Thelma Torrance (4 Dec 1924 - 29 Oct 2015)

Donate in memory of

£235.00 + Gift Aid of £42.50
In partnership with

Queens Road Baptist Church Queens Road Coventry CV1 3EG
12th Nov 2015
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Cannon Hill Chapel, Canley Crematorium Cannon Hill Road Coventry CV4 7DF
12th Nov 2015


In loving memory of Thelma Torrance who sadly passed away on 29th October 2015

Barry Torrance donated £45 in memory of Thelma

This is the cash donated before and during Mum's Thanksgiving Service.

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Barry Torrance wrote

THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to Tearfund in Mum's memory. Today (8th January 2016) the online giving total is £190. There will be an additional £45 online gift, which is the total cash donated, and an additional £320 of cheques and £52.50 of Gift Aid, making a grand total of £607.50. I am also aware of at least one person who has made an independent donation to the charity in Mum's memory. Mum would have been overwhelmed and delighted with your generosity. Thank you again, Barry, Wendy & Kathryn.

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Barry Torrance posted a picture
Wedding Day, 26th January 1946.

Wedding Day, 26th January 1946.

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Barry Torrance wrote

The Tale of the Turkey(s)

(This is the story that Kathryn gave us an excerpt from at Mum’s Thanksgiving Service. Here it is in full, told in Mum’s own words.)

It was late December in 1950 - bitterly cold with snow settling deeperon the ground each day. I was heavily pregnant with a baby supposedly due about Christmas Day. Christmas fare was still in short supply after the War years of rationing.

Then came some good news - my Step-mother-in-law wrote to tell us she had sent us some Turkeys from Ireland - one large one to a family in London, and a small one to us in Coventry.

We eagerly awaited the arrival of our bird, which duly came, sewn into a sacking wrapper. After the initial excitement I realised our corpse-like parcel looked a bit on the Big side. Having no scales of my own, I decided to take it to my Mother's to weigh it on her scales.

In my delicate state this presented a bit of a problem, because the bird was too heavy for me to carry very far! I wrapped up my two year old son warmly, and put his wellingtons on his feet - then got his pram ready. The only way to transport the Turkey through the snow-covered streets was to put it in the pram!! So I put it in the pram — but alas, there was no room for Barry, so his first ever walk through the snow followed.

As we were setting out we encountered our three local gossips, chatting away with their curlers nodding away under their head-scarves. One of them approached to peer under the hood, while another said, "You've got the new baby then ? My reply "Uh no, it's a turkey" seemed to "throw" them!

We got to Mother's, weighed the turkey, and, sure enough, its weight of 23 lbs confirmed that it was meant for the large family in London - not for us.

The Turkey was put back into the pram and protesting little Barry had to walk with the snow now coming over the top of his boots. One of the gossips, saw us, of course, and nudged another friend to "look at them" At home we rang London — "Had they got a small turkey meant for us - we'd got a big one?" "Yes they had - what shall we do ?"

It was arranged that Brian would bring his turkey to us by train and we would swap them over, but it wouldn't be until two days’ time.

Another problem - we had no fridge and I was afraid the turkey would "go off" after all its travels. In the morning I phoned my butcher to see if he would store my turkey in his fridge for a day or two. He'd be pleased to do so, if I'd bring it round !

So - I dressed Barry, got the pram out - put the turkey in. Protestingly, little Barry wanted to know why the turkey couldn't walk and let him go in his pram!

Not wanting to see my neighbours, I peered down the street to see if the coast was clear - it was.
But of course, round the corner were my three neighbours : they looked knowingly at each other and one remarked to the others "it" (pregnancy) often made women do funny things.

Having deposited the turkey Barry rode home triumphantly in his pram. The day Brian was due to arrive to do the exchange, we went to the butcher's to fetch the turkey from the fridge - the turkey rode back in the pram - Barry walked.

Then it happened! They appeared!! It was too much for them – one of them yelled across the road, "what's the matter with you girl - are you afraid someone's going to pinch it?"
I shrank back to the house — humiliated.

Brian arrived - the turkeys were exchanged - normality resumed. Out for a walk the next day, two of the women crossed over to have another look at the turkey - but were met with a beaming triumphant smile from my rosy-cheeked son, cosily tucked up in his pram!

"Merry Christmas" — I called out to the ladies as we hurried on!!

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Kathryn Habershon posted a picture
A great big hello kiss for Becki at Nanny's 90th party!

A great big hello kiss for Becki at Nanny's 90th party!

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Barry Torrance posted a picture
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Martin Torrance donated £30 in memory of Thelma
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Emilia Barker-Poole donated £30 in memory of Thelma

In memory of Thelma

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Kathryn and Grant Habershon donated £30 in memory of Thelma
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Becki and john Habershon donated £20 in memory of Thelma

In loving memory of our kind and caring Nanny. With lots of love and fond memories of happy times xxx

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Barry Torrance posted a picture
Out for a 'scoot', 9th October 2015

Out for a 'scoot', 9th October 2015

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Barry Torrance posted a picture
On Dad's 70th birthday

On Dad's 70th birthday

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Kathryn Haberson wrote

My wonderful mum - I'm going to miss you so much. I want to thank you for the way you cared, the sacrifices you made and the dedication to your family. Thank you for leading by example, and for quietly supporting those in need in so many ways. Thank you for your humour , for the family stories, and for all the ways big and small that you showed you cared. No need to worry about us now! I WILL always 'be careful', keep myself warm and make sure I'm not hungry! I thank God that I was blessed with a mum like you. Love you always. Kathryn xxxxx

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Richard Barker-Poole donated £30 in memory of Thelma
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Emilia Barker-Poole lit a candle
Emilia Barker-Poole is attending the funeral and the reception
Alex Edwards is attending the funeral and the reception
Wendy poole wrote

Mum, you have been so brave.
Now, no more confusion, or pain or worry .
We will miss you so much, but everything you have taught us will stay with us for ever.
Your love and concern for everyone around you will always be remembered.
At peace now Mum, Love you for ever.
Wendy xxxx

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Barry Torrance posted a picture
90th Birthday party - group photo

90th Birthday party - group photo

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Barry Torrance posted a picture
90th birthday party - with some of her great grandchildren

90th birthday party - with some of her great grandchildren

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Barry Torrance posted a picture
The garden at 5 Ilford Drive

The garden at 5 Ilford Drive

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Barry Torrance is attending the funeral and the reception
Barry Torrance donated £50 in memory of Thelma

Mum, thank you for all you have been to me and Jacqui and our children. Thank you for loving us, worrying about us, helping us and praying for us, even when your memory became so frustratingly short. We love you, and will miss you greatly. Barry xxx

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