Leonardo Scavetta (14 Dec 1936 - 12 Nov 2022)

Donate in memory of
LeonardoCancer Research UK

£75.00 + Gift Aid of £2.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Church of the Sacred Heart 99 Carlton Hill Nottingham NG4 1FP
6th Dec 2022
Open map

Carlton Cemetery Cavendish Road, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 3EF
6th Dec 2022


In loving memory of Leonardo 'Lenny' Scavetta who sadly passed away on 12th November 2022.

Leonardo (Lenny) Scavetta was born on the 14th of December 1936 in the small Southern Italian town of Accettura in the province of Matera, Basilicata. One of six children, Lenny would spend much of his childhood and teenage years helping his parents on their farmland, but by his early twenties he would join many young hopefuls who emigrated to England in the early 60's. The promise of work and a new start in Nottingham drew a great many young adults from Accettura, and within a few years the city would feel like home from home for Lenny, albeit with a challenging new language and culture to learn. It was in this environment he met his soul-mate Giuseppina (Josie), a beautiful young woman he had known from his Accettura school days. Their romance was the perfect mix of old world and new, as they both embraced brave new opportunities whilst still respecting their parentage and humble origins. Marrying his sweetheart on the 27th March 1965 they soon embraced the English way of life and had a beautiful mix of English and Italian friends from their old village life. By 1969 two would become four as Lenny and Josie had two young boys, Antonio and Giovanni, a family soon to be extended in later years by four grandchildren.

Lenny's working life in Nottingham began at the Beeston Foundry Company (known today as the Beeston Boiler Company) working long hours in the intensely hot cast-iron foundry. A heavy workload made all the more demanding by the long Sneinton to Beeston cycle journey he took twice daily on his trusty second-hand red bike. This strong work ethic was huge for the young couple, and within two years of getting married Lenny and Josie had already paid off the mortgage for their first house. Years later Lenny moved to Boots Plc where he initially worked as a forklift driver and for the remainder of his working life (after a bad ladder fall he had fully recovered from in the mid-80's) a valuable employer in Movement Control.

Although he loved his work and the capital it brought to support his family, his heart was always in his farming days and the love of humbly living off the land. An arable farm it wasn't, but many a meal in the Scavetta household was enriched with fruit and vegetables from his trusty allotment. This would remained a passion Lenny maintained from his earliest days in Nottingham right up until health in his final years made it untenable.

As my father he was always there for me and he will forever remain in our hearts. In his final years our bond only grew closer as I got to see the man not just the father, and it was an honour to care for him just has he had cared for me. Leonardo 'Lenny' Scavetta was a humble man as happy playing cards in the pub with his friends, as he was barrel pressing grapes for the wine on our table. His ill health and suffering is gone, and now dad is pain free. He is at peace. His sweetheart Giuseppina by his side.

RIP dad, till we meet again.

Love you always,
Giovanni Xx


In amorevole ricordo di Leonardo 'Lenny' Scavetta, tristemente scomparso il 12 novembre 2022.

Leonardo (Lenny) Scavetta è nato il 14 dicembre 1936 nella piccola città dell'Italia meridionale di Accettura, in provincia di Matera, in Basilicata. Uno di sei figli, Lenny avrebbe trascorso gran parte della sua infanzia e adolescenza aiutando i suoi genitori nei loro terreni agricoli, ma verso i vent'anni si sarebbe unito a molti giovani promettenti emigrati in Inghilterra all'inizio degli anni '60. La promessa di lavoro e un nuovo inizio a Nottingham attirarono moltissimi giovani adulti da Accettura, e nel giro di pochi anni la città si sarebbe sentita come una casa lontano da casa per Lenny, anche se con una nuova lingua e una cultura da imparare. Fu in questo ambiente che incontrò la sua anima gemella Giuseppina (Josie), una bellissima giovane donna che aveva conosciuto dai tempi della scuola di Accettura. La loro storia d'amore è stata il mix perfetto di vecchio mondo e nuovo, poiché entrambi hanno abbracciato nuove coraggiose opportunità pur rispettando i loro genitori e le loro umili origini. Sposando la sua dolce metà il 27 marzo 1965, hanno presto abbracciato lo stile di vita inglese e hanno avuto un bellissimo mix di amici inglesi e italiani della loro vecchia vita di villaggio. Nel 1969 due sarebbero diventati quattro poiché Lenny e Josie avevano due figli piccoli, Antonio e Giovanni, una famiglia che presto sarebbe stata ampliata negli anni successivi da quattro nipoti.

