Alice Thackeray (18 May 1929 - 12 Nov 2015)

Funeral Director

St Mary's Church Church Lane Arnold NG5 8HJ
27th Nov 2015
Open map

Redhill Cemetery Mansfield Road Redhill Nottingham NG5 8LS
27th Nov 2015

Longbow Public House Calverton Road Arnold Nottingham NG5 8FQ
27th Nov 2015


In loving memory of OUR MUM Alice Thackeray who sadly passed away on 12th November 2015

A wife, a mother, a grandma too,
This is the legacy we have from you.
You taught us love and how to fight,
You gave us strength, you gave us might.
A stronger person would be hard to find,
And in your heart, you were always kind.
You fought for us all in one way or another,
Not just as a wife not just as a mother.
For all of us you gave your best,
Now the time has come for you to rest.
So go in peace, you've earned your sleep,
Your love in our hearts, we'll eternally keep.

Our hearts are broken,
All our love now and forever.
Tony, John, Jean, Janet, Michael & Joan xxxxxx

Patty McVeigh lit a candle
Patty McVeigh wrote

Dear Jo, Carl, Craig and Aaron,

While the loss of a mother and grandmother is heartbreaking, the love Alice felt for your family will be with you forever. May her memories live on in your hearts and her light guide you always. Our deepest sympathies are with you.

The McVeigh Family

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Jack and Rose Marie Valente wrote

Dearest Joan (Jo),

Rose Marie and I send our deepest condolences and heartfelt wishes to you and your family at this very difficult time. We feel blessed that our paths have crossed and want you to know how truly sorry we are to hear about your mum’s passing. Please know that you and the family are in our thoughts and prayers. She must have been an amazing woman for she raised such a wonderful caring daughter. May your loving memories of moments shared together provide comfort as she rests in God’s eternal grace.

Jack and Rose Marie Valente

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Michael Del Mauro wrote

Dear Mrs. Standish, Carl, Craig and Aaron,

We know your loss is deep and devastating, and we are so sorry for you and your entire family. You are blessed to have shared such a strong bond, and we hope the lifetime of wonderful memories brings you much needed comfort during this time of grief and sorrow.

With sympathy and love,
Michael & Cristina

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Michael Del Mauro lit a candle
Gayle Hajian wrote

Jo, I am so sorry. My thoughts and Prayers are with you. Please let me
know if you need anything. It is never easy. I know and I am here for you.

Love you. xoxo

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Beth Ehenworth/Bass wrote

I am so sorry for your loss. I Wish my circumstances could be different so I could be with you to comfort you at this time. Please let me know if you want me to do anything for you in NJ. My thoughts are with you . My heart felt sympathy and condolences with you and your family. XOXOXO

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Elena wrote

Craig told me just now. Words seem inadequate to express how sorry I
am for your loss. Although no words can really help to ease how you are
feeling, just know that you and your family are very close in my
thoughts and prayers tonight. XXOO

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Gina Manser wrote

Dear Jo.. I am so so sorry, I just found out about your mom. I know how much you loved your mom. You always been there for her and you have spent as much time as you could with her. My sincere and deepest condolence, your mom is resting in peace and God is with her and she is in heaven now. Love you xxxooo

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Linda Altschuler wrote

I'm so sorry, we're never prepared!!! Prayers for you xxxx

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Jessica wrote

Hey Jo baby,
Rachel told me about your mom's passing. I'm truly sorry. I know this has been such a long road for you. She is now peacefully resting. My prayers are with you in this difficult time. Love you.

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Susan Backlund wrote

Dearest Jo,

My deepest condolences and heartfelt wishes to you and your family! With great sadness I read your news and have tried to reach you: please accept my short note until we have a chance to speak together.

Briefly, I'm one month post-op from liver surgery; the process is slow. My computer/phone time is limited. Another two months of rest and more exams.

I hope the love of family and friends coupled with your memories will serve to ease your pain during these most difficult days. I'm certain your presence continues to provide a brightest light for those around you. May you take comfort in knowing how much your Mum loved you, Jo: and for your gentle words, ways, and all your efforts to insure her well-being, great thanks!

