How to even articulate the space I hold for you in my heart ❤️
My favourite person as a child and always available at the end of the phone as an adult.
I miss your unexpected but welcomed calls. The only person who ever called my landline in Epsom! I wish I’d kept the voicemail messages just to hear your voice again. “Only me darling, just calling for a chat” … God I’d love a chat right now. You’ve only just left us but I’ve not had a chat with my “Nan” for a few years now.
I’m so grateful I took that random weekday day off that time and surprised you with a visit. We went to bingo, of course, with a packed lunch. A little cheese sandwich, a couple of cherry tomatoes (specifically 3 each!) and packet of crisps. That was the last time I really saw “you” and if I’d known that at the time I’d have really paid attention and cherished each moment so I could recall everything about you, but I’m so thankful for that day. Just me and you 💞
I wish I remembered more from my childhood. I have a few memories from Cyprus. The time there was a gathering at our flat and I didn’t want to go to bed so you told me that if I laid quietly behind you on the sofa Mum would forget I was there. Your flat in Fisco Plaza where on your dressing table you had the little figurine of the gremlin sat on a rock (god knows why you liked that?!) you told me to rub it for good luck and make a wish, which was that you would take me to Disneyland one day as promised. Couldn’t imagine seeing you more out of place than at Disneyland now I think about it!! Driving around in your green Mazda, no seatbelts… those were the days.
You weren’t much for cooking but one time I stayed with you in Canvey and I watched you make ‘Urcha’ and wrote down the recipe. The irony being how fussy you were with food but loved a bit of liver! (IRONy - Liver … did you see what I did there 😏)
Hope there’s an endless supply of biscuits, chocolate and brandy up there. (No fags, you don’t smoke anymore remember 😉)
I love you so much. I’ll miss you forever. I hope you’re proud of me.
Give Nanna a hug from me.
Lots of love as always,
Your Granddaughter 🤍
Aimée xxx