the cousins on many a Saturday nights at No.5
You and Bill were long term friends with Betty and John ( my parents ) and I have very fond memories of the weekly Card nights when You and Bill came into our house , I loved Bill’s favourite phrase when he got dealt a hand , he would say “look Joyce , I’ve got a hand like a foot” to this day , it still makes me smile.
My mum loved you to bits Joyce and you were great friends, I do hope you are all together now and having a bet. So many great memories I have of you all.
God Bless you Joyce , you were a wonderful lady and I will truly miss you 😢 and our little chats. Xxx

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  • That’s lovely Jan, I also remember the card nights, they were great!

    Posted by Diane on 25/04/2024 Report abuse
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Lee Baker wrote

There’s another star in Heaven.
It makes the night sky brighter.
Though radiant above us now,
It makes our hearts no lighter.

Proud to have had you as my Nan. Then, now and always.
Sleep well; you deserve it.

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  • Lovely words Lee x

    Posted by Diane on 25/04/2024 Report abuse
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Kiri McClure lit a candle
Brad St.Ledger lit a candle
Olivia Baker wrote

Nanny Joyce,
I will always remember your special smile that greeted me when I came to visit, I will always remember your warm hugs and kisses that you always gave me and I will always remember your caring heart and the love that you had for each and every one of us. You were always there for everyone through thick and thin and you always managed to make me laugh. There are many memories that I will never forget; when we played catch with the ball that was always a little bit flat, when we done colouring together, when we done puzzles together and when we just had a nice conversation, but the funniest memory was when you wrote merry chicken in my Christmas card! You were always interested in what I had been doing at dance or school. I loved when you talked about the war and what it was like, I loved when you used to hum random songs that I never knew the name of, but most of all I loved the way you cared and loved all your family. I love you so much nanny Joyce and I will never forget you, I will continue to think about you everyday.
Lots of love, Olivia xx

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  • Some great memories for you,nanny Joyce would be pleased,, well done babe x

    Posted by Diane on 24/04/2024 Report abuse
  • Beautiful message Liv. Nanny Joyce would be so proud xx

    Posted by Claudia on 27/04/2024 Report abuse
  • Lovely words Olivia and the Merry Chicken really made me smile. Good to have happy memories x

    Posted by Madeliene on 29/04/2024 Report abuse
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Emma Baker lit a candle
Diane Baker posted a picture
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  • Beautiful photo of you all - 4 generations and a memory to cherish x

    Posted by Linda & paul on 27/04/2024 Report abuse
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Jackie Nedwell lit a candle
Michelle Castle wrote

Nan, I never thought the day would come that you wasn't here, but finally your back with grandad and all your brothers and sister having a good old knees up.
I loved coming to see you and grandad when I was young and you would tell me stories of when you was a little girl and when you and your sister fought over the lemonade bottle to have a ride on the merry-go-round and she hit you on the head with it and ran away, or when your sister got evacuated and they bought her black patent shoes and you got a pair of clogs. The faces you would pull telling the stories would have my rolling with laughter. I can remember the radio always being on in your flat and even if you didn't know the words you would be humming along at the top of your lungs. I loved hearing you sing and can still hear you now in my head singing crazy or susie suise sitting in the shoe shine shop. There are so many memories Nan but there isn't enough room on here or time to say them all, I will cherish them forever. Love you and miss you always your Shell xxxx

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Nicolle Barber lit a candle
Gill Gosbee wrote

Such lovely memories of Joyce and Bill. Friends with my mum & dad Joyce and Alan Hodges. Great nights at the old Justice with you all singing and playing piano. God Bless Joyce. RIP lovely lady

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Gill Gosbee lit a candle
Ann Leach posted a picture
I love this of us too!! Grandad was your brother and nanny was your best friend and when we lost them you treated me mark Maisey and Hadley has yours and welcomed Nicolle and Dan the same! Miss you more than you will ever know and we will meet Again xx

I love this of us too!! Grandad was your brother and nanny was your best friend and when we lost them you treated me mark Maisey and Hadley has yours and welcomed Nicolle and Dan the same! Miss you more than you will ever know and we will meet Again xx

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Ann Leach posted a picture
Auntie joyce my babies loved you. And I love that this photo was with your great grandkids but you wouldn’t leave my Maisey out. They never knew my grandparents to them you were there’s xxx

Auntie joyce my babies loved you. And I love that this photo was with your great grandkids but you wouldn’t leave my Maisey out. They never knew my grandparents to them you were there’s xxx

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Claudia Baker wrote

Nanny Joyce,
I remember ringing your doorbell and Corey and I hiding from you just to jump out and try to scare you. I remember sitting on your armchair by the door pretending to play with your phone. I remember sitting next to Grandad Bill on the sofa or on your footstool by you arm chair. I remember playing boots, shoes, clogs, nails and tips or the dots and lines game with you.
I have the book with all of our games and drawings in and the red comb I used to love so much (without any reason) next to me right now and I wear the ring you gave me years ago around my neck every day. I loved sitting with you and listening to you sing with your beautiful voice. I loved talking to you on the phone about everything but especially the tea party we were going to have one day. I’m so sorry that we never got to, but I hope you know that I always wanted to. Thank you for coming to my dance shows I hope that you loved them as much as I did.
Honestly it doesn’t seem real that you’re gone and not a day goes by where I don’t miss you. I’m so glad that I could be your Claude.
Lots of love, always
Claudia xxx

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  • That is so beautiful Claudia, well done darling x

    Posted by Diane on 20/04/2024 Report abuse
  • This was lovely Claudia, Nanny Joyce would have been very proud reading this. X

    Posted by Emma on 23/04/2024 Report abuse
  • Lovely words Claudia I read it on the train with tears in my eyes. X

    Posted by Madeliene on 23/04/2024 Report abuse
  • I love this, definitely some great memories to remember x

    Posted by Olivia on 27/04/2024 Report abuse
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Jackie &Russ Lord wrote

Dear Joyce
Rest in Peace lovely lady from the one that
pinched the ham on Xmas Eve
Love Jackie

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