With Love

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Catherine Saxton wrote

Jo – aka Joan! So sorry to receive this. But, I know she was sick for a long time, so passing to a more wonderful place is a lovelier thing to do.

I know she was loved, I know she will be missed, but I know you are grateful for having her all this long while.

Life goes on with a heavier heart, but all will be well in time.
God Bless, and come visit Palm Beach one of these days.

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Peggy DelMauro wrote

Dearest Jo.... Bless your beloved Mum and her beautiful family. The posted photos of your Mother are brilliant!

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Susan and Andy Hirsch wrote

Dear Jo

I am sorry to hear about your mum. My sympathies. I know she had been ill for some time and you have been shuffling back and forth to be with her. May she rest in peace. Hugs to you and your beautiful family.

Xoxoxo Hope to see you soon

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Nancy Malchow/Bishop wrote

Dear Jo

I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your mom... Losing a mom is so hard. She was so lucky to have you and she knew it every moment. She's outgrown her body, and transitioning to whatever comes next. She's no longer bed- bound. Please know my heart is with you and the boys!
I'll be in town the second weekend in December and see if you're in town. I just made plans.

Sending all of my love!

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Karen Korinda wrote

Jo, so sorry to hear of the loss of your mom! Our Thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family.

Warm Regards

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Rachel Ostry wrote

Just saw this. So sorry for your loss. My heart is breaking for you and your family Jo. It is never easy to loose someone who loved you unconditionally. In a word it sucks. Please know that I am thinking of you and sending kisses and comfort.

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Christine McAndrews wrote

Hello Jo,

Michael told me about your mother and I am very sorry for your loss.

I hope you and your family have a peaceful Thanksgiving.

All the best!

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Gina Manser lit a candle
Gina Manser wrote

Dear Jo, Carl, Craig, Aaron and family, I never met your mum in person but through you, I learned to know her. Look back on all the good memories you were able to have and smile at the fact that you were able to share such beautiful moments with her. A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in our hearts and minds, through us, they live on, your mum will not be forgotten. My sincere and deepest condolences; our hearts and prayers go out to you and your family.
With love, Gina, Josh, Nicole and Gabby Xxoo

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The Homer Family wrote

Dear Jo, Carl, Craig and Aaron,
We are so saddened by the loss of your grandma, mum and our dear Alice. When the kids were little we used enjoy times romping all over with them, your mom and mine. Oh, the places we took them! When the kids got older, we continued romping with just us and the moms. They both cherished the picture of them together having lunch at Fridays, and kept it framed and displalyed in their respective homes. When I lost my mom, your mum was there for me and told me I would never be "mom/mum - less". She kept to her word. This is such a difficult time, but we will keep them in our hearts and and are comforted by the fact that we know they are in heaven together looking down on us, smiling, forever enjoying eachother's company and catching up.
We love you all and will always be here for you.
Cindy, Stuart, Jordan, Wade and Harrison

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Missy wrote

I'm so so sorry Jo for the passing of your mom if there is anything I can do at all. Or if you would just like to have tea and talk I'm here.

Much love

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Jon Pearson wrote

Hi Jo,

I heard the news from Susan about the passing of your mother. So sorry for you and your family and I pass my condolences along to everyone.

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D. Nicholas Miceli wrote

Jo, So sorry for your loss. We lost my dad in September and not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I'm sure your mom was very proud of everything that you accomplished. Celebrate her life and all of the good memories! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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Michael Minarik wrote

I'm so so sorry Jo.
Please know that we are keeping you and your family in our prayers.


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Jo Edwards wrote

Dear Jo,

I am so very sorry to hear about your Mum's passing. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Please keep in touch and let me know, when things settle down, if you would like to meet again for lunch.

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Bob Ingato wrote


I wish you and your family peace as you celebrate your Mum’s life and mourn your loss. From what you have told me, your mother was a ray of sunshine in the lives of everyone she touched – her light and strength will live on in you.

My sincere condolences.

My thoughts are with you,

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Louie wrote


Just spoke to Gayle. So sorry for you and your family. Please call if you need anything.

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Ian Gilmore wrote

Jo, So sorry to hear about your loss. Tenley and I wish you all the best during this difficult time.

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