And radiant child, with smile so sweet,
And life appears to be complete,
Yet coastal storms for miles and miles,
And Death's shadow on the Isles.
Then cruelly taken from the nest,
Crippled and seeking a place.
From proud factories, hear the good news,
Yet filthy smoke each chimney spews.
People huddled in loving homes;
Elected divinities gaze down in domes.
And violent storms grow worse and worse,
And from the threshold comes a curse.
Genuflecting the brothers pray,
While Death enters as Mothers lay,
Yielding to snake, taking the sting,
Sensing the poison it may bring.
Storm clouds descend from ancient days,
And terrified through the haze,
Strong but foolish, she takes the pain;
The scapegoat "whore", the clown again.
The children in her eyes may see,
The betrayal and the agony.
Yet on and on the saga goes,
And promise with new tippy-toes.
But Age knocks on the door again,
The heart pierced with such a pain.
What then love beckons from house to house,
And eyes wide like excited mouse.
Is this a timeless Dream we're seeing,
That radiates from every being.
Then Death takes hold of child-like hands;
Emotions wash upon the sands.
Forgive Almighty at your behest,
And lay thee down with love to rest.