Brian Culcheth (3 Aug 1938 - 11 Sep 2022)

Donate in memory of

£790.00 + Gift Aid of £160.00
In partnership with

Donate in memory of
BrianSt Margaret's Somerset Hospice

£1,109.78 + Gift Aid of £212.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

St Dubricius Church High Street Porlock TA24 8QJ
27th Sep 2022
Open map

Porlock Recreation Ground Parson's Street Porlock TA24 8QJ
27th Sep 2022


*Please note, all are welcome at the service and the celebration afterwards. The celebration will be hosted at Porlock Recreation Ground; just a short walk from the Church. We have both the Pavilion and a marquee, where there will be drinks and cake [as Dad would have wanted!], as well as a bar. There is parking at the Rec for all guests, as well as a display area for Rally or otherwise Classic cars.

For those who can't attend in person, you can join remotely via a webcast, using the following link; please copy + paste this into your web browser, as Funeral Guide doesn't enable links;

IMPORTANT: as the day is to be a celebration of Dad's life, and at his specific request, we ask those who are able to attend, not to wear black, and instead, don some colour for the occasion.*

From Lucy & Oli:
Our wonderful, incredible, amazing Dad passed away at home on the morning of Sunday 11th September. Oli, Mum and I were with him, holding his hands, talking to him, and surrounding him with our love. He knew we were there, that he was safe and he quietly slipped away.

We were devastated when he was diagnosed with the brain tumour in June and we were fearful of what ‘a few short months’ meant. He was so brave and we talked openly and honestly about everything from the diagnosis, his funeral plans, what his ‘bucket list’ looked like and shared so many memories of our lives together.

In the weeks post-diagnosis right up until early September he remained committed to all his passions and interests; he walked every day, he carried on cycling (he cycled 20 miles on 11th August!), he read, he spent hours playing trains, he corresponded with friends, he ate lots of cake and ice cream, he attended a huge rally event at the British Motor Museum, he enjoyed lunches out, he spent time with friends and family, he enjoyed trips on the steam railway…

He didn’t stop, he lived life to the full, and right to the end.

His final wishes were that he wanted to be at home as long as possible, to be surrounded by family, and for the end to be as dignified as possible. Sadly ‘a few short months’ was just that but we are thankful that all his final wishes were granted.

Dad truly was an incredible man who bought so much joy and happiness to those lives he touched. He was so many things; kind, considerate, endlessly reliable, thoughtful, honest, funny, modest, and so much more. To quote him he ‘had the most amazing life and he LIVED it’.

He was genuinely interested in others and the world around him, he took time to listen and was an amazing judge of character. He was passionate about nature, cycling, and the two places most important to him; Porlock and Kilchoan in Scotland. He instilled those loves in us as children and we in turn have passed them on to our children. Gifts we will forever thank him for.

His family meant the world to him, he utterly adored his grandchildren and we’re so grateful they have all known him. He shared his passion for steam trains with his grandson Henry and they spent hours playing trains together, something which bought Dad huge happiness.

Along with mum, he gave Oli and I the most phenomenal grounding in life, he made us feel safe and loved, always. He supported us, guided us through challenges and joys, and was always there for us. He always told us how much he loved us and made sure we absolutely knew and felt that love.

We will miss him with all our hearts, and will love him deeply forever.

He truly valued his friendships and right to the end was so committed and enthusiastic about keeping in touch with his wide network. He was passionate about running Porlock Hardware for all those years, serving Exmoor and the village, he loved meeting rally fans at events and steam train enthusiasts at model railway meets.

He leaves a massive Brian-shaped gap in our lives and the lives of so many others but we are so thankful for his life, for all that he gave us and so proud that he was our Dad.

We will all carry his spirit with us, and he will live on in our hearts.

It’s now our job to honour this wonderful man and celebrate all that he gave to us as a family, his friends and so many people, locally, nationally, and internationally.

The funeral will be held in Porlock at St Dubricius Church, with a direct cremation, which is what Dad wanted, followed by a celebration somewhere in Porlock. We are still in the process of organising this and will share details as soon as we have finalised them.

We appreciate not everyone will be able to attend so we will supply a link nearer the time for a live video link to the service. After the funeral it should be available online for those to watch at a later date.

Everyone is welcome! If you can use the link on this page to confirm attendance we would be very grateful.

Dad will have a cardboard coffin which we will cover with pictures, photos and messages and make it brilliant! If you would like to share any photos or messages with us to include we would love that. Ideally could you please share them via the link on this site or email and put Brian as the subject.

He requested that people wear colour, not black, and for as little misery as possible! He had an amazing life, he lived it to the full, he didn’t waste a moment, he gave so much and we genuinely want to celebrate this special man.

We extend huge thanks to all those who have sent cards and kind wishes, it’s so lovely to read these and know how many live our wonderful Dad touched.

With warm wishes,

Lucy and Oli x

Malcolm & Madalene Warren Warren donated £30 in memory of Brian

We are happy to donate to St Margaret's Hospice for all the compassion these organisations show in times of family anxiety.

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Patricia Smith donated £17.87 in memory of Brian

I think I have already sent a message - I hope so - Brian was a lovely man.

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  • I thought I had sent a message but it has disappeared. I am an ex rally co-driver and met Brian on many occasions. A lovely man. You all did very well at the funeral - it was spot on. I was Pat Wright in 1970 when we both got our cars to Mexico. Ours was the Beauty Box, driven by Jean Denton and Liz Crellin. Brian worked so hard on that event - an example to us all.

