June Buswell (1 Jun 1934 - 4 May 2014)

Holy Cross Church Beauchamp Road Billesley B13 0NS
15th May 2014
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Brandwood End Cemetery Woodthorpe Road Birmingham B14 6EQ
15th May 2014


In loving memory of the late June Buswell who sadly passed away on 4th May 2014

Simon Steel lit a candle
milliecent buswell posted a picture
Missing you💔

Missing you💔

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Millicent Buswell posted a picture
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milliecent buswell posted a picture
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Millicent Buswell lit a candle
jayne buswell lit a candle
jayne buswell wrote

mom i miss you more than you would of ever imagined since losing you things have changed so much , people have changed so much but im 100 % sure our love for you is always going to be strong for you. the years are going so fast now , i guess cause im getting older you always said when you get older times fly you was right . one day i will be back with you and dad i love you both so much and always will

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jayne buswell lit a candle
jayne buswell wrote

Hello mom 3years have now past I miss you so much I hope when it's my turn to go you and dad come together to get me .I think about you all the time .it feels like your just on holiday I keep thinking you will come back .I know you can't .yesterday the song that was playing when you passed came on strange how that happened I miss you mom sending a big hug up to you and dad love you always xxxxx

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jayne buswell wrote

missing you mom and dad so much life just is not the same with out xxx

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jayne buswell lit a candle
milliecent buswell wrote

nan, you were my everything are my everything not only were you my nan u were my mom and my bestfreind to this day I still greeve over you and miss you twenty for seven its realy hard with out you . how could you leave me. I love you sooooooooooooo much xX

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milliecent buswell lit a candle
Margaret Buswell lit a candle
Ben Buswell lit a candle
margaret buswell wrote

Happy mothers day, nan miss you sooo much it's unbelievable love you xxx

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margaret buswell lit a candle
margaret buswell posted a picture
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margaret buswell wrote

Nan, it's getting closer and closer to Christmas now and I am truly dreading it this year without you, we'd already have the decorations out now if you were alive but obviously it's hard for everyone this year. I really wish you were still here nothing would be as hard as it is because you'd push us through it I just wish I could give you one last hug and kiss and tell you I love you and wait untill you say it back to me before I even contemplated moving, I love you grandad and wish you was here just as much, love you both to the moon and back xx

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jayne buswell posted a picture
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jayne buswell wrote

mom im have a real bad time at the moment , i cant understand why you left us , it keeps going over &over in my head . its been a real hard day today thinking of how you hate the bad weather and knowing that it will soon be winter , how i dreading the snow falling on you and dad . it will soon be xmas which im really not wanting to happen for the last 48 years on my life i seen you every xmas morning . yet this year it will be at your graveside . i really wish this was a bad dream . i love and miss you mom i wish i could see you goodnight godbless mom & dadxxxxxxxxxx

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jayne buswell lit a candle
Leigh Buswell lit a candle
Raymond Buswell lit a candle
Leigh Buswell wrote

I'm realy struggling this week mom need u more than ever wish u were hee love u n dad loads x

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margaret buswell wrote

Nan, you've done quite a lot in heaven already celebrated your 80th birthday and first one with grandad for along time, you haven't had to grieve for grandad on the day he passed away cause you was with him but even though you haven't been with us for along time already we still all miss you and you use to say 'out of sight out of mind' that's defiantly not the case with you or grandad because you both manage to pop up in near or enough every conversation. Love you both and miss you both like crazy xxx

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jayne buswell posted a picture
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jayne buswell wrote

Mom happy 80th birthday to you today . i hope you are safe an happy up there with dad , i hope dads gave you a lovely first birthday in heaven . gxxod mom i miss you so much xxx

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jayne buswell lit a candle
raumond buswell lit a candle