La vita lavorativa di Lenny a Nottingham è iniziata presso la Beeston Foundry Company (conosciuta oggi come Beeston Boiler Company) lavorando per lunghe ore nella fonderia di ghisa a caldo intenso. Un carico di lavoro pesante reso ancora più impegnativo dal lungo viaggio in bicicletta da Sneinton a Beeston che faceva due volte al giorno sulla sua fidata bici rossa di seconda mano. Questa forte etica del lavoro era enorme per la giovane coppia, e nel giro di due anni dal matrimonio Lenny e Josie avevano già estinto il mutuo per la loro prima casa. Anni dopo Lenny si è trasferito alla Boots Plc, dove inizialmente ha lavorato come carrellista e per il resto della sua vita lavorativa (dopo una brutta caduta dalla scala da cui si era completamente ripreso a metà degli anni '80) un prezioso datore di lavoro nel controllo del movimento. Sebbene amasse il suo lavoro e il capitale che portava per sostenere la sua famiglia, il suo cuore era sempre nei suoi giorni di contadino e nell'amore per vivere umilmente dei frutti della terra. Non era un podere seminativo, ma molti pasti in casa Scavetta erano arricchiti con la frutta e la verdura del suo fidato orto. Questa sarebbe rimasta una passione che Lenny mantenne dai suoi primi giorni a Nottingham fino a quando la salute nei suoi ultimi anni non la rese insostenibile.

Come mio padre è sempre stato lì per me e rimarrà per sempre nei nostri cuori. Nei suoi ultimi anni il nostro legame si è solo rafforzato quando ho potuto vedere l'uomo non solo il padre, ed è stato un onore prendersi cura di lui proprio come si era preso cura di me. Leonardo 'Lenny' Scavetta era un uomo umile tanto quanto si divertiva a giocare a carte al pub con gli amici, mentre pigiava in botte l'uva per il vino della nostra tavola. La sua cattiva salute e la sua sofferenza sono scomparse e ora papà è senza dolore. È in pace. La sua dolce Giuseppina al suo fianco.

RIP papà, finché non ci incontreremo di nuovo.

Ti amo sempre,
Giovanni Xx

Offline donation: Donato Onorati donated in memory of Leonardo
Offline donation: Edwina & Family donated in memory of Leonardo
Offline donation: Robert Laird (Junior?) donated in memory of Leonardo
Offline donation: Anna Rankin donated in memory of Leonardo
Offline donation: Mr. & Mrs Robert Laird donated in memory of Leonardo
Offline donation: Retiring collection from the funeral service donated in memory of Leonardo
Suzy Layton wrote

Dear Lenny,
It was an absolute honour to know you and I was so sad to hear of your passing, but I know that you are now pain free and back with your beloved Josie, whom I also I had the pleasure of knowing, albeit for a short time xx
The time you spent with us at Age Concern Carlton & District on evening outings (Derick still remarks on you and Josie having gravy with your fish and chips, but I was totally with you on that lol) and holidaying in Llandudno with The Mayfield group, will be treasured forever.
Personally, I loved the few times I spent with you at your house as you attempted to teach me 'Italian cards', which I don't think I ever got, but apparently won once!
Derick and I will be at your funeral and it will be an honour to say goodbye with your friends and family.
Your story is in our new book and I'm so sad that you won't be at the book launch next week, but I hope that you and Josie will be there in spirit.
Rest in eternal peace, Lenny,
With all our love,
Suzy and Derick xxx

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  • Hi Suzie, thank you so much for your lovely words and for coming to the service together with Derick. It really meant a lot and it was my honour to be there for the book launch on the 8th Dec. Mum and dad were definitely there in spirit and you guys truly made dad feel welcomed and encouraged every time he met either of you. I just spotted the poem in the book attributed to dad's life, it's so beautiful. If I'd had spotted it before the eulogy I'd have read it out! Once again, thank you so much for everything you did to make dad's time without mum more bearable and sociable, it's a beautiful thing you both do. Sending hugs to you both Xx