    Posted by Patricia on 30/09/2022 Report abuse
  • Sorry about the funny amount of my donation - for some reason it came up in Euros! Pat Smith

    Posted by Patricia on 30/09/2022 Report abuse
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Angelica Klingenberg donated in memory of Brian
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Philip Cooper donated £100 in memory of Brian
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Philip Cooper donated £100 in memory of Brian

Oli Lucy and Sheila
I was unaware how ill Brian was until it was too late to say farewell. Sorry I didnt make the funeral however it was a good idea to transmit the service. Both Lucy and Oli did a fine job of saying goodbye love to all Phil Cooper

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Lorraine David.Jenkins lit a candle
Hayley Richards lit a candle
Michael Maskall wrote

Brian and his family were long term very close friends His love of railways and model railways was marvellous. His joy was driving in world wide car rallyes! Sara and I will sorely miss him as will his scores of friends. God bless Brian! Mike Maskall

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Ivor Sutton donated in memory of Brian

In memory of a lovely friend

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Family Tomlinson donated £40 in memory of Brian

In memory of a lovely man, with love

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Alanna & Mike Edward is attending the funeral and the reception
Michael Cullen donated in memory of Brian
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Catherine & Michael Fowler donated £50 in memory of Brian

Left foot braking, opposite lock, flying finish

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Logan Morrison donated £250 in memory of Brian

From Logan Val and all the family

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Tessa & Malcolm Price donated £100 in memory of Brian

Very sorry to hear the sad news of Brian's untimely passing. Our deepest sympathy to Sheila, Lucy, Oli and all the family. Much Love, Tessa & Malcolm

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Jane & Clive Cooper donated £30 in memory of Brian

Thinking of you, God Bless.

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Martin Elliott donated £50 in memory of Brian

From all the directors and staff of Home Hardware.

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Chris Harper donated £50 in memory of Brian

A true gentleman, who will be missed by very many of us.
RIP Brian

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Tash Hockin wrote

I feel very proud and privileged to say that Brian is my Godparent. He is so kind, loving and thoughtful. I have so many memories with both him and Sheila which I will cherish forever.

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Ray Hutton wrote

So sad that a man of such energy and enthusiasm has gone.
Brian was a great friend whose company I enjoyed for more than 50 years. He was kind, funny, practical and skillful, loved nature and loved life. There was no 'side' to Brian; what you saw is what you got: a thoroughly good bloke.
I am sorry that because of daily hospital appointments I can't be at Brian's final special stage but my deepest sympathy goes out to his lovely family - Shiela, Lucy and Oli and the grandchildren.

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Kingsley Beck posted a picture
A lovely picture of Brian, l am very privileged to have known him. My warmest wishes to all his family

A lovely picture of Brian, l am very privileged to have known him. My warmest wishes to all his family

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James and Ann Barattini donated in memory of Brian

For all that the Hospice does.

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James and Ann Barattini wrote

I knew Brian and Sheila vicariously for many years through our son Jonathan, who is a very close friend of Oli. When I eventually met Brian and Sheila in March this year, it was as though I had known them for ever. I instantly felt welcome at their home and, of course, I was soon invited to inspect the joys of Brian’s model railway. We soon learned that we both had railway interests, as I was involved some years ago with the development of the East Somerset Railway (not the West Somerset that passes through Porlock!) and I too used to be an avid collector of steam railway numbers, courtesy of the Ian Allan trainspotters books! But I was in awe of Brian’s ‘train set’ and of his knowledge of all things ‘railway’. Then, when I asked for guidance regarding a good day-walk from Porlock, I was sent up the hill behind the village where I enjoyed magnificent far-reaching views of Exmoor and of the coast line to the north, with Wales beyond. Clearly, Brian knew this landscape like the back of his hand. We met only briefly, but I will remember Brian warmly and his family dearly. May the day of celebration of his life be filled with much joy as he would have wished, as well as the natural sadness at his passing. And may his memory linger forever. Thank you Brian for enriching my life. J.

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Andy Harvey is attending the funeral and the reception
Paul Faulkner donated £40 in memory of Brian

In memory of a wonderful man

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Catherine & Michael Fowler donated £50 in memory of Brian

We will never forget the wonderful birdlife we saw at Otter's Holt. Then the Puffins that drew us back again. And the family of grouse that wandered noisily across the lawn while we were eating breakfast. The swallows nesting in the bird box on the front porch. The Shags on Seal Rock. The Golden Eagle (allegedly a Buzzard, but we'll take it as an Eagle). Thank you.

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David Mylchreest wrote

Dear Lucy, Oliver and your mum,
I was terribly sad to hear of your wonderful dad’s passing.
You obviously don’t know me but my name is on the TR7 pictured with him and his trains! I had the pleasure of first meeting him in about 1971 when I was an Austin Apprentice and he was invited to present the Awards at the Austin Apprentices Car Club, and had my photo taken with him as he presented me with the annual Rally champion award!
I then got to know him much better when he did the Manx Rally first in the works Dolomite and then TR7s. My dealership (BL) lent him cars for recceing in etc and gave what support we could. He always really appreciated anything we did.
My family and I got to know him very well over the years and entertained him, and the rest of the team in our home from time to time. He also did showroom talks for our customers; they were always very well attended and popular.
I last communicated with him when I bought his book - signed of course!
Not too long ago I sent him a copy of the 1971 photo, and he was amused and said we must do an up to date version of us both looking a bit older! Sadly that was not to happen.
With my most sincere condolences to you all.
David Mylchreest

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Jennifer Carrel donated in memory of Brian
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Tony Bagwell is attending the funeral and the reception
Caroline Listrr is attending the funeral and the reception