    Posted by Giovanni on 12/12/2022 Report abuse
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Suzy Layton lit a candle
Danielle Robinson lit a candle
Danielle Robinson wrote

Goodnight Lenny, I have such fond memories from growing up and coming to visit you and Josie with nonna and nonno.
RIP and God bless ❤️

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  • Thank you, cousin. Beautiful words and I too have fond memories of those visits. I often showed dad your Facebook posts and told him how well you were doing and how caring you are in your NHS profession. It always impressed him. Sending love to you and family, John x

    Posted by Giovanni on 1/12/2022 Report abuse
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Laura Jones lit a candle
Laura Jones donated £10 in memory of Leonardo
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Vicky Cole lit a candle
Vicky Cole wrote

R.I.p lenny such a lovely guy n such a pleasure know u over the years now with josie n free from pain 💖 will miss playing cards n beating u at it lol
Will miss you 4.4 love me and kids 💖

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  • Thank you Vicky, lovely words. Dad would always maintain the game wasn't over yet rather than admit if he was losing, but he was still an excellent card player. Thank you so much for the time, care, and encouragement you showed my dad x

    Posted by Giovanni on 27/11/2022 Report abuse
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Wendy Cole wrote

So sorry that you have left this world Lenny it was a pleasure knowing you I wish I could have got to know you more. already miss playing cards with you and talking to you. you are pain free and with your wife josie RIP xx

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  • Thank you Wendy for your lovely words. Yourself, Vicky, and Elise helped dad so much and I will never forget it x

    Posted by Giovanni on 27/11/2022 Report abuse
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Wendy Cole lit a candle
Edwina posted a picture
RIP Lenny 🐾🐾

RIP Lenny 🐾🐾

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  • Aww poor Buddha, yes he will miss his cheese treats when you always came over but am sure I can visit and keep the tradition going in honour of dad.. and Buddha of course! x

    Posted by Giovanni on 27/11/2022 Report abuse
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Edwina wrote

RIP Lenny
Another special friend is missing you and his daily visits for his slice of cheddar. Buddha 🐾🐾

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  • 🥲❤🧀 x

    Posted by Giovanni on 27/11/2022 Report abuse
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Giovanni Scavetta posted a picture
Leonardo loving life with his soul-mate Giuseppina, my beautiful mum. Together once more. RIP.

Leonardo loving life with his soul-mate Giuseppina, my beautiful mum. Together once more. RIP.

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Edwina lit a candle
Edwina Grice wrote

My dear friend Lenny
It was a privilege to take care of you for so long and to carry out the promise I made to Josie, when she asked me to take care of you it was a promise I made and carried out until your final hours..
We’ve spent many hours reminiscing over the times you,Josie and myself
shared together, so many happy times.
I know you are now reunited with the girl you loved your beloved Josie
May you RIP together.
Goodnight Lenny

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  • Dear Edwina, to put it bluntly because I can't find the words to express it adequately, you have been an absolute rock for my parents and I will never ever ever forget it. It's not just a promise to my mum you kept, you showed the exact same love and support for mum herself as her health became an issue. You were more than a friend, you were like family, and I know my parents will be proud of the way you have helped me too through these testing years. It has been a difficult time but they are both now at peace. Thank you more than you'll probably ever know, on behalf of myself, mum, and dad x

    Posted by Giovanni on 27/11/2022 Report abuse
  • John it was an honour to take care of them. As it is to be part of “dad’s arrangements” and to support you through such a difficult time.You have carried out your fathers request with such love and care. Well done John Mum and Dad would be proud of you. X

    Posted by Edwina on 1/12/2022 Report abuse
  • Thank you Edwina, that really means a lot. I got to know dad on an even deeper level in the last two years, and I got to know what dad would have wanted because dad told me. It gave me some peace. RIP dad, I love you.

    Posted by Giovanni on 3/12/2022 Report abuse
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Edwina Grice posted a picture
Day in my garden

Day in my garden

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  • Dad doing his one man Mexican wave x

    Posted by Giovanni on 27/11/2022 Report abuse
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Giovanni Scavetta wrote

It was an honour to be by your side in your final moments dad, as we tightly squeezed hands.. but now the pain has gone and it is mum by your side. Reunited once more. I love you dad x

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Giovanni Scavetta lit a candle
Luisa e Donato Labbate lit a candle